Chapter 14: Socioemotional Development in Early Adulthood Flashcards
For adults, socioemotional development revolves around _______.
adaptively integrating emotional experiences into enjoyable relationships with others
T or F
Temperament at age 3-5 was linked to adjustment as an adult.
What factors make up an adult’s temperment?
- How they were raised
- Inhibition
3.Ability to control emotion
Attachment in romantic relationships is related to attachment in _______.
early attachment in relationships with parents
Secure attachment style
People who find it easy to get close to others and are not overly concerned with their romantic relationships
Avoidant attachment style
People who are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships and wikl distance themselves form partners
Anxious attachment style
People who demand closeness, are less trusting, more emotional, jealous, and possessive
Judgments made after just a _______ exposure time to unfamiliar faces were enough to form a first impression.
T or F
People associate attractiveness with intelligence.
Consensual validation
An explanation of why people are attracted to people who are similar to them. Our own attitudes and behaviors are validated by their similar behavior.
Matching hypothesis
Theory that although we prefer a more attractive person in the abstract, in the real world we end up choosing someone close to our own level of attractiveness
Romantic love
Passionate love/eros, romantic love has strong sexual and infatuation components and often predominates early in a love relationship
Affectionate love
Companionate love, an individual desires to have the other person near and has a deep caring affection for the other person
Consummate love
Involves Sternberg’s three dimensions of love:
1. Intimacy
2. Commitment
3. Passion
Relationship education
Programs for adolescents and emerging adults which focus on strengthening healthy relationships between partners
T or F
More adults are getting married.
False, more are staying single
What are the challenges for single adults?
Creating intimate relationships with others, finding a niche in society, loneliness
Which gender reports a higher desire for independence?
Living together in a sexual relationship without being married
The average age of marriage is _______.
The average duration of marriage in the USA is ___.
just over 9 years :(
Which gender is more happy in marriage?
T or F
Premarital education has a negative impact on marriages.
Benefits of good marriage
Longer lives, healthier lives
Divorce has become an _______ in the USA.
What are risk factors for divorce?
Young marriage, low education, low income, lack of religion, divorced parents, baby before marriage
What causes divorce?
Growing apart, arguments, unfaithfulness/adultery, lack of respect/appreciation, domestic violence
Which gender is more likely to sense issues in marriage and seek out divorce?
Which gender adjusts better post-divorce?
Which gender remarries more quickly?
Divorce rates in remarriages are _______.
Lesbian relationships place a high priority on _______.
equality in their relationships
Lesbian couples are _______ likely to raise children than gay couples
5x more
John Gottman
Studies married couples’ lives to analyze what makes a marriage work
Love maps
Gottman’s way for married couples to express a map of their lives and world and communicate their feelings better
What are some myths about becoming parents?
Having a baby will save a marriage, babies are extensions of parents and offer them a second chance, parenting is instinctual and requires no training
Trends in childbearing
Parents have children later in life and have fewer children overall
Hetherington’s six pathways after divorce
- enhancers
- good-enoughs
- seekers
- libertines
- competent loners
- defeated
Mostly females, bounce back after divorce and create something meaningful
The largest group, both strengths and weaknesses, next marriage usually isn’t better
Motivated to find new relationships asap
Spend more time single and hooking up for the first year and then decide to find a stable relationship after
Competent loners
Successful and single
Problems increase post-divorce
Rapport talk
Language of conversation; the way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships
Report talk
Designed to give information, like public speaking
Women’s development experts stress _______.
the importance of self-motivation
Men’s development experts stress _______.
the importance of health and healthy masculinity
Same-gender friendships are _______ common than cross-gender friendships.
Presence of masc and fem characteristics in one person
Individuals who adopt a gender identity that differs from the one assigned at birth