Chapter 19- Kelly:Psychology Of Personal Constructs Flashcards
Kelly believed that people’s ways of interpreting and explaining events, hold the key to predicting their behavior. He called this a person’s ______ ______
Personal constructs
Kelly believed that people generally attempt to solve everyday problems in much the same fashion as do ______; that is, they observe, ask questions, formulate hypotheses, infer conclusions, and predict future events
Kelly believed that because scientists are people, their pronouncements should be regarded with the same ________ as any other data
Kelly believed that all our interpretations of the world are subject to revision or replacement, an assumption he called:
Constructive alternativism.
Because people can construe their world from different angles, observations that are valid at one time may be false at a later time
Kelly believed that people look at their world through templates that they create and then attempt to fit over the realities of the world. He called these templates, or transparent patterns, ______ ______ which he believed shape behavior
Personal constructs
According to Kelly, this assumes that a person’s behavior is shaped by the way they anticipate the future
The basic postulate
According to Kelly, this supporting corollary states that although no two events are exactly alike, we can construe similar events as if they were the same
Construction corollary
According to Kelly, this supporting corollary states that because people have different experiences, they can construe the same event in different ways
The individuality corollary
According to Kelly, this corollary assumes that people organize their personal constructs in a hierarchical system, with some constructs in a superordinate position and others subordinate to them
The organizational corollary
According to Kelly, this corollary assumes that people construe events in an either/or matter, for example good or bad
The dichotomy corollary
According to Kelly, this corollary assumes that people tend to choose the alternative in a dichotomized construct that they see as extending the range of their future choices
The choice corollary
According to Kelly, this corollary states that constructs are limited to a particular range of convenience; that is, they are not relevant to all situations
The range corollary
According to Kelly, this corollary suggests that people continually revise their personal constructs as the result of their experiences
The experience corollary
According to Kelly, this corollary assumes that only permeable constructs lead to change; concrete constructs resist modification through experience
The modulation corollary
According to Kelly, this corollary states that people’s behavior can be inconsistent because their construct systems can readily admit incompatible elements
The fragmentation corollary
According to Kelly, this corollary suggests that our personal constructs tend to be similar to the construction systems of other people to the extent that we share experiences with them
The commonality corollary
According to Kelly, this corollary states that people are able to communicate with other people because they can construe those peoples constructions
The sociality corollary
Kelly introduced this concept with his sociality corollary which refers to a pattern of behavior that results from a person’s understanding of the constructs of others.
Each of us has a core role and numerous peripheral roles. A core role gives us a sense of identity whereas peripheral roles are less central to our self-concept
Kelly believed that unhealthy people are like incompetent ______ who test unreasonable hypotheses, reject or distort legitimate results, and refuse to amend outdated theories
According to Kelly, this abnormal development happens when people perceive that the stability of their basic constructs is likely to be shaken. It is the awareness of imminent comprehensive change in one’s core structures
According to Kelly, this abnormal development requires an incidental rather than a comprehensive, restructuring of one’s construct system
According to Kelly, this abnormal development is defined as the recognition that the events with which one is confronted light outside the range of convenience of one’s construct system. The recognition that one cannot adequately deal with a new situation
According to Kelly, this consequence of abnormal development is defined as the sense of having lost one’s core role structure
Kelly insisted that clients should set their own goals for therapy and that they should be active participants in the therapeutic process. He sometimes used a procedure called _____-____ ______, in which clients act out a predetermined role for several weeks. By playing the part of the psychologically healthy person, clients may discover previously hidden aspects of themselves
Fixed-role therapy
According to Kelly, the purpose of this test is to discover ways in which clients construe significant people in their lives
The Rep test or the role construct repertory test
Clients place names of people they know on a repertory grid in order to identify both similarities and differences among these people
Research on gender as a personal constructs sparked by Kelly’s theory has found that the less information someone has about a person, the more likely they will use _______ gender schemas to evaluate that person. Which means that participants who used these in perceiving strangers tended to have limited perceptions of other people
Research on understanding internalize prejudice through personal construct theory sparked by Kelly has found that Kelly’s concepts of threat and guilt showed that these play distinct roles in internalized prejudice. Kelly’s idea that individuals remove themselves from threatening constructs was verified as threat scores in the sample were associated with _____ preference for gay or lesbian sexual orientation. In keeping with Kelly’s idea that guilt is spelled when individuals perceive undesirable aspects within the self, these gay and lesbian participants who had high guilt were more ________ of gay and lesbian identity
Lower, denigrating
Kelly’s theory rates high in two areas, average on one, and low in three other areas
Hi on parsimony and internal consistency. Average on its ability to generate research. Low on its ability to be falsified, to guide the practitioner, and to organize knowledge
According to Kelly, this concept suggests that people increase their range of future choices by the present choices they freely make
Elaborative choice
In what four areas of the concept of humanity does Kelly’s theory rate high on and which one does a rate average on
High on teleology, free choice, optimism, conscious influences, and uniqueness of the individual. Average on social influences
This persons tbeory can be seen as a metatheory or a theory about theories. It holds that people anticipate events by the meanings or interpretations that they place on those events. He called these interpretations personal constructs. His philosophical position, called constructive alternativism, assumes that alternative interpretations are always available to people
George Kelly’s personal construct theory