Chapter 7- Cell Structure and Function Flashcards
Who created the first microscope?
Robert Hooke
Why did Robert Hooke name cells cells
Because they reminded him of the rooms monks stayed in called cells
Who came up with a better microscope than Hooke and used it to discover little organisms
Century that was the beginning of modern science
What are the three components of the cell theory?
- All living things are composed of cells.
- Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things.
- New cells are produced from existing cells
All cells have these four systems
Active transport
What does the active transport system do in a cell?
It’s what goes out and brings things into the cell
What is the maximum magnification of a light microscope and what does that allow u to see
Bacteria but not viruses
When we’re electron microscopes created
Explain electron microscopes
What can u see
The allow us to see structure and anatomy but not physiology (how they function) because in order to look at something the electrons kill it.
A stream of electrons produce a shadow image and allow us to see viruses and some molecules
Two types of electron microscopes
Scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and transmission electron microscopes (TEM)
What do scanning tunneling microscopes allow us to see
All molecules
Two big groups of cells
Prokaryotes and eukaryotes
What are prokaryotes
Cells without a nucleus. Their dna is spread out in their cytoplasm. Most bacteria is this
Cells that have a nucleus. Includes all multicellular organisms
A structure with a function within a cell “little organs”
99%of cells I’m out body are..
Cell wall
A waterproof protein that helps maintain homeostasis
What kind of cell has a cell wall
Why are plant cells producers
Bc they have chloroplasts which produce food by photosynthesis
What is the nuclear membrane/envelope
The outside layer of the nucleus. Has nuclear pores that let things in and out of the nucleus.dna is here
Where are ribosomes made
On the nucleolus
Location of protein synthesis
What dissolves when the cel goes into reproduction
Nuclear membrane
What is cytoplasm
Everything in the membrane not including the nucleus
What does the endoplasmic reticulum do
Takes and distributes ribosomes
Where are proteins assembled (protein synthesis occurs)
Inside ribosomes
What is the endoplasmic reticulum
Membranes folded into each other that become pathways for the proteins to move
Two types of endoplasmic reticulum
Smooth ER
Rough ER
Why is rough er rough
Bc ribosomes are on the surface and make it bumpy
What does smooth ER do
It helps to construct lipid based molecules that are used to make all membranes in a cell. Also where cells can get rid of pollutants and toxins
What is it called when the liver gets replaced by fatty and scar tissue to combat the need of cells that the alcohol killed in the liver
What does the Golgi apparatus do
Modifies, sorts, and packages proteins
What do lysosomes do
Break invaders, poison, and waste products down chemically
What are vacuoles used for
They’re chambers used for storage in the cell
The powerhouse of the cell and why
Mitochondria bc that’s where the cell is able to gather energy
What are chloroplasts
Found only in plant cells. Have chlorophyll where photosynthesis occurs. Take solar energy and uses it to hook molecules together and form sugars
What do cytoskeleton do and what cells are they found in
Eukaryotic cells, look like straws that give shape and structure to the cellade of microfilaments and microtubules
When particles move from a high concentration to a low concentration
Diffusion across a membrane all cells depend on it to bring moisture into them
Three things all cells have in common
Cell membranes
Cells that need more energy have more _____________
What do flagella do
Help cells move
What are lipids and the two types of them
Groups of chemicals containing fats and oils
Phospholipids and glycolipids
What are cell walls made of
Sugar plants make called cellulose
Diffusion requires no
What is equilibrium
When the concentration of the solute is the same throughout the system
What is facilitated diffusion
Allows certain things to diffuse across the membrane with the help of proteins
When a cell shrinks to match the concentration
What are white blood cells and the two groups
Two groups: granulocytes which injest bacterial infections, lymphocytes which attack viruses
What does endemic mean
Very common
What are the lvls of organization in a multicellular organism
Individual cells- tissues-organs-organ systems