Chapter 6- Horney: Psychoanalytic Social Theory Flashcards
Horny excepted many of Freud’s observations, but she objected most to his interpretation on _____ psychology
Horny felt great hostility toward her stern, devoutly religious father, and idolized her:
Horny’s writings deal mostly with ________ personalities
Corny agreed with Freud that early childhood traumas are important, but she placed far more emphasis on ________ factors
Horny criticized Freudian theory on at least three accounts:
1) it’s rigidity towards new ideas
2) it’s skewed view of feminine psychology
3) it’s over emphasis on biology and the pleasure principle
Horny insisted that modern culture is too competitive and that competition leads to hostility and feelings of _______. These conditions lead to exaggerated needs for affection and cause people to overvalue _____.
Isolation, love
Horny believed that neurotic conflict stems largely from childhood traumas, most of which are traced to a lack of genuine _______. Children who do not receive genuine affection feel threatened and adopt rigid behavioral patterns in an attempt to gain ______.
Love, love
Horny believe that his parents do not satisfy the child’s need for safety and satisfaction, the child develops feelings of ______ _______ toward the parents.
Basic hostility
Horny believed that repressed hostility then leads to profound feelings of insecurity and a vague sense of apprehension, this condition is called:
Basic anxiety
Horny originally identified for general ways that people protect themselves against basic anxiety:
Affection, submissiveness, Power or prestige, and withdrawal. Normal people have the flexibility to use any or all of these approaches, but neurotics are compelled to rely rigidly on one.
Horny identified 10 neurotic needs that mark neurotic people in their attempt to reduce basic anxiety, these include:
1) Needs for affection and approval
2) Needs for a powerful partner
3) Needs to restrict one’s life within narrow borders
4) needs for power
5) needs to exploit others
6) needs for social recognition or prestige
7) needs for personal admiration
8) needs for ambition and personal achievement
9) needs for self-sufficiency and independence
10) needs for perfection and unassailability
Horny describes this neurotic need as an attempt to please others by living up to their expectations, to dread self-assertion, and they are quite uncomfortable with the hostility of others and hostility within themselves.
The neurotic need for affection and approval
This neurotic need includes and overvaluation of love and a dread of being alone or deserted. These people lack self-confidence. Horny.
The neurotic need for a powerful partner
This neurotic need causes people to remain inconspicuous, to take second place, and to be content with very little according to horny.
The neurotic need to restrict one’s life within narrow borders
This neurotic need manifests itself as the need to control others and to avoid feelings of weakness or stupidity according to horny.
The neurotic need for power
This neurotic need causes neurotics to evaluate others on the basis of how they can be used according to horny.
The neurotic need to exploit others
This neurotic need causes neurotics to try to be first, to be important, or to attract attention to themselves according to horny.
The neurotic need for social recognition or prestige
This neurotic need causes neurotics to have a need to be admired for what they are rather than for what they possess. Their inflated self-esteem must be continually fed by others and they need the approval of others according to horny.
The neurotic need for personal admiration
This neurotic need is characterized by a strong drive to be the best and to defeat other people in order to confirm their superiority. Horny.
The neurotic need for ambition and personal achievement
This neurotic need is characterized by having a strong need to move away from people, proving that the person can get along without others. Horny.
The neurotic need for self-sufficiency and independence
This neurotic need is characterized by dreading making personal mistakes and having personal flaws. These people attempt to hide their weaknesses from others. Horny.
The neurotic need for perfection and unassailability
Horny group the 10 neurotic needs into three basic neurotic trends:
1) moving toward people
2) moving against people
3) moving away from people
According to horny, people who adopt a compliant attitude in order to protect themselves against feelings of helplessness are:
Moving towards others
According to horny, people who use aggressive behaviors to protect themselves against perceived hostility from others are:
Moving against others
According to horny, people who behave in a detached manner that protects them against feelings of isolation by appearing arrogant and aloof are:
Moving away from others
Three neurotic needs are characteristic of those who move towards people. Horny.
1) affection and approval
2) powerful partner
3) narrow limits to life
According to horny, five neurotic needs are characteristic of those who move against people:
4) Power
5) exploitation
6) recognition and unassailability
7) personal admiration
8) personal achievement
According to horny, two neurotic needs are characteristic of those who move away from people:
9) self-sufficiency and independence
10) perfection and prestige
According to horny, this is an attempt to solve conflicts my painting a godlike picture of oneself
The idealized self-image
According to horny this is a tendency to despise one’s real self
Horny recognized three aspects of the idealized self-image:
1) The neurotic search for glory
2) neurotic claims
3) neurotic pride
According to horny, this is a comprehensive drive towards actualizing the ideal self:
The neurotic search for glory
According to horny, this is a person’s belief that they are entitled to special privileges
Neurotic claims
According to horny, this is a false pride based not on reality but on a distorted and idealized view of self
Neurotic pride
The neurotic search for glory, according to horny, includes three other elements:
The need for perfection, neurotic ambition, and the drive toward a vindictive triumph
According to horny, this refers to the drive to mold the whole personality into the idealized self. The first aspect of the neurotic search for glory.
The need for perfection
According to horny, this is the compulsive drive towards superiority. These people channel their energies into activities that are most likely to bring success. Second aspect of the neurotic search for glory.
Neurotic ambition
According to horny this is the third aspect of the neurotic search for glory and the most destructive element of all. It’s chief aim is to put others to shame or defeat them through one’s very success.
The drive toward a vindictive triumph
According to horny, self-hatred can be expressed as: six
1) relentless demands on self
2) merciless self-accusation
3) self-contempt
4) self-frustration
5) self-torment or torture
6) self-destructive actions and impulses
Horny believe that psychological differences between men and women are not due to anatomy but to ______ and ______ expectations
Culture, social
Horney viewed the Oedipus complex very differently from Freud, she insisted that any sexual attraction or hostility the child feels for the parent would be the result of ______ and not biology.
The goal of horny’s psychotherapy was to help patients grow toward self-_______, give up their idealized self-_____, relinquish their neurotic search for _____, and change self-hatred to self-________.
Realization, image, glory, acceptance
Horny believe that success with therapy is built on self-analysis and self-________
Horny psychoanalytic social theory has not directly inspired a great deal of research in modern personality psychology, however her musings on ______ _____ are quite relevant to much of the research being conducted today.
Neurotic trends
Horny. Recent researchers have begun looking at some of the ______ of neuroticism. They found that neurotics often develop great skill at avoiding negative outcomes, and that their successful avoidance of these outcomes improves their mood.
Horney’s psychoanalytic social theory rates very low in four areas:
It’s ability to generate research, to be falsified, to organize data, and to serve as a useful guide to action.
Horny’s psychoanalytic social theory rates about average in two areas:
Internal consistency and parsimony
Horney’s psychoanalytic social theory rates very high on four concepts of humanity:
High on social factors, free choice, optimism, and unconscious influences
Horny’s psychoanalytic social theory rates about average in 2 concepts of humanity:
Causality versus teleology, and the uniqueness of the individual
This theorists theory was built on the assumption that social and cultural conditions, especially childhood experiences, are largely responsible for shaping personality.
Karen Horney- psychoanalytic social theory