Chapter 14 Grammar Flashcards
the passive voice in constructed with ?
the desired tense of essere + past participle
the agent, if expressed, is preceded by da following an indirect object
Venire can be used in the passive voice in
simple tenses only
Le vengono (sono) discusse in parlamento Laws are discussed in parliament
andare can be used with verbs that indicate ?
loss of something
Molto cibo va (è) sprecato nei ristoranti.
A lot of food was wasted in restaurants
Alcuni documenti importanti erano andati (erano stati) distrutti nell’incendio
Some important documents were destroyed in the fire
Andare + past participle can be used in simple tenses to?
express necessity or obligation
( like dover essere + past participle)
Il vino bianco va servito (deve essere servito) freddo.
White wine must be served cold
va considerato
it must be considered
va detto
it must be said
va notato
it must be noticed
va ricordato
it must be remembered
va ripetuto
it must be repeated
non va demanticato
it mustn’t be forgotten
Only what kind of verbs can be put into passive form?
The direct object of an active sentence is made into the ? in a passive sentence
An indirect object in an active sentence ?
remains an indirect object
the passive voice can also be expressed with
si + active form of the verb
particularly when the subject is not expressed
the verb is in the third-person singular or plural
the subject usually follows the verb
in compound tenses in essere is used
Non si studia abbastanza l’italiano.
Italian isn’t studied enough.
the impersonal si expressed by
Si + third-person singular
Si mangia tardi.
One eats late
The verb in impersonal expressions are singular , adjectives or nouns referring to the subject are
Quando si è stanchi, non si ragiona bene.
In the si impersonale construction, compound tenses are always formed with
If the verb normally requires avere the past participles takes
the masculine singular ending -o
Si è riso molto alla festa (La gente ha riso…)
People laughed a lot at the party.