Chapter 13: Personality Flashcards
Relatively stable personal characteristics that can be used to describe someone
Ex. Kind, sweet
Unique & relatively stable pAttern of thoughts, feelings, and actions
Ex. Being outgoing
Factor analysis
Statistical procedure for determining the most basic units or factors for a large array of data
Ex. Limiting character traits to 35-40
Five factor model
Trait theory of personality that includes openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism
Ex. Openess= original, imaginitative
In Freudian terms, thoughts or motives that a person is currently Aware of or is remembering
Ex. You know you are eating dinner
Frueds term for thoughts, motives, or memories that can voluntarily be brought to mind
Ex. Remembering what you had for
Dinner last night
Frueds term for thoughts, motives, and memories blocked from normal awareness
Ex. Dirty things you think about!!
According to Freud, the source of instinctual energy, which works on the pleasure principle and is concerned with immediate gratification
Ex. Wanting to do bad things with an attractive girl
Pleasure principle
In freuds theory, the principle on which the is operates- seeking immediate pleasure
Ex. You want the candy right now bc you like it
In Frueds theory, the rational part of the psyche that deals with reality by controlling the Id, while also satisfying the superego
Ex. Being a good person
Reality principle
According to Freud, the principle on which the conscious ego operates as is tries to meet the demands of the Id & superego and the realities of the environment
Ex. You can’t have the person who is a 10 when you’re a sold 4
In Frueds theory, the consciense or part of the personality that incorporates parental and societal standards for morality
Ex. The voice inside your head
Morality principle
The principle on which the superego may operate, which results in feeling of guilt if it’s rules are violated
Ex. Personal morals
Defense mechanisms
In Freudian theory, the egos protective method of reducing anxiety by distorting reality
Ex. Denying ones thoughts
Freuds first & most basic mechanism, which blocks unacceptable impulses from coming into awareness
Ex. Forgetting the details of your parents painful death
Psychosexual stages
In Freudian theory, five developmental periods( oral, anal, phallic, latency, & genital) during which particular kinds of pleasures must be gratified if personality development is to proceed normally
Ex. Over indulgent in the oral stage leads to gullibility
Period of conflict during the phallic stage when children are supposedly attracted to the opposite sex parent and hostile toward the same sex parent
Ex. That’s weird as shit
Inferiority complex
Alders idea that feelings of inferiority. Develop from early childhood experiences of helplessness and incompetence
Ex. Will to power
Collective unconscious
Jungs concept of a reservoir of inherited, universal experiences that all humans share
Ex. We all live life
According to Jung, the images and patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that reside in the collective unconscious
Ex. Gender roles
Basic anxiety
According to Horney, the feelings of helplessness and insecurity that adults experience bc as children they felt alone and isolated in a hostile environment
Ex. 3 ways to find security
Self concept
Rogers term for all the information and beliefs and individuals have about their own nature, qualifies, and behavior
Ex. How you view the world
Unconditional positive regard
Rogers term for love & acceptance with no contingencies attached
Ex. Good parents
Self actualizations
Maslows term for the inborn drive to develop all ones talents & capabilities
Ex. Self actualizations
Self efficacy
Banduras term for a person’s learned expectation of success
Ex. BELIVE you can succeed
Reciprocal determinism
Baduras believed that cognition, behaviors and the environment interact to produce personality
Ex. How your mom responds affects yor success
Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory
The most widely researched and clinically used self-report personality test
Ex. True or false questions
Projective test
Physiological test using ambiguous stimuli such as inkblots or drawings which allows the test taker to project his or her unconscious onto the test material
Ex. Seeing a butterfly in black ink
Rorscharch ink blot teSt
A projective test the presents a set of 10 cards for symmetrical abstract patterns notice in plots and asked respondents describe what they see in the image; the response is thought to be a projection of unconscious process
Ex. Seeing a butterfly in black ink lots
Thematic apperception test
A projective test that shows a series of ambiguous black-and-white pictures and asked to test taker to create a story related to each; the responses presumably reflect a projection of unconscious process
Ex. Trying to guess somebody’s life story
Measure the consistency of reproducibility of a test score when the test is readministered
Ex. Consistent results
Ability of a test to measure what it was designed to measure
Ex. A test on dogs really does test dogs
Redirecting unmet desires are unacceptable impulses into acceptable activities
Ex. Re channeling sexual desires into school work arts or sports
Protecting oneself from an unpleasant reality by refusing to perceive it
Ex. Alcoholics refusing to admit to their addiction
Substituting socially excepted will reasons for unacceptable ones
Ex. Justifying cheating by saying everyone’s doing it
ReAction formation
Refusing to knowledge unacceptable urges thoughts or feelings by exaggerating the opposite state
Ex. Joining a group against gays when you’re actually gay
Responding to a threatening situation in a way appropriate to an earlier age or level development
Ex. Throwing a tantrum when things don’t go your way
Redirecting impulses towards a less threatening person or object
Ex. Yelling at your brother after work bc your boss sucks