Chapter 19- Bacteria And Viruses Flashcards
What kind of cells are bacteria?
Prokaryotes, cells without nuclei. The dna floats in their cytoplasm.
What is the group that all bacteria is a part of
Kingdom Monera
What are the two groups bacteria can now be divided into
Eubacteria and archaebacteria
What is the extra layer of protection bacteria have
They have a cell membrane AND a cell wall which isn’t the same as a plant cell wall but provides an extra layer of protection
A layer of fat between the cell wall and the cell membrane only eubacteria have
When microbiologists grow bacteria they separate it into two groups which are
Gram + and gram -
What are the three main types of bacteria
Coccus, bacilli, and spirilla
Bacteria is classified on whether or not
They need oxygen or not
Obligate aerobes
Species of bacteria that needs oxygen to survive
Ie: TB
Obligate anaerobes
Bacteria that grows in the absence of oxygen bc oxygen kills it
Facultative anaerobes
Can survive oxygen but grow without it
Get energy from two sources (humans)
Get energy from two sources. Something that Thales light in and carbon from other suppliers (ex: Venus fly trap)
Get energy from only sun
Get only energy from chemical processes (like bacteria in ocean vents)
Binary fission
The way by which bacteria reproduce. Doesn’t involve an exchange of genetic info. Asexual form of reproduction. It’s very simple and produces two daughter cells
Binary fission
The way by which bacteria reproduce. Doesn’t involve the exchange of any genetic information. Asexual form of reproduction. It’s very simple and results in two daughter cells
When two bacteria of the same species form a bridge and share genetic information. This creates genetic variability
Human uses for bacteria
Cheese, yogurt, pickled food, bacteria called eschurchia coli. That helps us digest food
Why is nitrogen essential to plants
They need it to make amino acid
Nitrogen fixation
The process of converting nitrogen gas into a form plants use
Nitrogen fixers
Bacteria in modules of legumes called Rhizobium they put nitrogen in the soil
Are a technique of reinoculating intestines with bacteria great for using with antibiotics
Lytic infection
DNA is injected by bacteriophage and the DNA reproduces to create lots of bacteriophage then the cell bursts and releases them
Lysogenic infectoon
DNA/RNA insert itself into regular DNA and it goes through many reproductive cycles them it goes into the lytic cycle many generations later
The viral DNA that is embedded in the hosts DNA
Family of virus that instead of injecting DNA they inject RNA. This RNA is an inside out copy of DNA. (Almost impossible to make vaccines for)
Something that causes a disease. Most of the bacteria in us is not pathogenic
Two ways bacteria damage cells and produce disease
- Direct damage
2. Producing poisons to damage them
A controlled virus ( weakened or killed pathogens) Sometimes they are steam killed so when it’s injected the patient won’t get sick. They don’t destroy the proteins in the vaccines so the body can create a defense against the foreign proteins. Some are attenuate which means a lot of bacteria that are grown to be weak
No bacteria or viruses they are protein molecules. When your DNA normally make proteins they are right handed spirals or deoxyrotory. However prions are left handed and leuorototory. If you ingest these your body puts them into cells and they don’t function normally