Chapter 6 Grammar Flashcards
-are passato remoto (past absolute)
- ai
- asti
- ò
- ammo
- aste
- arono
-ere passato remoto
- ei
- esti
- è
- emmo
- este
- erono (-ettero)
-ire passato remoto
- ii
- isti
- ì
- immo
- iste
- irono
Avere passato remoto (irregolari)
Ebbi Avesti Ebbe Avemmo Aveste Ebbero
Essere passato remoto (irregolari)
Fui Fosti Fu Fummo Foste Furono
Dare passato remoto (irregolari)
Diedi (detti) Desti Diede (dette) Demmo Deste Diedero (dettero)
Stare passato remoto (irregolari)
Stetti Stesti Stette Stemmo Steste Stettero
The most common irregular passato remoto follows what “1-3-3” pattern
1) -i 2) 3)-e 1) 2) 3)-ero
Accendere passato remoto 1st and pp
Accesi, acceso
Chiudere passato remoto 1st and pp
Chiusi, chiuso
Conoscere passato remoto 1st and pp
Conobbi, conosciuto
Decidere passato remoto 1st and pp
Decisi, deciso
Leggere passato remoto 1st and pp
Lessi, letto
Metter passato remoto 1st and pp
Misi, messo
Nascere passato remoto 1st and pp
Nacqui, nato
Perdere passato remoto 1st and pp
Persi, perso/perduto
Piacere passato remoto 1st and pp
Piacqui, piaciuto
Prendere passato remoto 1st and pp
Presi, preso
Rimanere passato remoto 1st and pp
Rimasi, rimasto
Rispondere passato remoto 1st and pp
Risposi, risposto
Rompere passato remoto 1st and pp
Ruppi, rotto
Sapere passato remoto 1st and pp
Seppi, saputo
Scegliere passato remoto 1st and pp
Scelsi, scelto
Scendere passato remoto 1st and pp
Scesi, sceso
Scrivere passato remoto 1st and pp
Scrissi, scritto
Spegnere passato remoto 1st and pp
Spesi, speso
Succedere passato remoto 1st and pp
Successi, successo
Tenere passato remoto 1st and pp
Tenni, tenuto
Vedere passato remoto 1st and pp
Vidi, visto/veduto
Venire passato remoto 1st and pp
Venni, venuto
Vincere passato remoto 1st and pp
Vinsi, vinto
Vivere passato remoto 1st and pp
Vissi, vissuto
Volli, voluto
Bere (passato remoto Latin stem)
Bevvi Bevesti Bevve Bevemmo Beveste Bevvero
Dire (passato remoto Latin stem)
Dissi Dicesti Disse Dicemmo Diceste Dissero
Fare (passato remoto Latin stem)
Feci Facesti Fece Facemmo Faceste Fecero
Tradurre (passato remoto Latin stem)
Tradussi Traducesti Tradusse Traducemmo Traduceste Tradussero
Passato remoto is used for an action that occurred during a period of time that has …
Ended and has no continuing effect on or reference to the present
Passato prossimo is used if an action took place in a period of theme that has not yet ended or …
Its effects are continuing in the present
What is used with both the passato prossimo and the passato remoto for descriptions and habitual actions?
The trapassato prossimo is formed with the … of aver or esser plus the past particle of the verb
The trapassato prossimo corresponds to the english past perfect. It expresses an action …
That had already occurred before another past action, expressed or implied, took place
The trapassato remoto is formed with the … of aver or essere plus the past participle
The passato remoto
Trapassato remoto with avere (using amare)
Ebbi amato Avesti amato Ebbe amato Avemmo amato Aveste amato Ebbero amato
Trapassato remoto with essere (using partire)
Fui partito/a Fosti partito/a Fu partito/a Fummo partiti/e Foste partiti/e Furono partiti/e
Trapassato remoto corresponds to the English past perfect but is used only in …
Subordinate clauses introduced by conjunction of time (quando, dopo, appena, come, finche), and only if the verb in the independent clause is in the passato remoto
Appena ebbe detto quello parole, si penti
As soon as he had said those words, he was sorry
Trapassato prossimo with avere (using amare)
Avevo amato Avevi amato Aveva amato Avevamo amato Avevate amato Avevano amato
Trapassato prossimo with essere (using partire)
Ero partito/a Eri partito/a Era partito/a Eravamo partiti/e Eravate partiti/e Erano partiti/e
Ci is used to replace a prepositional phrase introduced by?
a, in, or su
When ci is used in place of a (in, su) + a place, it means
Sei stato a Roma
No, non ci sono mai stato
If a place has not been previously mentioned, what is used instead of ci to mean there
Là or lì
When ci is used for a (su) + a thing/person, what does it mean?
