Chapter 8 Terms Flashcards
Smallest unit of election districts and party administration
Temporary alliance of several groups to form a majority in order to gain control of the government
Person who defends the status quo against political, social, and economic institutions of society
Term that describes two-party cooperation
When a candidate receives the largest number of votes
An assembly of party representatives who nominate candidates for president and vice president
The dominant parties in the political landscape
major parties
Government system in which only one political party is allowed and a select few from the party rule the country
one-party system
Name the candidate for public office
A group that advances certain political goals and gains power by winning elections
political parties
Strong devotion to one’s political party
Formal statement of a party’s position on current issues, drafted at a party’s national convention
party platforms
The practice of giving government jobs to friends and supporters; also known as spoils system
Legislative district from which only one representative is chosen
single-member district
An election prior to the general election in which voters select candidates who will run on each party’s ticket
A primary election in which voters indicate their preferences for their party’s presidential candidate and elect state party delegates to represent their choice at the national convention
presidential primary
Smaller political parties, usually organized around a particular issue; also called third parties
minor parties
Organized effort by a political party or candidate to attract voter support in an election
political campaign
Group of individuals that share like opinions on a political issue or group of issues and that unite in some organization to influence government officials
interest groups
Voters who have no party affiliation
independent voters
Political philosophy that seeks through government action to change the political, economic, and social status quo and to encourage the development and well-being of the individual
Political party representatives to the party convention
An assembly of political party representatives at national, state, or country level for the purpose of establishing a platform, electing party and nominating candidates
This party has won most presidential elections, animal representative is the elephant
Republican National Committee (RNC)
Political system in which several parties compete for political office and majority support
multiparty system
Political system dominated by two major parties
two-party system
Units into which cities are often divided for city council elections and then further divided
Smaller political parties, usually organized around a particular issue; also called minor parties
third parties
The practice of giving government jobs to friends and supporters; also known as patronage
spoils system
A state run or regulated election for the purpose of selecting the party nominee for most local, state, and national offices
nominating primary
Voting for candidates of both parties for different offices
ticket splitting
Anti-Federalist party, became the Republican-Democratic Party which was the forerunner of this group
Democratic National Committee (DNC)