Chapter 5: State Of Conciousness Flashcards
Control processes
Mental activities requiring focused attention that generally interfere with other ongoing activities
Ex. Focusing on a test & not realizing the time is almost up
Night terrors
Abrupt awakenings from NREM sleep accompanied by intense physiological arousal and feeling of panic
Ex. I feel very scared & usually I am unable to move & end up sleeping in an uncomfortable position
Circadian rhythms
Biological changes that occur on a 24 hour cycle
Ex. Sleep patterns
Rapid eye movement sleep (REM)
Stage of sleep marked by rapid Eye moments high-frequency brain waves paralysis of large muscles and dreaming
Nonrapid eye movement sleep (NREM)
Stage one to four of sleep with stage one at the lightest level & stage four at the deepest level
Ex. Cat sleeping in a upright position
Evolutionary/ circadian theory
Sleep evolved to conserve energy and his protection from predators; also serves as part of the circadian cycle
Ex. Bunnies sleep less while bears can sleep more
repair/ restoration theory
Sleep serves as a re-coop function allowing organisms to repair or replace key factors
Ex. Recover from fatigue
Manifest content
According to Freud, the surface content of a dream which contains dream symbols that the distort and disguise the dreams true meaning
Ex. Banana in dream means sexual arrousal
Latent content
According to Freud, the true unconscious meaning of the dream
Activation synthesis hypothesis
Hobsons theory that dreams are byproducts of random stimulation of brain cells in the brain attempts to combine or synthesize the spontaneous activity into coherent patterns known as dreams
Ex. Trying to run away from a scary dream but can’t move
Persistent problems and falling asleep and staying asleep or awakening too early
Ex. When I was a kid I could never fall asleep
Sleep apnea
Repeated interruption of breathing during sleep because air passages to the lungs are physically blocked or the brain stops activating the diaphragm
Ex. Results in snoring
Sudden & irresistible onsets of sleep during normal waking hours
Ex. Narco= numbers, lepsy= seizures
Anxiety arousing dreams generally occurring near the end of the sleep cycle during REM sleep
Ex. Scary dreams
Drug abuse
Drug taking that causes emotional or physical harm to the drug user or others
Ex. Druggiez
Broad term describing a compulsion to use a specific drug ring gauge in a certain activity
Ex. Being addicted to chocolate milk
Psychological dependence
Desire or craving to achieve a drugs effect
Ex. Wanting to get high
Physical dependence
Changes in bodily processes that make a drug necessary for minimal functioning
Ex. Getting a headache if you didn’t drink coffee
Discomfort and distress including physical pain in an intense craving experience after stopping the use of addictive drugs
Ex. Quitting smoking
Bodily adjustment to a higher and higher levels of a drug which leads to discreased sensitivity
Ex. Going from drinking one cup of coffee to two
Drugs that act on the brain and other parts of the nervous system to decrease bodily processes and overall responsiveness
Ex. Pills to make you happy
Exact on the brain and other parts of the nervous system to increase overall activity and general responsiveness
Ex. Caffeine, cocaine
drugs derived from opium that numb the senses and relieve pain
Ex. Narcotics, morphine, heroine
Drugs that produce sensory or perceptual distortions and hallucinations
Group of techniques designed to refocus attention block out all distractions and produce an alternate state of consciousness
Ex. Buddha meditating
Trancelike state of heightened suggestibility, deep relaxation and intense focus
Ex. Staring into a moving black & white spiral
Organisms awareness of its own self and surroundings
Ex. Being alert
Alternate states of consciousness
Mental states other than ordinary waking consciousness found during sleep dreaming psychoactive drug use hypergnosis and so on
Ex. Being high af
Automatic processes
Mental activities requiring minimal attention and having little impact on other activities
Ex. Breathing
Agonist drug
Mimics a neurotransmitters affect
Ex. Neurotransmitter
Antagonists drug
Blocks normal neurotransmitters functioning
Ex. Bad guy
Psychoactive drugs
Chemicals that change conscious awareness mood and your perception
Ex. Caffeine