Chapter 4 Grammar Flashcards
Indirect INFORMATION question (when, what, where, etc.) DEFINITION + CONJUGATION:
In Japanese, an embedded information question ends with a PLAIN FORM followed by か. The only exceptions are noun + the copula verb だ and な-adjectives. In these cases, だ is deleted.
Thus, the formation of the construction is the same as かもしれません and でしょう.
Indirect questions can be followed by a range of main verbs, including 知っている、見る、聞く、分かる、かんがえる、おしえる、忘れる、きめる、and おぼえている.
どの銀行がいいですか。Which bank is a good one? ー> どの銀行がいいか聞きました。I asked which bank is a good one.
小包 (こづつみ) がいつとどきますか? When will the package arrive? ー> 小包がいつとどくか知りません。I don’t know when the package is arriving. (will arrive)
Please tell me where the address is. (what the address is)
I forgot where I met that person.
Do you remember how much money you borrowed?
Do you know when the English exam will be?
Do you know which part I should study?
Indirect INFORMATION question (when, what, where, etc.) NOTES:
The subject of the question clause is often, but not always, marked by が, when it refers to something or someone other than the speaker. This makes it clear that the subject of the question is different than the speaker.
教室がどこか知りません。I don’t know where the classroom is.
Indirect YES-NO question, whether or not 〜; if〜 DEFINITION + CONJUGATION:
In order to embed a yes-no question, use かどうか instead of か.
銀行からお金をかりますか。Should I borrow money from the bank? ー> 銀行からお金をかりるかどうかまだ決めていません。I have not decided whether I will borrow money from the bank.
Please tell me whether I should exchange dollars for yen now.
Do you know if I need my passport when I open a regular bank account in the US?
〜ていく is used when the direction is AWAY FROM the current location of the SPEAKER. It can be used when the speaker does something and LEAVES HIS/HER CURRENT LOCATION, as in the following example:
朝ごはんを食べて行きましょう。Let’s eat breakfast before we go (lit.: Let’s eat breakfast and go/leave)
Additionally, 〜ていく is used when the speaker does something in a direction away from where he/she starts.
銀行にうんてんめんきょしょうを持っていきました。I took my driver’s license to the bank.
Verbs that take place in the direction away from where the speaker is (持つ、乗る、つれる)express TAKING SOMETHING TO.
I will do my homework before I go.
Let’s take a little break here before we go.
I will memorize the vocabulary before I go.
I will go to the post office by car.
I took my child to school.
Can you put this postcard into a mailbox on your way (to your office)?
The て-form of verbs + くる is the exact opposite of the て-form of verbs + いく. While the use of いく implies a direction away from the current location of the speaker, くる indicates a movement TOWARD the location of the SPEAKER.
I bought some envelopes before I came (here). (lit.: I bought some envelopes and came.)
Have you written a composition before coming (here)?
Have you checked the vocabulary meaning before coming (to class)?
Did you practice speaking before coming (to class)?
Please have your seal made and bring it.
Please bring your student ID.
My friend before coming (over).
I brought my brother here.
Did you bring your grammar homework?
〜ていく + 〜てくる NOTES - Connotation:
The verbs いく and くる do not necessarily correspond to the English “to come” and “to go.” The speaker’s position is considered the center point.
いく is used when the speaker or someone or something else MOVES AWAY from the speaker’s current position and くる is used when describing a movement TOWARDS the speaker’s current position.
Therefore, て-form + いく indicates an action or event which moves AWAY the speaker’s current location while て-form + くる indicates an action or event which moves TOWARDS the speaker’s position.
〜ていく + 〜てくる NOTES - Usually written in:
When verbs like いく and くる are used as auxiliary verbs, they are USUALLY written in HIRAGANA. However, て-form + いく/くる retains the verb’s original verb meanings, so KANJI CAN be used.
〜ていく NOTES - Casual Speech:
In casual speech, the sound い in 〜ていく may be dropped.
ごはん、作ってくよ。I will cook a meal and go.
Take (it) to Mr. Yamada.
How about eating supper before leaving?
〜 てもらう and 〜ていただく DEFINITION + CONJUGATION:
て-form of verbs + もらう/いただく(to receive) + たい (want) = express SPEAKER’S DESIRE TO HAVE SOMEONE DO SOMETHING.
いただく= polite version of もらう = HONORIFIC SPEECH
〜と思います = less direct but more polite expression while the speaker’s intention is still very clear.
〜んです can be used to INTRODUCE A TOPIC as shown throughout this text.
その本をかえしてもらいたいと思います。I would like to have my book back.
その本かえしてもらいたいんだけど、いい?I would like to have my book back, OK?
POTENTIAL FORM of もらう/いただく + forms such as ませんか = make a request
I want you to deliver this package.
