Chapter 39- The Reproductive System Flashcards
Sagital cut
Cut down middle view
Thin skinned membrane that covers both testes.
Why are the testes outside body
Bc sperm can’t develop inside the body bc it’s too warm, it’s about two degrees cooler outside
There are two of them where the mature sperm are stored they are stored her about 3-4 days before they die and are absorbed into the blood stream
Vas deferrins
The two pathways that come off the back of each teste to the abdominal canvity over top of the bladder and down behind it
Seminal vesicles
Glands that add fluid to moving sperm, path continues to prostate
Gland that adds fluid to moving sperm
Cowper’s gland
Releases mucus ahead of the sperm to rinse out the rest of the path when sperm arrive. It rinses our pee which is acidic which makes it more hospitable for sperm
Prostate cancer
Major killer to men bc the symptoms are what every old man experiences. The glands swell which prevent u from peeing right, check during colonoscopy
Blood surges into sponge fills with blood penis expands. Only time there’s movement without muscles
The process of releasing sperm. Lasts 2-3 seconds. Sperm is produced but muscular rings around urethra and vas deferrins
How many sperm in avg ejaculate
200 million
Composition of semen
60% from seminal vesicles
Vitamins c
Fructose to give sperm energy
Mostly mucus
What gland produced most of fluid
Sperms pH
Alkaline, when the pH 7-8 mucus interacts with the speed they become active and can swim. The semen is ejaculated into the back of the vagina bc it changes the vaginas 5-6 ph to 7-8 in back
The creation of sperm
Helmet protects the sperms nucleus
Where the mitochondria are. They provide energy by adp to atp conversion. They move fibers which make the tail (flagella) whip
Float on surface of ovary that move the egg to the Fallopian tube (hairs)
Fallopian tube
Has cilia that move the egg along. Liquid from the abdomen also goes through it
Where sperm meets egg
Smaller than ur fist
Lined with smooth muscle
The fertilized egg comes down from the Fallopian tubes to here. The walls are a half inch think when not pregnant
Opening at bottom of uterus to vagina
Web like layer of tissue near opening of vagina
3 folds that protect opening of vagina
Small structure that fills with blood like the penis does
Changes in males after puberty
Increase in testosterone results in fat dissolving and miss mass increasing. Vocal cords stretch and cause voice cracks. Hair growth in pits groin and face. Wet dreams only when testes first are turning on
Women puberty
Get curvy bc we build fat stores from estrogen, acillary and pubic hair growth. 2-3 process of breast growth
Menstral cycles 3 parts
- Menses
- Prolifrative stage (6-14)
- Progesterone levels rise and peak day 24
Day 1-5. The blood lining is shed bc the membrane that holds the blood lining of the uterus together dissolves
Blister cell that starts filling with fluid. Contains an egg in the middle. The follicle moves to the outside of the ovary and bursts releasing the liquid and the egg with 1/2 of the chromosomes
FSH- hormone that helps to grow the follicle
LH- hormone that help the membrane form around the egg
These both work together to form the egg
Prolifrative stage
Day 6-14, the blood lining builds back up caused by the rising of estrogen. Day 14 is ovulation when the egg leaves the ovary.
What makes menses begins again and peaks of day 24 of the menstral cycle
Progesterone levels
The egg and the other supporting cells around it (blood vessels, placenta, and the umbilical cord grow from this). These form when the fertilized egg arrive and implant in the uterin wall
Human chorionic gonadotrophin , hormone that is released into the blood stream and the urine after the placenta begins to grow. It shows up in urine pregnancy tests 7-10 days after a missed period (2 weeks after conception). In blood tests it will show up the third day after a missed period.
Human chorionic Gonadotrophin
Birth control
Prevents ovulation
When ovulation occurs there’s a
Slight temp spike
When conception occurs the haploid gamete cells turns into this
The zygote is considered this when it arrives in the uterus and has been there for ten weeks
Two types of twins
Maternal twins
Involves one sperm and one egg. When the egg is dividing it splits off forming two identical twins.
4-8-to two 8 that then keep dividing
Paternal twins
If two follicles mature and one sperm fertilize each
Braxton Hicks contractions
Two weeks prior to delivery women get these as hormone levels build in the uterus. Oxytocin from the hypothalamus trigger them. You know they’re Braxton Hicks contractions instead of the actual ones bc they don’t build in intensity and aren’t regular in terms of minutes
Cervical dilation
Cervix starts to dilate at about 8 months
1-2 cm dilated for the last week of pregnancy for the first baby and 3-4 cm for the second
Breach baby
When then baby is butt down instead of head down during labor
Stages of labor
Dialation stage
1-10 cm. Contractions begin last for one minute and are 3-6 minutes apart.when the cervix is 10 cm dismayed they are 3 mins long with only a one minute break. With the first baby this stage can last 6-10 hours
Amniotic fluid
In thin sac (amniotic sac) that holds the baby it’s cloudy b it has the baby’s dead skin cells in it. After the water breaks the baby must be delivered by 24 hours or else infection. If it’s longer doctors do c section
When the water breaks what increases
Contractions due to the release of oxytocin
Man made oxytocin that is given to increase contractions to speed up delivery
Doctor cuts opening of vagina if they think it’s going to tear so it’s easier to suture
The afterbirth
Placenta pulls away from uterine wall (fetomaternal bleed) mom delivers it 15 mins later
Apgar score
Nurse quietly takes this test to see if the baby is ok. The first 10-15 mins the baby’s organs are turning on
Waste product of hemoglobin. There is 0.1-0.3 mg per Decaliter in the blood stream rn. A baby’s bilirubin will rise bc the liver isn’t working yet.
At ____ mg per dl the baby will _____
15, jaundice(turn orange)