Chapter 7 Grammar Flashcards
Expressing the performance of two actions simultaneously using 〜ながら DEFINITION + USAGE:
ます-stem + ながら describes an ACTION OCCURING SIMULTANEOUSLY with ANOTHER ACTION. The actions in the ながら clause and in the main clause must be performed by the same person.
コーヒーを飲みながら、話しましょう。Let’s talk over a cup of coffee. (or Let’s talk while drinking a cup of coffee.)
コーヒーを飲みながら = ながら clause = SECONDARY action
話しましょう = MAIN CLAUSE = MAIN action
I wash dishes while listening to music.
Stir well while pouring the sauce.
You shouldn’t watch TV while eating.
Fry the meat while adding wine.
A: こんな所で何してるの?
B: 田中さん、まってるんだ。
A: あ、そう。それで本、読んでるの?
B: うん。ちょっと早く着いたから、本、読みながら、まってるんだ。
A: What are you doing here?
B: Waiting for Mr. Tanaka.
A: Oh, I see. So, you’re reading a book?
B: Yes, I arrived a bit early, so I’m waiting while reading.
Expressing the idea of without doing 〜 using 〜ないで DEFINITION + USAGE:
The negative verb form で下さい, as in 見ないで下さい, was introduced in Chapter 1 in its use of indicating a negative request.
When this negative form is used alone, it means WITHOUT 〜ING.
野菜は洗わないで、ゆでてもいいです。It’s OK to boil the vegetables without washing them.
I deep-fried chicken without dipping it into flour.
I cooked rice without using a rice cooker.
There is no one who can become good at anything without practicing it.
A: おはしもナイフもフォークを使わないでご飯をたべるの?
B: うん、南インドでは、手で食べるんだ。
A: Do you eat your meals without using a knife, a fork, or chopsticks?
B: Yeah, we eat with our hands in southern India.
Expressing an OPEN or HYPOTHETICAL condition using the ば conditional form DEFINITION:
The ば conditional clause indicates that a condition necessary for the event or action in the main clause to take place. In this sense, it can be translated to IF or ONLY IF.
It can refer to a FUTURE CONDITION that has not yet happened or to a HYPOTHETICAL that can not be realized.
The negative form of the ば conditional is 〜なければ. All negative forms use 〜なければ, regardless of what part of speech they are.
ば conditional form CONJUGATION: る-verbs + IRREGULAR verbs
Replace る with れば
にる (to stew) ー>にれば (polite affirmative); になければ (polite negative)
する (to do) ー>すれば (polite affirmative); しなければ (polite negative)
ば conditional form CONJUGATION: う-verbs:
Same as potential form (change /u/ sound to /e/ and add る) except that ば is used INSTEAD OF る at the end of the phrase.
むす (to steam) ー> むせば (polite affirmative); むさなければ (polite negative)
やる (to do) ー> やれば (polite affirmative); やらなければ (polite negative)
ば conditional form CONJUGATION: い-adjectives:
Replace い with ければ.
こい (thick) ー> これけば (polite affirmative); こくなければ (polite negative)
いい (good) ー> よければ (polite affirmative); よくなくれば (polite negative)
ば conditional form CONJUGATION: な-adjectives and NOUNS:
Replace だ with なら(ば) or であれば. The ば in 〜なら(ば) is optional.
しずかだ (quiet) ー> しずかなら(ば)/しずかであれば (polite affirmative); しずかじゃなければ (polite negative)
材料だ (ingredient) ー> 材料なら(ば)/材料であれば (polite affirmative); 材料じゃなければ (polite negative)
Expressing an OPEN condition using the ば conditional form DEFINITION + USAGE:
If the ば conditional refers to an event that may or may not be realized in the future, it EXPRESSES THE CONDITION NECESSARY FOR THE EVENT IN THE MAIN CLAUSE TO BECOME TRUE.
この魚はあげれば、おいしくなるよ。This fish will be delicious if you deep-fry it.
Note that 〜ばいい can express SUGGESTIONS or the SPEAKER’S HOPE.
I think it will taste even better if you stew the potatoes and pork together.
You can make a delicious dressing if you mix miso, sugar, salad oil, and vinegar.
Lettuce that is beginning to wilt is tasty if you soak it in water for ten minutes then drain it well.
A: ボウルとなべはどう?
B: 分からないけど、アリスさんに聞けば分かると思うよ。
A: Where are the bowls and pots?
B: I don’t know, but you should be able to find out if you ask Alice.
A: ちょっと味がこいね。
B: じゃあ、水を足せばいいよ。
A: Oh, it’s seasoned too much (lit. Oh, this has a strong taste).
B: It’ll be fine if you add some water.
A: まだ野菜がかたいね。
B: 少しいためれば、やわらかくなるよ。
A: The vegetables are not cooked enough. (lit.: still hard)
B: They should get tender if you stir fry them a bit.