I want you to recommend my younger brother.
I would like you to lend me some money.
I would like you to open a regular bank account (for me).
I would like to know your address.
I would like to know your address . . .
Can I have my book back? (lit.: Can I receive the favor of getting my book back?)
Could you tell me the address? (lit.: Could I receive the favor of being taught your address?)
I don’t know how to write this kanji, so can you write it for me?
Excuse me, could you take a picture of us?
〜 てもらう and 〜ていただく NOTES: Potential form VS request + levels of politeness:
If the potential form is used with the main verb, the speaker is simply asking the listener whether he/she is capable of doing something. Therefore, it does not indicate a request.
The level of politeness between 〜てくれませんか and 〜てもらえませんか is roughly the same. Similarly, 〜てくださいませんか and 〜ていただけませんか have a similar level of politeness.
The choice between くれる and もらえる or くださる and いただく tends to depend on personal preferences, regional differences, stylistic variations, and generation.
Expressing a desire to have someone do something, using 〜てほしい DEFINITION + CONJUGATION:
て-form + ほしい expresses the SPEAKER’S DESIRE TO HAVE SOMEONE DO SOMETHING. However, this form cannot be used for superiors. use 〜ていただきたい instead.
To express a desire to have someone NOT do something, use 〜ほしくない、〜もらいたくない、or 〜ないでほしい。
I’d like you to hold this luggage, is that OK?
I’d like you to bring the report, is that OK?
I don’t want you to use this postcard.
I don’t want you to use this postcard. (lit.: I want you to not use this postcard.)
I don’t want you to use this postcard. (lit.: I don’t want to have you use this postcard.)
Expressing a desire to have someone do something, using 〜てほしい NOTES: To express a desire for someone other than the listener:
To express a desire for a specific person other than the listener to do something, use the particle に.
山田さんに、行ってほしい。I want Mr. Yamada to go.
I want Mr. Yamada to go. (lit.: I want to have Mr. Yamada go.”
I want Mr. Yamada to go. (lit.: I want Mr. Yamada to do me the favor of going.)
Expressing willingness using 〜ましょう/〜ましょうか DEFINITION + CONJUGATION:
While 〜ましょう/〜ましょうか are used to make suggestions, they can also be used to express the speaker’s WILLINGNESS TO DO SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE ELSE.
In casual speech, plain forms of the volitional 〜ましょう can be used. Add 私が/ぼくが to emphasize the speaker’s WILLINGNESS to do something.
Shall I deliver the luggage?
What shall I send to my grandmother?
I will return it.
I’ll go to the bank and withdraw the money.
Shall I close the window?
It looks tough (too much for you). I will help you.
Shall I go borrow an umbrella?
〜ましょう/〜ましょうか NOTES: How to explicitly offer help:
To explicitly offer help, rather than simply show willingness to do something, use て-form of the verb + あげましょう (か)/ あげよう (か). The auxiliary verb forms あげる and あげましょう/あげよう indicate that the speaker is doing a favor for the listener.
This form is NOT HONORIFIC SPEECH, because offering a favor to a superior sounds arrogant in Japanese.
あ、ぺんを忘れちゃった?じゃあ、ぼくのをかうぃてあげっようか。Oh, you forgot your pen? I can lend you mine.
Expressing time limits using までに (by 〜, by the time 〜) DEFINITION + CONJUGATION:
The particle までに specifies a TIME LIMIT within which an action or event MUST BE COMPLETED. If までに is used, the action in the main clause must be completed.
までに can be used with a clause that ends with the PLAIN PRESENT FORM.
Differences between までに and 前に (before): INDICATION
While 前に merely indicates CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE, までに indicates a TIME LIMIT OR DEADLINE by which something must be completed. For this reason, までに often occurs with phrases such as なければならない (must).
日本に留学する前に、100万円ためなければならない。I must save one million yen before going to Japan (no definitive deadline)
日本に留学までに、100万円ためなければならない。( must save one million yen before going to Japan (definitive deadline; serious inclination to save up money before that date)
Differences between まで (until) and までに:
First, まで can be used with TIME expressions and SPACE expressions but まで(ni) can be used ONLY with TIME expressions.
Second, まで indicates that the action or event must continue UNTIL the specified time while までに indicates that the action or event must be completed BY the specified time.
四時までまちました。I waited until four o’clock.
明日の昼まえにかえして下さい。Please return it by noon tomorrow.
I must pay my tuition by tomorrow.
Please turn in your composition by 12 o’clock.
I want to lose 10 kilograms (22lb) by my next birthday.
I must write a paper by the end of the summer break.
How long will it take for the package to arrive?
I want to pass N1 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test by the time I graduate.
I will wait at home until the new TV arrives.
Let’s clean up the room before the new TV arrives.