Tu credi alla psicanalisi?
Non, non ci credo
When ci is used for a+ an infinitive phrase, what does it mean?
It or that
Sono riusciti a finirlo?
Si, ci sono riusciti
Ci can be used to replace prepositional phrases introduced by what three prepositions
A, in, or su
Some common verbs acquire what when combined with ci
Idiomatic meaning
Ne can be used to replace a ?
Prepositional phrase
What kind of prepositional phrase can ne replace
Di + a person or thing
Di + an infinitive phrase
Da + a place
Ne can replace a partitive construction meaning…
Some or any
Vuoi del formaggino?
Si, ne voglio
ne can replace nouns preceded ?
A number or expression of quantity
Molto, poco,tanto, troppo, un chilo, due bottiglie, tre scatole …
Note the number or expression of quantity remains
Quante sorelle avete?
Ne abbiamo due
When ne replaces a noun preceded by a number or expression of quantity (molto, poco, tanto …) what does it mean
Of it, of them
With tutto, what are used as a substitute instead of ne
Direct -object pronouns
Non ho piu arance
Le ho mangiate tutte
When ne replaces a noun in a partitive construction or a noun preceded by an expression of quantity, and the verb is in a compound tense, what does the past participle agree with
It agrees in gender and number agrees with the noun ne replaces
Ne is often used … in addition to the prepositional phrase it ordinarily replaces
Che ne dici di questo quadro?
Ne can be added to the verbs andare and stare, which become the reflexive forms
Andarsene and starsene
Starsene means
The same as stare
Andarsene means
To go off or to go away (like andare via)
Quando sono stanca, me ne vado a letto
When I’m tired, I go off to bed
What are the three main rules about combining direct and indirect pronouns when a verb requires it?
1) the indirect object always precedes the direct object
2) the indirect object pronouns mi, ti, ci, vi change to me, te, ce and ve, while gli changes to glie-
3) gli, le, and Le all become glie- before the other object pronoun
Mi + lo, la, li, le and ne
Indirect plus direct object pronouns
Me + lo, la, li, le and ne
Ti + lo, la, li, le and ne
Indirect plus direct object pronouns
Te + lo, la, li, le and ne
gli, le, and Le + lo, la, li, le and ne
Indirect plus direct object pronouns
glielo, gliela, glieli, gliele and gliene
Ci + lo, la, li, le and ne
Indirect plus direct object pronouns
Ce + lo, la, li, le and ne
Vi + lo, la, li, le and ne
Indirect plus direct object pronouns
Ve + lo, la, li, le and ne
…loro + lo, la, li, le and ne
Indirect plus direct object pronouns
lo… loro, la… loro, li… loro, le… loro, ne… loro
glielo, gliela, glieli, gliele, gliene
In present day Italian, what tends to replace lo, la, li, le, and ne + loro
Glie- lo/la/li/le/ne
Where are combined forms of an indirect and direct object go?
Before a conjugated verb, at the end of an infinitive
Or either for an infinitive governed by dovere, potere or volare
How do the reflexive pronouns mi, ti, si, ci, vi and si change when combined with a direct object
Me, te, se, ce, ve, and se
First person indirect object and reflexive pronoun
Mi, mi
Second person indirect object and reflexive pronoun
Ti and ti
Third person indirect object and reflexive pronoun
gli/le/Le and se
First person plural indirect object and reflexive pronoun
Ci and ci
Second person plural indirect object and reflexive pronoun
Vi and vi
Third person plural indirect object and reflexive pronoun
… loro and si
The indirect object loro is placed
After the verb, always
When ci is used with avere in colloquial Italian, it combines with the direct object pronouns and ne to form…
ce lo, ce la, ce li, ce le, ce ne +avere
Scusi, ha detto che non ha più pane?
E vero, non ce n’ho piu
That’s right, I don’t have any left
Ci avevate già la television in Italia ne 1960?
Did you already have TV in Italy in 1960?
Si, ce l’avevamo già.
Yes, we already had it.
When ne is used with the verb esserci (c’è, ci sono, c’era, …), ci becomes ?
C’è del vino?
Si, ce n’è
The personal pronoun ? can combine with verbs to form idiomatic expressions
refers to an unexpressed noun such as cosa, vita, causa …
Any reflexive pronouns change but la is invariable
If the verb is in a compound tense the pp agrees with la
Avercela con qualcuno
To have a grudge again someone, to have it in for someone
Perché ce l’hai con me?
Why do you have a grudge against me?