Expressing a HYPOTHETICAL condition using the ば conditional form DEFINITION + USAGE:
The condition in the ば clause may express a COUNTER-FACTUAL situation or a HYPOTHETICAL condition.
かにがあれば、もっとおいしかったはずです。It would have been better if we had some crab.
If there were some soybean paste, I would have made some miso soup.
I could have eaten that chicken if it weren’t so tough.
Expressing REGRET towards something the speaker WISHED THEY HAD DONE/HAD HAPPENED using the ば conditional form DEFINITION + USAGE:
〜ばよかった is used to express the speaker’s REGRET about something that the speaker WISHED he or she HAD DONE, or something that he or she WISHED HAD HAPPENED.
こしょうをかけすぎなければよかった。I wish I hadn’t put in so much pepper.
電話しておけばよかったんです。I wish I had called in advance.
I wish I had had a microwave oven.
I wish I had used mayonnaise.
Expressing WISHFUL THINKING towards something that DOES NOT/WILL NOT take place in REALITY using the ば conditional form DEFINITION + USAGE:
The expressions 〜ばいいのに/〜ばいいんだけど/〜ばいいんですが are often used when the speaker WISHES for something that DOES NOT or WILL NOT TAKE PLACE IN REALITY.
あの人まだいるの? 早く帰ればいいのに。Is that person still here? I wish he’d go home soon.
A: ケーキ作れる?
B: もちろん。でも、この家オーブンないんだ。オーブンがあればいいんだけど。
A: Can you bake a cake? (lit.: make)
B: Of course. but we have no oven here. I wish we had one.
A: 山田さん、今日は仕事でおそくなるから、来られないって。
B: そう、ざんねんね!来られればいいので。
A: Mr. Yamada says he can’t come today because he has to work late.
B: That’s too bad. I wish he could come.
ば conditional form NOTES: COLLOQUIAL FORM:
い-adjectives, NEGATIVE FORM, and る-verbs: Replace 〜れば with 〜りゃ
う-verbs: /-eba/ becomes /-ya/. (The dash indicates a consonant sound, such as /k-eba/ for /k-ya/.)
あたためる ば conditional forms: COLLOQUIAL:
あたためれば (polite affirmative) ー> あたためりゃ (colloquial affirmative)
あたためなければ (polite negative) ー> あたためなきゃ(colloquial negative)
むす ば conditional forms: COLLOQUIAL:
むせば (polite affirmative) ー>むしゃ (colloquial affirmative)
むさなければ (polite negative) ー> むさなきゃ (colloquial negative)
Expressing possibility and capability using the dictionary form of the verb + ことが出来る DEFINITION + USAGE:
DICTIONARY FORM of the verb + ことが出来る means “can” or “be able to do.”
It is similar to potential form, but it is usually MORE FORMAL and tends to be used to make OBJECTIVE STATEMENTS about whether doing something is possible or not (“IT IS POSSIBLE” vs. “I CAN DO”).
It is possible to make delicious sweets without using sugar or milk.
It is possible to deep-fry chicken with a frying pan.
You can reheat it in the oven.
A: 電子レンジでケーキを焼くことが出来ますか。
B: もちろん、出来ますよ。
A: Is it possible to bake a cake using a microwave oven?
B: Of course it is.
Using question word + でも 〜 affirmative form DEFINITION + USAGE:
Can ONLY be used in sentences ENDING IN an AFFIRMATIVE FORM.
Previously learned question word pairings:
- Question word + か = indefinite something, someone, etc.
- Question word + も + negative form = not 〜any
Chart to summarize phrases made with question words (か, も, でも):
Question words: 何, だれ, いつ, どこ
いつも in an affirmative sentence means ALWAYS
+ か 〜 affirmative:
– 何か (something); だれか (someone); いつか (sometime); どこか (somewhere)
+ も 〜 negative:
– 何も (nothing, not at all); だれも (no one); いつも (never); どこも (nowhere)
+ でも 〜 affirmative:
– 何でも (anything, whatever); だれでも (anybody, whoever); いつでも (anytime); どこでも (anywhere)
Particles for question word + も or でも:
The particles が and を are NOT USED with the question word + も or でも.
However, other particles such as に and と can be inserted between the question word and 〜も or でも.
仕事をいつからでも始められます。I can start the job anytime.
Kimura-san can eat anything.
A: だれをしょうたいしようか。
B: だれでもいいよ。
A: Whom shall we invite?
B: Anyone is fine.
A: いつがいいですか。
B: 明日ならいつでもいいです。
A: When should we go/do it?
B: Anytime tomorrow will be fine.
A: どこに行きましょうか。
B: おいしい店ならどこでもいいです。
A: Where shall we go?
B: Anywhere will be fine as long as it serves good food.
I didn’t meet anybody yesterday.
There is no pepper anywhere.
This sauce works with anything.
You can buy vegetable oil anywhere.