Chapter 7: Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood Flashcards
growth hormone deficiency
absence or deficiency of growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland to stimulate body growth
process by which nerve cells are covered and insulated with a layer of fat cells, speeding up the information traveling through the nervous system
T or F
Sleep problems can be a predictor for attention problems.
T or F
Children’s eating patterns are impacted by their caregivers.
What are some factors that can lead to illness and death in early childhood?
- child’s innate lack of fear and draw towards danger
- secondhand smoke
- socioeconomic factors
- obesity, nutrition
- abuse
preoperational stage
Piaget’s second stage
(2-7 yrs)
children represent the world with words, images, and drawings
symbolic thought goes beyond simple connections, stable concepts are formed, mental reasoning emerges, egocentrism
reversible mental actions that allow children to do mentally what they formerly did physically
symbolic functions stage
substage of preoperational stage, child is able to represent objects that are not present
inability to distinguish between own perspective and others
belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities
intuitive thought substage
second preoperational substage, primitive reasoning and questioning
focusing attention on one characteristic and excluding all others
awareness that altering appearance doesn’t change an object’s basic properties
zone of proximal development ZPD
tasks that require adult assistance
social constructivist approach
emphasizes social context of learning, knowledge is mutually built
executive attention
action planning, goals, progress, tasks
sustained attention
extended, focused attention on one thing
short- term memory
retained info for up to 30 seconds
executive function
higher-level cognitive processes, linked with prefrontal cortex development,management of thoughts to engage in goal-directed behaviors and self-control
theory of mind
awareness of own mental processes and mental processes of others
fast mapping
young children learn the connection between a word and what it means very quickly
child-centered kindergarten
focused on the whole child, including cognitive, socioemotional, and physical development as well as the child’s needs, interests, and learning style
Montessori approach
educational philosophy where children get freedom to choose more
developmentally appropriate practice DAP
focus on typical developmental patterns
Project Head Start
government-funded educational program designed to provide skills and experience to low-income children