Chapter 15-16 Civil War Flashcards
Who came up with the compromise of 1850?
Henry Clay
What are the parts of the compromise of 1850 for the North?(2)
California admitted as a free states
Slave trade abolished in Washington D.C.
What are the parts of the compromise of 1850 for the South?(3)
New Mexico and Utah Territories organized under popular sovereignty
Federal government assumed Texa’s debt; Texas game up western land claims
A more effective Fugitive Slave Law
What is a nickname for the Fugitive Slave Law?
the man stealing act
When does William Lloyd Garrison want freedom of slaves?
What does Uncle Tom’s Cabin do?
split the North and South even more
Who introduced the Kansas Nebraska act?
Stephen Douglas
What did the Kansas Nebraska act allow?
popular sovereignty
Why is there a mass rush into the Kansas territory?
whichever group has more people will gain that state as either a free or a slave state
How did the two groups interact in Kansas?
through fighting
Who attacks in the Sack of Lawrence?
proslavery forces
Who did John Brown raid and where?
a few proslavery people on the Pottawatomiea Creek
Was Sumner proslavery or antislavery?
Was Brooks reelected and supported by South Carolina?
Who is Dred Scott, the slave, named after?
Winfield Scott
Did Dred Scott eventually gain freedom even after being denied freedom by the courts?
What did the supreme court make unconstitutional on the issue of slavery?
the missouri Comprimise
What political office were the Lincoln Douglas debates for?
What did John Brown predict?
slavery cannot be removed without blood shed
What is the main factor of Lincoln’s victory in the election?
the democratic party had two canidates
What was the first state to leave the union?
South Carolina
What is the purpose of the Crittenden Compromise?
to keep the union together
By the senatorial campaign of 1858 many Americans believed that the nations democratic institutions would provide what?
a lasting political solution to the issues associated with slavery
How successful was the Compromise of 1850?
it failed to come to grips with several important issues
The law passed in 1850 that generated emotional opposition in the North was the what?
new fugitive slave law
One warning in 1852 of a coming crisis was the what?
difficulty the political parties had in selecting their presidential nominees.
The federal legislation that pushed the national party system into crisis was the
Kansas Nebraska Act
In her letter to her sister, Florella Adair indicated what?
free-soil men faced being murdered by pro slavery ruffians
Nativist politics in the 1850’s were shaped by the
Know Nothings
With the election of 1856, the Republican party did what?
established themselves as a viable political party
In the Dred Scott decision chief Justice Roger Taney declared what about African Americans?
they were not citizens of the US and had no legal rights
The Dramatic event that helped further polarize the nation in 1859 was?
John Brown’s raid on the arsenal at Harpers Ferry
As the secession crisis began, Abraham Lincoln refused to do what?
consider any compromise that allowed the expansion of slavery.
What type of ship was the U.S.S Alabama?