Chapter 14: Psychological Disorders Flashcards
Abnormal behavior
Patterns of emotion, thought, and action considered pathological for one or more of four reasons: statistical infrequency, disability or dysfunction, personal distress, or violation of norms
Ex. Freaking out
Borderline personality disorder
Impulsivity and instability in mood, relationships, and self-image
Ex. Feeling of depression & personality
Statistical infrequency
The behavior may be judged abnormal if it occurs infrequently in a given population. statical infrequency alone does not determine what is normal.
Ex: Believing others are plotting against you
Disability or dysfunction
People who suffer from psychological disorders may be unable to get along with others, hold a job, eat properly, or clean themselves. their ability to think clearly and make rational decisions may also be impaired
Ex: being unable to go to work due to alcohol abuse
Personal distress
The personal distress criterion focuses on the individual’s judgment of his or her level of functioning. yet many people with psychological disorders deny they have a problem. also some serious psychological disorders cause little or no personal emotional discomfort. the personal distress criterion by itself is not sufficient for identifying all forms of a normal behavior.
Ex: having thoughts of suicide
Violations of norms
4th approach to identifying abnormal behavior is violation of social norms, or cultural rules that guide behavior in particular situations. a major problem with this criterion, however, is that cultural diversity can affect what people consider a violation of norms
Ex: shouting at strangers
Medical model
Perspective that assumes diseases have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and possibly cured
Branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders
Ex. Psychiatrist
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
Classification system developed by the American psychiatric Association used to describe abnormal behaviors
Outmoded term for disorders characterized by unrealistic anxiety and other associated problems; less severe disruptions than in psychosis
Ex. Neurotic
Serious mental disorders characterized by extreme mental disruption and defective or lost contact with reality
Legal term applied when people cannot be held responsible for their actions, or are judged incompetent to manage their own affairs, because of mental illness
Ex. Insane in the membrane
Anxiety disorders
Problems associated with severe anxiety such as phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder
Mood disorders
Problems associated with severe disturbances of mood such as depression, mania, or alternating episodes of two (bipolar disorder)
Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
A group of disorders characterized by major disturbances in perception, language and thought, emotion, and behavior
Dissociative disorders
Disorders in which the normal integration of consciousness, memory, or identity is suddenly and temporarily altered
Ex: amnesia and dissociative identity disorder
Personality disorders
Problems related to lifelong maladaptive personality traits, including antisocial personality disorders or borderline personality disorders
Substance related disorders
Problems caused by alcohol, cocaine, tobacco, and other drugs
Somatoform disorders
Problems related to unusual preoccupation with physical health or physical symptoms with no physical cause
Factitious disorders
Conditions in which physical or psychological symptoms are intentionally produced in order to assume patient’s roll
Sexual and gender identity disorders
Problems related to unsatisfactory sexual activity, finding unusual objects or situations arousing; gender identity problems
Eating disorders
Problems related to food such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia
Sleep disorders
Serious disturbances asleep such as insomnia, sleep terrors, or hypersomnia
Impulse control disorders
Problems related to kleptomania, pyromania, and pathological gambling
Adjustment disorders
Problems involving excessive emotional reaction to specific stressors such as divorce, family discord, or economic concerns
Disorders usually first aid most in infancy, childhood, or adolescence
Problems that appear before adulthood, including mental retardation and language development disorders
Delirium, dementia, amnestic, and other cognitive disorders
Problems caused by noon damage to the brain including Alzheimer’s disease, strokes, and physical trauma to the brain
Mental disorders due to a general medical condition
Problems caused by physical deterioration of the brain due to disease, drugs, and so on
Other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention
Problems related to physical or sexual abuse, relational problems, occupational problems, and so forth
Generalized anxiety disorder or
Persistent, uncontrollable, and free-floating non specified anxiety
Panic disorder
Sudden and inexplicable panic attacks; symptoms include difficulty breathing, heart palpitations, dizziness, trembling, terror, and feelings of impending doom
Intense, irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object or situation
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Intrusive, repetitive, fearful thoughts, with urges to perform repetitive, ritualistic behaviors, or both
Mood disorder
Extreme disturbances in emotional states
Major depressive disorder
Long-lasting depressed mood that interferes with the ability to function, feel pleasure, or maintain interest in life
Bipolar disorder
Repeated episodes of mania alternating with depression
Learned helplessness
Seligman’s term for a state of helplessness or resignation, in which human or nonhuman animals learn that escape from something painful is impossible and depression results
Imaginary sensory perceptions that occur without external stimuli
Dopamine hypothesis
Theory that overactivity of dopamine neurons may contribute to some forms of schizophrenia
Mistaken beliefs based on misrepresentations of reality
Diathesis stress model
Suggests that people inherit a predisposition that increases the risk for mental disorders if exposed to certain extremely stressful life experiences
Substance related disorders
Abuse of, or dependence on, a mood-or behavior-altering drug
Co-occurrence of two or more disorders in the same person at the same time, as when a person suffers from both depression and alcoholism
Ex. Weed & JOOCE
Dissociative identity disorder
Presence of two or more distinct personality systems in the same individual at different times; previously known as multiple personality disorder
Antisocial personality disorder
Profound disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others