Chapter 13 Terms: Endocrine System Flashcards
extremities, top, extreme point
adrenal glands
glucose, sugar
gonad, sex glands
condition, state of
parathyroid glands
pineal gland
pituitary gland
thymus gland
thyroid gland
rare chronic disease characterized by abnormal enlargement of the extremities caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone after puberty.
addison’s disease
occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough of the hormones cortisol and aldosterone. Potentially life threatening condition is characterized by chronic, worsening fatigue and muscle weakness. Dark patches on skin.
inflammation of the adrenal glands.
abnormality of the electrolyte balance that is caused by the excessive secretion of aldosterone.
antidiuretic hormone
ADH, secreted by hypothalamus and stored in pituitary gland. Helps control blood pressure by reducing the amount of water that is excreted through the kidneys.
produced by the thyroid gland, hormone that works with parathyroid hormone to decrease calcium levels in the blood and tissues by moving calcium into bones and teeth.
Conn’s syndrome
disorder of the adrenal glands that is caused by excessive production of aldosterone , primary form of aldosteronism characterized by weakness, cramps and convulsions.
hydrocoritsone, corticosteroid that has anti- inflammatory action. Helps regulate metabolism of carbs, fats, and proteins in the body.
congenital form of hypothyroidism. Treatment must be started soon after birth, causes arrested physical and mental development.
Cushing’s syndrome
hypercortisolism caused by prolonged exposure to high levels of cortisol. Cortisol has antiinflammatory action and helps metabolize carbs, fats, proteins. sings include red moon rounded face.
diabetes insipidus
unrelated. uncommon disorder caused by and insufficient production of antidiurectic hormone or inability of the kidney to response appropriately to this hormone. pg. 408
diabetes mellitus
most common endocrine system disease, group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in body’s production of insulin (T1) or ability to use it properly (T2)
diabetic retinopathy
occurs when diabetes damages the tiny blood vessels in the retina. Causes blood to leak into posterior segment of the eyeball and produces damage and loss of vision
mineral substances - calcium, chloride, mag, phosphororus, sodium, potassium - normally found in blood and other bodily fluid
adrenaline, stimulates the sympathetic nervous system in response to physical injury or to mental stress such as fear. HR/BP increase. Liver releases glucose and limits release of insulin.
hormone secreted by the ovaries that is important in the development and maintenance of female secondary sex characteristics and in regulating menstrual cycle.
abnormal protrusion of the eyeball out of the orbit.
follicle-stimulating hormone
stimulates the secretion of estrogen and the growth of ova in the ovaries of the female. In male it stimulates the production of sperm in testes.
fructosamine test
measures average glucose levels over the previous 3 weeks. able to detect changes more rapidly that HbA1c test
gestational diabetes mellitus
form of diabetes that occurs during some pregnancies. Condition usually disappears after delivery. increased risk of develoing T2 later in life.
abnormal growth of the entire body that is caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone before puberty.
hormone secreted by the alpha cells of islets in response to low levels of glucose in the bloodstream. Stimulates liver to convert glycogen into glucose to release into bloodstream.
basic form of energy used by the body. Glucose in the bloodstream is also known as blood sugar.
graves disease
pg. 409 disorder of unknown cause in which the immune system attacks the thyroid gland and stimulates it to make excessive amounts of thyroid hormone.
growth hormone
somatotropic hormone regulates the growth of bone, muscle, and other body tissues.
condition of excessive mammary development in the male, caused by decrease in testosterone.
Hashimoto’s disease
chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis autoimmune disease in which the body’s own antibodies attack and destroy the cells of the thyroid gland and often leads to hypothyroidism.
abnormally high concentrations of calcium circulating in the blood instead of being stored in the bones and teeth. Can lead to weakened bones and formation of kidney stones.
high glucose in the blood. excessive thirst, hunger and urination.
condition of excessive secreted of insulin in the bloodstream
excess secretion of growth hormone
thyrotoxicosis is the overproduction of thyroid hormones which is causes an imbalance of metabolism. Causes symptoms including the increased metabolic rate, sweating, nervousness, and weight loss.
abnormally low concentraion of glucose in blood. symptoms include shakiness, confusion, perspiration or feeling anxious or weak.
underactive thyroid is caused by deficiency of thyroid secretion. Symptoms include fatigue, depression, sensitiveity to cold and decreased metabolic rate.
hormone secreted by beta cells of the pancreatic islet in response to high levels of glucose in the bloodstream. pg. 405
benign tumor of the pancreas that causes hypoglycemia by secreting additional insulin.
normal metabolic process that helps the body utilize stored fat when other sources of energy are lacking. high level of ketosis may indicate that your body is not producing enough insulin to convert glucose to energy.
laparoscopic adrenalectomy
minimally invasive surgical procedure to remove one or both adrenal glands.
protein hormone secreted by fat cells that is involved in the regulation of appetite. Leaves the fat cells and travels to brain through bloodstream. Acts of hypothalamus to suppress appetite and burn fat stored in adipose tissue.
luteinizing hormone
stimulates ovulation in the female. in males stimulates the secrete on testosterone.
also known as adult hypothyroidism is caused by an extreme deficiency of thyroid secretion. Symptoms include swelling, particularly around the eyes, cheeks, subnormal temp, fatigue.
hormone and neurohormone. Releases as a hormone by adrenal medulla and as a neurohormone by the sympathetic nervous system. It plays an important role in the fight or flight response by raising blood pressure, strengthening the heartbeat and stimulating muscle contrations.
stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth. After childbirth oxytocin controls postnatal hemmorrhage and stiumlates the flow of milk from mammary glands.
inflammation of pancreas due to long term alcohol abuse
which is the surgical removal of one or more of the parathyroid glands is performed to control hyperparathyroidism.
pituitary adenoma
pitutitary tumor. slow growing benigh tumor. Functioning tumors - produce hormones in large and unregulated amounts. Nonfunctioning tumors - do not produce excessive amounts of hormones.
excessive thirst
excessive hunger
excessive urination
condition in which the blood glucose level is higher than normal, but not high enough to be classified as T2 diabetes.
hormone released during the second half of the menstrual cycle by the corpus luteum in the ovary. Its function is to complete the preparation of the uterus for possible pregnancy.
benign tumor of the pituitary gland. type of tumor which causes the pituitary gland to produce too much of the lactogenic hormone known as prolactin can cause infetility in women and ED in men.
process of physical changes by which child body becomes an adult body that is capable of reproducing. Marked by maturing of the genital organs, development of secondary sex characteristics and the first occurrence of the menstruation in the female. Average age is 12 for girls and 11 for boys.
radioactive iodine treatment
oral administration of radioactive iodine to destroy thyroid cells. Nuclear medicine procedure which disables at least part of the thyroid gland, is used to treat thyroid cancer and chronic hyperthyroid disorders such as Graves disease.
pg 407 large family of hormone like substances that share the same fat soluble chemical structure. Secreted by endocrine glands or artifically produced as medications to relieve swelling and inflammation in conditions such as asthma
steroid hormone secreted by the testicles and the adrenal cortex to stimulate the development of male secondary sex characteristics
surgical removal of the thymus gland
inflammation of the thymus gland
plays an important part in the immune system by stimulating the maturation of lymphocytes into Tcells.
T4 ; one of the two primary thyroid hormones regulates the rate of metabolism and affect the growth and rate of function of many other body systems