Chapter 2 Quiz: Health and Disease Flashcards
postmortem examination
abdominal cavity
contains organs of the digestive system
genetic mutation
change of DNA sequence due to radiation or environmental pollution
belly button or navel
somatic cell mutation
change within the cells of the body. Can affect the individual but cannot be transmitted to the next generation
dominant gene
inherited from either parent, freckles are dominant gene
lower part of the body
urinary system
filters blood to remove waste while maintaining the electrolyte and fluid balance within the body
sagittal place
vertical place that divides the body into unequal left and right portions
group of specialized epithelial cells that can produce secretions
means toward the side
means situated in the back. opposite of anterior
study of the functions of the body
right and left hypochondriac regions
body region covered by the lower ribs
endocrine gland
produce hormones, do not have ducts. Hormones are secreted directly into the bloodstream and transported to organs and various structures throughout the body
transverse plane
divides the body into superior and inferior portions
study of the formation, structure and function of cells
packaged into a chromosome as two spiraling strands that twist together to form double helix. Located on pairs of chromosomes in the nucleus of each cell. DNA contains thousands of genes that provide information for various traits, physical appearance.
surgical removal of a gland
term used to describe the congenital absence of a normal body opening or tubular opening
genetic structure located within the nucleus of each cell. chromosomes are made up of DNA. Packaging genetic information into chromosomes helps to keep genetic information organized and compact. Contains nearly 100,000 genes.
anatomic position
standing straight so body is erect, arms at side with palms facing forward
change in the structure of cells and in their orientation to each other. abnormal cell development is characteristic of tumor formation in cancers
defective development or congenital absence of an organ or tissue
abnormal tissue development or growth of cells, tissues or organs
enlargement due to an increase in the number of cells
incomplete development of an organ or tissue due to the deficiency in the number of cells
benign tumor formed from glandular tissue
sex cell. each containing 23 single chromosomes. When combined they form 46 single chromosomes for all somatic cells
distal v. proxomial
distal is further from the body midline. Proximal is nearest to the midline
abnormal increase in the volume of tissue or organ caused by the formation and growth of new normal cells.
deviation from what is regarded as normal
nosocomial infection
infection acquired in a hospital or clinical setting
enlargement is due to an increase in the size of the cells