Chapter 6 Quiz: Immune and Lymphatic systems Flashcards
bacteria that forms chain. Many species are harmles but also include strep, meningitis, nec fas, endocarditis.
West Nile Virus
spread through bite of an infected mosquito. Causes flu like symptoms that can spread to brain and spinal cord.
Vermiform Appendix
hangs from lower portion of the cecum (large intestine). Plays important role in the immune system.
new cancer site that results from the spreading process.
surgical removal of the entire breast, and removal of axillary lymph nodes under the adjacent arm.
malignant tumor that arises from connective tissues. Hard tissue - bone and cartilage, soft tissue - muscle, fat, fibrous tissue, blood, lymph. not glandular.
Adjuvant therapy
used after primary cancer treatments have been completed to decease the chance of cancer recurring.
chickenpox, highly contagious. Characterized by fever and rash with fluid filled blisters.
also known as antibodies, 5 major types that are secreted by plasma cells.
severe systemic allergic reaction can be deadly.
carcinoma in situ
malignant tumor in original position that has not disturbed surrounding tissue.
malignant tumor in epithelial tissues. Tend to produce metastases.
process by which cancer spreads. through circulatory or lymph system.
Crohn’s disease
autoimmune disease affects the digestive system.
Graves’ disease
autoimmune disease affects endocrine system - thyroid.
lupus erythematosus
autoimmune disease affects integumentary system
multiple sclerosis
autoimmune disease affects the nervous system - brain and spinal cord
rheumatoid arthritis
autoimmune disease affects the skeletal system - joints and connective tissue
substance that the body regards as foreign and includes viruses, bacteria, toxins and transplanted tissues.
T cells
originate and mature in thymus, produce interferon in response to antigens. Role in cell-mediated immunity.
bacteria that lives in lice, fleas, ticks and mites. Ie. Rocky mountain spotted fever
lymph node dissection
surgical procedure in which all lymph nodes in a major group are removed to slow spread of cancer.
use of natural or synthetic substances that reduce risk of cancer recurring.
blood borne infection in which Tcells become damaged and weakens the immune system . AIDS is the most advanced and fatal stage of HIV.
Intact skin
wraps body in a physical barrier to prevent invading organisms from entering the body.
swelling cause by abnormal accumulation of lymph within the tissues.
antigen/substance capable of inducing allergic reaction
hypersensitivity or overreaction by the body to a specific antigen
any substance the body regards as foreign
disease fighting protein created by immune system in response to specific antigen
signal between cells of the immune system
western blot
blood test used to confirm HIV diagnosis.
ductal carcinoma in situ
breast cancer in earliest stage before cancer has broken through wall of milk duct
general term for malignancies affecting lymphoid tissue
Kaposi’s sarcoma
opportunistic infection that is frequently associated with HIV
rod shaped, spore forming bacteria
spiral bacteria with flexible walls capable of movement
bacteria that form irregular clusters
bacteria that form chains