Chapter 1 Section Reviews Flashcards
Why is it not wrong for a Christian to be involved in even the “ugly business” of government?
Because Christian’s can set Godly examples in government. To stay out of government is to disobey God.
How can government be truly just?
By ruling in the fear of God
What is the only sure foundation for understanding government?
The Bible, The Old and New Testaments
How is the Trinity a prototype for human government?
The hierarchy of authority within the trinity provides a prototype for human authority.
How does man declare God’s glory uniquely?
Being like Him
What is the creation mandate?
God’s first command that gave mankind the dominion and rule over the earth and animals.
Why does human depravity demand government?
Without government to enforce rules, humanity would not exist due to our sinful nature
What is the ultimate obligation of government?
To reward righteousness and punish unrighteousness.
Can God use human rulers for His purposes even when they make wrong decisions?
Yes, if the Bible is our Authority
What criterion is the basis for distinguishing good from evil?
God’s words and His character.
Why should those in government not simply rely on an innate sense of goodness?
Because of human depravity
Why is God interested in how we respond to government?
He desires us to obey in an attitude of submission and recognizing the authority from God.
What is the result of living in submission to government?
We are submitting to God and his authority
Why should the Christian fear to disobey government?
We are disobeying God
How should a Christian determine whether to obey his government or not?
God’s law and Word goes first, if the government disobeys that then you are to disobey the government.
Why does failure to confront rulers with their obligations violate the Great Commission?
That there is a segment in society to which we have not declared that God has command all over men.
How do we know that God desires for Christians to be involved in government?
Not participating in government is a sin.
Why is it vital for the Christian to understand his government?
To be a contributing citizen
What motivates Christians to participate in their government?
In light of becoming not only a citizen in society but a citizen in heaven.
What is the Christian’s main concern for his rulers?
That he or she may rule in the fear of God and recognize His authority.
How can we tell that government is part of God’s plan for mankind?
God had specific purposes for Israel that are not exactly applicable for us today. God clearly reveals the necessity of government but not the form of government.
What happens when humans are left ungoverned?
Human society turns into anarchy and ultimately destroys itself.
What are obligations of a government?
To reward righteousness and punish unrighteousness.
Why should the Christian submit to imperfect human government?
To be obedient to God. To serve as an example for unbelievers and silence those that accuse Christians of unrulingness.
How does the Great Commission affect our relationship to government?
The Great Commission requires us to confront those that do wrong.