Chapter 8: Socioemotional Development in Early Childhood Flashcards
Initiative vs Guilt
Erikson’s 3rd stage
children move into wider social world, adventurous nature, lots of energy, discover who they are
child’s representation of self
moral development
involves thoughts, feelings, and behaviors surrounding rules and conventions
heteronomous morality
Piaget’s first stage of moral development
rules are unchangeable outside of human-control
autonomous morality
(10+) awareness that rules and laws are made by people and aren’t definite
immanent justice
if a rule is broken, punishment is immediate
internal regulation of right and wrong involving moral thought, feeling, and behavior
characteristics of people as male/female
gender identity
sense of being male/female/etc.
When is gender identity acquired?
by age 3
gender role
set of expectations that prescribes how a certain gender should act, feel, think
gender typing
acquisition of traditional masc or fem role
social role theory
gender differences result from contrasting gender roles
psychoanalytic theory of gender
Freud’s justification for wanting to fuck his mommy
social cognitive theory of gender
children’s gender development is through observation and imitation of gender behavior and rewards/punishments for gender-appropriate/inappropriate behavior
gender schema theory
gender typing emerges as children develop gender schemas
Diana Baumrind’s parenting styles include _______.
Authoritarian, authoritative, neglectful, and indulgent
Authoritarian parenting
restrictive, punitive style
parents exert strong authority over children
associated with children developing social incompetence
Authoritative parenting
parents demonstrate control/limitations and allow for freedom
verbal communication with kids
creates socially-competent kids
Neglectful parenting
parent is uninvolved
Indulgent parenting
paren gives in easily and doesn’t say no
Criticism of Baumrind’s styles includes _______.
parenting style is multifaceted, ignorant of cultural values, very broad
support from both parents in jointly raising their children
T or F
Abused children often become abusive parents.
T or F
Most sibling relationships do not involve a lot of conflict.
What values can siblings help one another develop?
learning, teaching, sharing, playing, conflict resolution, communication
What are the three ways parents try to resolve sibling conflicts?
1) intervention
2) threatening
3) nothing at all
T or F
Birth order is a good predictor for behavior.
False, there are a lot of factors that go into behavior and birth order is only one of them.
T or F
Children are more impacted by their father’s unemployment than their mother’s
T or F
Children with working moms show less gender stereotyping than children with moms who do not work.
T or F
Divorce always has a negative impact on children.
False, proper coparenting can resolve divorce-related issues
T or F
It’s better for parents to stay together than to divorce.
False, it depends on the circumstances.
What are the differences between having gay and straight parents?
There aren’t very many, but gay parents are better at coparenting.
T or F
Culture, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status impact children’s socioemotional development.
True, duh
What are some differences between low and high-SES parent-child relationships?
1) low: more concern with conformity, high: more concern with developing initiative and delay of gratification
2) low: parents have authority over children, high: children are equals
3) low: likely to use physical punishment, high: less likely to use it
4) low: directive, high: conversational
What is the purpose of play?
develop physical, socioemotional, and cognitive skills
sensorimotor play
pleasure derived from exercising existing schemas
practice play
repetition of new skills
pretense/symbolic play
child transforms physical environment into a symbol
social play
involves social interaction with peers
constructive play
combines sensorimotor, practice, and symbolic play
activities involving rules and often competition with others
T or F
Screentime has many negative effects on children, but it also has some positive ones.
T or F
Violent media is linked with aggression.
Excessive screentime is linked with _______.
lack of sleep, aggression, passiveness with learning, obesity, lack of cognitive development