Chapter 18 Westward Expansion Flashcards
What was the pony express?
A system for taking mail from Missouri to the west coast.
What killed the pony express?
What event did the Indian Wars begin with?
the Sand Creek Massacre
What event did the Indian wars end with?
the capture of Geronimo
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints originally settled where and moved to where?
Utah to California
The Cattle Kingdom of the American West was dependent on what?
the presence of unfenced range that provided free feed and open trails
Crucial to opening the Great Plains to large-scale agriculture was what?
new transportation and farming technologies
How did American agriculture change in the trading aspect?
a shift from local trading to international trading
Which US president symbolized the legendary American West?
Theodore Roosevelt
The book A Century of Dishonor by Helen Hunt Jackson did what?
sharply criticized the US government for failing to honor its treaties with the Indian tribes
The event that epitomized the fate of Native Americans occurred where?
Wounded Knee
What did Frederick Jackson Turner argue?
the moving western frontier shaped American democracy and the American character from the colonial era until 1890
Who was the leader of the Nez Perce who said “I will fight no more forever” when he surrendered?
Chief Joseph
What treaty recognized the Black Hills as part of the Great Sioux Reservation Medicine Lodge Treaty?
Treaty of Fort Laramie
What was the name of the lode of silver found along the Carson River in Nevada?
Comstock Lode
What happened at the Sand Creek Massacre?
a 700-man force ofColorado Territorymilitia attacked and destroyed a peaceful village ofCheyenneandArapaho.
What did the Ghost Dance predict?
a huge flood is going to come and kill all the white people and the land would be returned to the Natives
What did the homestead act do?
gave an applicant an ownership of land at minimal cost consisting of 160 acres as long as they improved the land
What were Hellorados?
ethically diverse towns in the west that were lawless
Who was one of the first cowboys?
Joseph G. McCoy
What is the name of Hispanic cowboys?
Who won at the Battle of Little Big Horn?
the Sioux
What was the name of the massacre in response to the Ghost Dance?
Wounded Knee
During the late 1800s, farmers supported free and unlimited coinage of silver mainly because they believed that it would lead to?:
higher prices for farm products.
According to the new view of the environment that was developing in the late 19c, nature existed to be what?:
tamed and conquered
Open-range ranching came to an end due to what?:
fencing of the plains with barbed wire.
After the Civil War, the West favored the issue of greenbacks because?:
inflation and cheap dollars would favor the farmers, who were in debt.
The purpose of the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 was to?:
weaken tribes, allot land to individual Indians, and promote assimilation.
Six states were created from the western territories in 1889 and 1890. These states were not admitted before 1889 because?:
Democrats in Congress were reluctant to create states out of territories that were heavily Republican.