Chapter 13- Mcrae And Costa's Five-Factor Trait Theory Flashcards
Using this method of gathering data, you begin with no preconceived bias concerning the number or name of traits or types
Inductive method. This is a method used by Mccrae and Costa
With this method of gathering data, you would have preconceived hypotheses in mind before beginning to collect data
Deductive method
Raymond _______ was a pioneer of factor analysis and used factor analysis to identify a large number of treats, including personality traits. Included and personality traits for temperament traits, which are concerned with how a person behaves. Temperament traits include both normal and abnormal treats. Patel’s multifaceted approach yielded __ treats. __ characterize the normal population and __ Measure the pathological dimension
Cattell, 35, 23, 12
This is a mathematical procedure for reducing a large number of scores to a few more general variables or factors. Mccrae and Costa
Factor analysis
This is a measure of which variables are related to other variables and to what extent
Correlation coefficient
Correlations of the original, specific scores with the factors are called: Macrae and Costa
Factor loadings
Traits generated through factor analysis may be either unipolar or bipolar. ______ traits are scaled from zero to some large amount, in contrast, _______ traits extend from one pole to an opposite pole, with zero representing a midpoint
Unipolar, bipolar
Four factors to have psychological meaning, the analyst must _____ the axis on which the scores are plotted.
This method was advocated by Cattell and assumes some positive or negative correlation and refers to an angle of less than or more than 90°
The oblique method
Advocates of the five factor theory favor this rotation where rotated axes are at right angles to each other
The orthogonal rotation
Earlier in their studies, McCray and cost that were building elaborate taxonomies of personality traits, as with many other factor theorists, they quickly discovered three traits:
They later found two more factors:
Extroversion E, neuroticism N, and openness to experience O
Agreeableness A, and conscientiousness C
The five factors have been found across a variety of ______ and using a number of ________. In addition, they show some permanence with ___
Cultures, languages, age
McCray and Costa found that personality traits are basically ______, with some people scoring high on one factor and low on its counterpart
According to Mccraine Costa, people who score high on __ tend to be anxious, temperamental, self-pitying, self-conscious, emotional, and vulnerable to stress related disorders. People with low scores on __ tend to have opposite characteristics
N- neuroticism
According to Macrae and Costa, people who score high on __ tend to be affectionate, jovial, talkative, a joiner, and fun loving, whereas low __ scorers tend to have opposing traits
E- extraversion
According to Macrae and Costa, high __ scorers prefer variety in their life and are contrasted to low __ scores to have a need for closure and to gain comfort in their association with familiar people and things
O- openness
According to Macrae and Costa, people who score high on __ tend to be trusting, generous, yielding, accepted, and good-natured. Low __ scorers are generally suspicious, stingy, unfriendly, irritable, and critical of other people
A- agreeableness
According to Macrae and Costa, people high on this scale tend to be ordered, controlled, organized, and dishes, achievement focused, and self disciplined
C- conscientiousness
McCray and Costa predict behavior through an understanding of three central or core components and three peripheral ones. The three core components include:
Basic tendencies, characteristic adaptations, and self-concept
According to Macrae and Costa, these are the universal raw material of personality. Include cognitive capabilities, artistic talent, sexual orientation, and the psychological processes underlying acquisition of language
Basic tendencies.
According to Mccrae and Costa these are acquired personality structures that develop as people adapt to their environment. Includes acquired skills, habits, attitudes, and relationships that results from the interaction of individuals with their environment
Characteristic adaptations
According to Mccrae and Costa this refers to knowledge and attitudes about oneself and includes knowledge, views, and evaluations of the self. The beliefs, attitudes, and feelings one has towards oneself
The three peripheral components of personality according to McCray and Costa are:
Biological basis, objective biography, and external influences
According to Macrae and Costa, these are the sole cause of basic tendencies and includes genes, hormones, and brain structures
Biological bases
According to Macrae and Costa, this is everything a person does or thinks over a lifetime
Objective biography
According to Macrae and pasta, how we respond to the opportunities and demands of the context is called. College, views, and evaluations of the self
External influences. Behavior is a function of the interaction between characteristic adaptations and external influences
According to Macrae and Costa, the two most important core postulates are :
Basic tendencies and characteristic adaptations
According to Macrae and Costa, basic tendencies have four postulates:
Individuality, origin, development, and structure.
According to McCrane Costa, this postulate stipulates that every adult has a unique pattern of treats
Individuality postulate
According to McCrane Costa, this postulate assumes that all personality traits originate solely from biological factors
Origin postulate
According to Macrae and Costa, this postulate assumes that traits develop and change through childhood, adolescence, and middle adulthood
Development postulate
According to McCray and Costa, this postulate states that traits are organized hierarchically from narrow and specific to broad and general
Structure postulate
The postulate concerning _______ _______ states that, over time, people adapt to their environment by acquiring patterns of thoughts feelings and behaviors that are consistent with their personality traits and earlier adaptations. Traits affect the way we adapt to the changes in our environment
Characteristic adaptations
According to Macrae and Costa, the second characteristic adaptation postulate _______, suggests that our responses are not always consistent with personal goals or cultural values
According to Macrae and Costa, this characteristic adaptation postulate states that basic traits may change over time in response to biological maturation, changes in the environment, or deliberate interventions
Plasticity postulate
The five trait theory of Macrae and Costa has drawn a considerable amount of research. They have developed a widely used personality inventory called the:
NEO-PI. Trades have been linked to vital outcomes such as physical health, well-being, and academic success and more every day outcomes such as mood
Sparked by McCray and Costa, research has been done on the relationship of traits and academic performance. They found that conscientiousness was the most important trait for predicting ____ in high school and college, but not for ___ scores
GPA’s, SAT. The big five factors were not strong predictors of SAT math scores, but openness was related to SAT verbal scores and these differences are attributed to differences between aptitude an achievement measured by SATs versus GPAs
Research sparked by McCray and Costa on the relationship between neuroticism and retaking the SAT found that
High scores in neuroticism are often viewed negatively, but the anxious tendencies of those high on neuroticism were very adaptive because these tendencies led them to retake the SAT and score higher each time they did
Research sparked by McRae and Costa on Internet use traits and well-being found that those who use the Internet _______ we’re unable to stop surfing, be preoccupied with the Internet, or do you have Internet use interfering with other duties. More introverted, less agreeable, and more neurotic adolescents and young adults were more likely to score high on compulsive use
McCray and Costa have sparked research on traits and emotion. Causality has been studied, does The mood cause the behavior, or does the behavior caused the mood? What did they find?
When people act in a certain way, their behavior doesn’t deed influence their mood to fit a behavior
In what three areas do Macrae and Costas theory rate high?
Parsimony, their ability to generate research, and on their usefulness in organizing data
In what three areas does Macrae and Costas theory rate average on?
Falsifiability, usefulness to the practitioner, and internal consistency
Describe Macrae and Costas concept of humanity
Factor theory is generally assume that human personality is largely the product of genetics and not the environment, therefore the theory is rated high on biological influences and on the uniqueness of individuals, low on social factors, and average unconscious versus unconscious influences. The concepts of free choice, optimism versus pessimism, and causality versus teleology are not clearly addressed
These two people have taken a factor analytic approach to identify traits, that is, relatively permanent dispositions of people and have insisted that the proper number of personality factors is five.
McCray and Costa