Chapter 15 Terms Flashcards
Act in which regulations for hiring federal employees are set down; abolished the spoils system
Pendleton Act
Civil servant dedicated to the details of administrative procedures
President’s policy making group over security and intelligence matters
National Security System
Act that limited the political activities of government employees
Hatch Act
Method used today to fill most government jobs
Merit system
Allowed citizens access to formerly closed door meetings by requiring federal agencies to hold well-announced public hearings
Sunshine Act
Administrative system in which agencies staffed largely by nonelected officials perform specific tasks in accordance with standard procedures
Person whose job it is to channel information, represent constituents, aid in administration, and communication planning, and service as the official spokesperson for the president
Press secretary
Last cabinet level position created
Department of Homeland Security
Civilian branch of the bureaucracy that carries out the administration tasks of government
Civil Service Commission
Offices of the Executive branch developed to assist the president in his constitutional duties
The act of committing or entrusting a task or power to another
Language of bureaucratic regulations, documents, and forms; wordy jargon
Federal bureaucracy
Forth branch
Bureaucratic paperwork
Red tape
Grants of money allocated by Congress to finance government programs
Members of groups whose needs are served by government agencies
Process of examining a government department’s compliance with the law and scrutinizing its budget
Bureaucratic mismanagement of money and time
Regulations drawn up by government bureaucracy that have the force of law
Administrative law
Advises the president on the issues of politics, policy, and management; selects key people on White House staff
Chief of staff
Bureaucracies operate according to clearly defined procedures; they have been on the positive and negative side
Standard operating procedures
Laws passed by the legislature; however such laws are often written in vague terms out of either a lack of information or fear of offending constituents
Statutory law