Chapter 12- Allport: Psychology Of The Individual Flashcards
Alport called the study of the individual:
Morphogenic science. Nomothetic methods gather data on groups of people
Answers to three interrelated questions reveal outports approach to personality theory:
1) what is personality?
2) what is the role of conscious motivation in personality theory?
3) what are the characteristics of the psychologically healthy person?
According to Allport, this is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine the person’s behavior and thought
Personality. Includes both physical and psychological properties and both stability and flexibility. Personality not only is something but it does something, it includes both behavior and thinking
More than any other personality theorist, Allport recognize the importance of _______ ________. He’s emphasis of this concept probably began with his short-lived discussion with Freud. Rather than viewing Freud’s comments of the little boy on the train as an expression of an unconscious motive, he would attribute the story as an expression of this concept
Conscious motivation
Allport listed six criteria for psychological health:
1) an extension of the sense of self, they participate and identify with events outside themselves
2) they have a warm relating of self to others
3) they have emotional security or self acceptance
4) possess a realistic perception of their environment
5) have insight and humor
6) they have a unifying philosophy of life, a clear view of the purpose of life
To Alport, the most important structures of personality are those that permit description of the individual in terms of individual characteristics, and he called these individual structures:
Personal dispositions
Allport was careful to distinguish between ______ traits and individual traits. _____ traits are general characteristics held in common by many people
Some people possess an eminent characteristic or ruling passion so outstanding that it dominates their lives, Allport called these personal dispositions:
Cardinal dispositions. They are so obvious that they cannot be hidden. Not everyone has a cardinal disposition
According to Allport, everyone has these dispositions which include the 5 to 10 most outstanding characteristics around which a person’s life focuses. Those dispositions that would be listed in an accurate letter of recommendation written by someone who knew the person quite well
Central dispositions
According to Allport, less conspicuous but far greater in number than central dispositions are these, everyone has many that are not central to the personality yet occur with some regularity and are responsible for much of one specific behaviors
Secondary dispositions
According to Allport, these are intensely experienced dispositions that receive their motivation from basic needs and it drives
Motivational dispositions
According to Allport, these personal dispositions are less intensely experienced that guide action, instead of initiate it. They referred to the manner in which an individual behaves
Stylistic dispositions
According to Allport, this term refers to all those behaviors and characteristics that people regard as warm and central in their lives and he preferred this term over self or ego because those terms imply an object or thing within a person that controls behavior
According to Allport, these are motives that reduce a need
Peripheral motives
According to Allport, these strivings seek to maintain tension and disequilibrium
Propriate strivings