Chapter 3 Flashcards
Pleasant desirable stress
Ex. Wedding
Nonspecific response of the body to any demand made on the arousal both physical and mental to situations or events that we perceive as threatening or challenging
Ex. Needing to finish homework
Unpleasant threatening stress
Ex. School work
Chronic stress
Day of ongoing arousal in which the parasympathetic system cannot activate the relaxation response
Ex. Bad marriage
Job Stress
Work related stress that includes role conflict and burnout
Ex. Bad bosses
Role conflict
Forced choice between two or more different in incompatible roll demands
Ex. Being a good student but having a job
State of psychological and physical exhaustion resulting from chronic exposure to high levels of stress and little personal control
Ex. Burnt
Small problems of daily living that accumulate and sometimes become a major source of stress
Ex. Daily chores
Unpleasant tension anxiety and high and sympathetic activity resulting from a blocked goal
Ex. Siblings
Forced choice between two or more incompatible goals or impulses
Approach approach conflict
Forced choice between two or more desirable alternatives
Ex. Getting icecream or getting wings
Avoidance avoidance conflict
Forced choice between two or more undesirable alternatives
Ex. Going to a funeral or gold tourament
Approach avoidance conflict
Forced choice between two or more alternatives both of which have desirable and undesirable results
Sam system
Bodies initial rapid acting stress response involving the sympathetic nervous system and the adrenaline mature also called the sympath oh adrenaline medullary system
hPA axis
Bodies delayed stress response involving the hypothalamus pituitary and adrenal cortex
Bodies tendency to maintain a relatively balanced and stable internal states such as a constant internal temperature
Ex. 98.6
Gen. adaptation syndrome
Selyes three stage alarm resistance exhaustion reaction to chronic stress
Ex. Freezing during a presentation
Indisciplinary field that studies the effects of psychological and other factors of them in system
Type a personality
Behavior characteristics including intense ambition, competition exaggerated time urgency and a cynical hostile outlook
Type B personality
Behavior characteristics consistent with the call patient relaxed attitude
Ex. My mom
Resilient personality with a strong commitment to personal goals control over life in viewing change as a challenge rather than a threat
Post dramatic stress disorder
Anxiety disorder following exposure to a life-threatening or other extreme event that about great poor or helplessness characterized by flashbacks nightmares and impaired functioning
Ex. Plane crashing
Health psychology
Studies how biological psychological and social factors interact in health & illness
Binge drinking
Occurs and men consume five or more drinks and when women consume four or more drinks in about two hours
Ex. Drink drank drunk
Chronic pain
Continue as a reoccurring pain over a period of six months or longer
Primary appraisal
Siding of the situation is harmful threatening or challenging
Ex. Viewing skydiving
Secondary appraisal
Assessing ones resources in choosing a coping method
Emotion focused coping
Managing one’s emotional reactions to the stressful situation
Ex. Being cool calm and collective
Problem-solving and coping
Dealing directly with the stressor to decrease or eliminate it
Ex. Hitting the problem straight on
External locus of control
Leaving the chances are outside sources Beyond one’s control determines one’s fate
Ex. God
Interval locus of control
Believing that one controls ones own fate
Ex. You do you