Chapter 14: Eysenck's Biologically Based Factor Tveory Flashcards
Eysenck listed for criteria for identifying a factor:
1) personality factors must be based on strong psychometric evidence
2) must fit an acceptable genetic model. Must possess heritability
3) must make sense theoretically
4) must possess social relevance
Eysenck recognize a four-level hierarchy of behavior organization:
1) specific behaviors or cognitions
2) habitual acts or cognitions
3) traits, or personal dispositions
4) types or super factors. He concentrated on this fourth level. A type is made up of several interrelated treats
What are Eysenck’s three personality dimensions,?
Extraversion E, neuroticism N, and psychoticism P
Eysenck. These type of people are characterized by sociability, impulsiveness, jocularity, liveliness, optimism, and quick-wittidness
Eysenck. These type of people are quiet, passive, unsociable, careful, reserved, thoughtful, pessimistic, peaceful, sober, and controlled
Eysenck believed that the principal difference between extroverts and introverts is one of ______ ______ level
Cortical arousal
Eysenck. These type of people have such traits as anxiety, hysteria, and obsessive-compulsive disorders. They frequently have a tendency to over react emotionally and you have difficulty returning to a normal state after emotional arousal
People high in neuroticism
Eysenck. These people indicate anxiety, hysteria, egocentric schism, nonconformance, aggression, impulsiveness, hostility, and obsessive-compulsive disorders
People high on psychoticism. Both normal and abnormal individuals may score high on the neuroticism scale
Eysenck excepted this model of psychiatric illness, which suggests that some people are vulnerable to illness because they have either a genetic or an acquired weakness that predisposes them to an illness. This predisposition may interact with stress to produce a neurotic disorder
The diathesis-stress model
Eysenck developed for personality inventories to measure super factors, or types. The two most frequently used my current researchers is:
The Eysenck personality inventory which measures only E and N and the Eysenck personality questionnaire which measures all three factors
Eysenck Believe that all three personality factors have a powerful biological component, and he cited as evidence the existence of these three types in a wide variety of ______ and _______
Cultures and languages
Eysenck ‘s complex model of personality suggests that the psychometric traits of psychoticism, extroversion, and neuroticism can combine with one another and with genetic determinants, biological intermediates, and experimental studies to ______ a variety of social behaviors, including those that contribute to disease
Eysenck research to the relationship between personality factors and diseased and found that:
People with a helpless/hopeless attitude are more likely to die from cancer, whereas people who react to frustration with anger and emotional arousal are much more likely to die from cardiovascular disease
Eysenck theory has generated a considerable amount of research. A substantial amount of research has shown physiological differences between extroverts and introverts. One study found that Extraverts may move faster, but they do not _____ faster than introverts
Think. They also found that introverts work best with lower levels of sensory stimulation and extroverts with higher levels
What three areas does Eysenck theory rate high on, and which three areas does it rate average on?
Hi on parsimony, ability to generate research, and useless in organizing data. Average on falsifiability, usefulness to the practitioner, and internal consistency
Eysenck, on the concept of humanity, the Theory rates high in two areas, low on one, average on another, and it does not address two areas
High on a biological influences and the uniqueness of individuals. Low on social factors. Average unconscious versus unconscious influences. The concept the free choice, optimism versus pessimism, and causality versus teleology are not clearly addressed
This person used factor analysis to identify treats, that is, relatively permanent dispositions of people and extracted only three general factors which yielded three general bipolar types: extraversion/introversion, neuroticism\stability, and psychotic schism\superego
Hans Eysenck