Chapter 17- Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory Flashcards
Bandura takes a broad view of learning, believing that people learn through __________ others and by attending to the consequences of their own actions. Although he believes that ___________ aids learning, he contends that people can learn in the absence of __________ and even of a response
Observing, reinforcement, reinforcement
According to Bandura, the core of observational learning is this which involves adding and subtracting from the observed behavior and generalizing from one observation to another. It involves cognitive processes and is not simply mimicry or imitation
What are the three principles that influence modeling according to Bandura?
1) people are most likely to model high-status people
2) people who lack skill or status are most likely to model
3) people tend to model behavior that they see as being rewarding to the model
Bandura recognized four processes that govern observational learning:
1) ________, or noticing what a model does. People are more likely to attend to people they frequently associate with, attractive models, popular figures, and behavior that is important to us
2) __________, or symbolically representing new response pattern in memory. Verbal coding greatly speeds the process of observational learning
3) ________ ________, or producing the behavior that one observes
4) _________, the observer must be motivated to perform the observed behavior
Attention, representation, behavior production, motivation
According to Bandura, with this type of learning all behavior is followed by some consequence, but whether that consequence reinforces the behavior depends on the person’s cognitive evaluation of the situation. The consequences of a response serve at least three functions: informs us of the effects of our actions, motivates our anticipatory behavior, reinforces behavior
Enactive learning
According to Bandura, this system assumes that human action is a result of an interaction among three variables: environment, behavior, and person
Triadic reciprocal causation. Bandura does not suggest that the three factors make equal contributions to behavior, but the relative influence of behavior, environment, and person depends on which factor is strongest at any particular moment
People cannot predict or anticipate all possible environmental changes, Bandura is the only personality theorist to seriously consider the possible importance of: (2)
Chance encounters and fortuitous events
According to Bandura, this is an unintended meeting of persons unfamiliar to each other
A chance encounter
According to Bandura, this is an environmental experience that is unexpected and unintended
A fortuitous event
According to Bandura, chance encounters and fortuitous events enter the triadic reciprocal causation paradigm at the ________ point, after which they influence behavior in much the same way as do planned events
Bandura believes that this is the essence of humanness, that is, humans are defined by their ability to organize, regulate, and enact behaviors that they believe will produce desirable consequences
Human agency
According to Bandura, human agency has four core features:
1) _________, A proactive commitment to actions that may bring about desired outcomes
2) _______, The ability to set goals, anticipate likely outcomes of actions, select behaviors that will produce desired outcomes and avoid undesirable ones
3) ____-________, includes monitoring their progress towards fulfilling their choices
4) ____-_________, allows people to think about and evaluate their motives, values, and life goals. People are examiners of their own functioning
Intentionality, forethought, self-reactiveness, self-reflectiveness
According to Bandura, this is a person’s beliefs that they can or cannot exercise those behaviors necessary to bring about a desired outcome
According to Bandura, efficacy expectations differ from ______ expectations, which refer to people’s prediction of the likely consequences of their behavior
Outcome expectations
According to Bandura, self-efficacy is acquired, enhanced, or decreased by any one or combination of four sources:
1) _______ ________, or past experiences. Successful performance raises efficacy expectancies, failure tends to lower them
2) ______ _______, vicarious experiences provided by other people-observing someone of equal ability succeed or fail at a task
3) ______ _______, listening to a trusted person’s encouraging words
4) ______ and _______ states, such as anxiety or fear which usually lowers self-efficacy
Mastery experiences, social modeling, social persuasion, physical and emotional states
High self-efficacy and a responsive environment are the best predictors of successful outcomes