Chapter 6 Flashcards
Skeletal system Includes bones of the skeleton
Functions of the skeletal system Support
storage of minerals and lipids
Classification of bones Bones are classified by shape and structure.
Sutural bones Small
Irregular bones Have complex shapes; examples include spinal vertebrae and pelvic bones.
Short bones Boxlike in appearance; examples include carpal bones and tarsal bones.
Flat bones Thin with parallel surfaces; examples include bones of the skull roof
Long bones Long and slender; found in arms
Sesamoid bones Small and round; develop within tendons near joints of knees
Bone markings Surface features including projections
Foramen Rounded passageway for blood vessels and/or nerves.
Process Projection or bump on a bone.
Fissure Deep furrow
Ramus Part of a bone that forms an angle with the rest of the structure.
Meatus Passage or channel
especially the opening of a canal.
Head (bone) Expanded articular end of an epiphysis
often separated from the shaft by a narrower neck.
Trochanter Large
rough projection on a bone.
Crest Prominent ridge on a bone.
Spine (bone) Pointed process on a bone.
Neck (bone) Narrow connection between the epiphysis and diaphysis.
Facet Small
flat articular surface on a bone.
Sulcus Narrow groove on a bone.
Tuberosity Rough projection on a bone.
Fossa Shallow depression on a bone.
Condyle Smooth
rounded articular process on a bone.
Trochlea Smooth
grooved articular process shaped like a pulley.
Diaphysis Shaft of a long bone
wall of compact bone.
Medullary cavity Central space in a long bone
also known as the marrow cavity.
Epiphysis Wide part at each end of a long bone
mostly spongy bone.
Metaphysis Narrow zone that connects diaphysis and epiphysis.
Bone tissue Dense
supportive connective tissue containing specialized cells and extracellular matrix.
Osteogenic cells Stem cells that divide to produce osteoblasts.
Osteoblasts Immature bone cells that secrete organic components of the matrix.
Osteocytes Mature bone cells that maintain the bone matrix.