Chapter 15: Therapy Flashcards
techniques employed to improve psychological functioning and promote adjustment to life
Ex. Talking with a therapist
Outmoded medical procedure for mental disorders, which involves cutting nerve pathways between the frontal lobe’s and the Thalamus and hypothalamus
Ex. Cutting
Freudian therapy designed to bring unconscious conflicts which usually date back to early childhood experience into consciousness; also Freud’s theory medical school of thought emphasizing unconscious process
Ex. Getting abused as a child
Free Association
In psychoanalysis, reporting whatever comes to mind without monitoring its contents
Ex. Saying everything
Dream analysis
In psychoanalysis interpreting the underlying true meaning of dreams to reveal unconscious process
Ex. The symbols in your dreams
In psychoanalysis, the person’s inability or unwillingness to discuss or reveal certain memories, thoughts, motives, or experiences
Ex. Not sharing about child abuse
In psychoanalysis the patient may displace or transfer unconscious feelings about a significant person in his or her life onto the therapist
Ex. Falling in love with the therapist
A psychoanalyst explanation of the patients free associations, dreams, resistance, and transparence; more generally, any statement by therapist that presents a patient problem in a new way
Ex. The hidden conflicts found
Psychodynamic theory
A brief or, more directive, and more modern form of psychoanalyst that focuses on conscious processes and current problems
Ex. More face to face contact
Cognitive therapy
Therapy that treats problem behaviors and mental processes by focusing on faulty thought processes and believes
Ex. Looking at beliefs
Self talk
Internal dialogue; the things people say to themselves when they interpret events
Ex. TalkiNg in your head
Cognitive restructuring
Process in cognitive therapy to change destructive thoughts or inappropriate interpretations
Cognitive behavior therapy
Combines cognitive therapy changing faulty thinking with behavior therapy changing faulty behaviors
Ex. Change p
Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
Ellis cognitive therapy to eliminate emotional problems through rational examination of irational believes
Ex. Cup is half full not empty
Humanistic therapy
Process that focuses on removing obstacles that block personal growth and potential
Ex. Block out the bad
Client centered therapy
Rogers therapy emphasizing the clients natural tendency to become healthy and productive; techniques include empathy, unconditional positive regard genuineness and active listening
Ex. The good things
In Rogerian terms and insightful awareness and ability to share another’s inner experience
Ex. Relating to your sons mistakes as a father
UnConditional positive regard
Rogers term for love and acceptance with no contingencies attached
Ex. Love you no matter what
In Rogerian terms, authenticity for congruence; the awareness of one’s true inner thoughts and feelings and being able to share them honestly with others
Ex. Really listening
Active listening
Listening with total attention to what others are saying; involves reflecting, paraphrasing, and clarifying with the person and says in means
Ex. Totally engaged
Group therapy
A number of people meet together to work towards therapeutic goals
Ex. all have same problem
Self-Help group
Leaderless or not professionally guided groups in which members assist each other with the Specific problem as an Alcoholics Anonymous
Ex. Alcoholics Anonymous
Behavior therapy
Group of techniques based on learning principles used to change maldaptive behaviors
Ex. Problems
Systematic desensitization
A gradual process of extinguishing a learned behavior or phobia I working through a hierarchy of fear evoking stimuli by staying deeply relaxed
Ex. Slowly overcoming a fear
Aversion therapy
Pairing in the inverted unpleasant stimulus with a maladaptive behavior
Ex. Create anxiety
Modeling therapy
Watching imitating models that demonstrate desirable behavior
Ex. An idol
Biomedical therapy
Using biological interventions to treat psychological disorders
Ex. Drugs
The study of drug effects on mind and behavior
Anti-anxiety drugs
Medications used to produce relaxation reducing Anxiety and decrease over arousal in the brain
Ex. Xanax
Antipsychotic drugs
Medications used to diminish or lemonade hallucinations, delusions, withdrawal and other symptoms of psychosis
Ex. Stop schizophrenia
Mood Stabilizer drug
Medications used to treat the combination of manic episodes and depression characteristics of bipolar disorder
Ex. Lithium
Anti-depressant drugs
Medications used to treat depression, summing Anxiety disorders, and certain eating disorders
Ex. Prozac
Electro conclusive therapy
Biomedical therapy based on passing electrical currents through the brain; used almost exclusively to treat serious depression when drug therapy fails
Ex. Shock therapy
Ioperated procedures on the brain designed to relieve severe mental symptoms that have not responded to other forms of treatment
Ex. Surgery
Tardive dyskinesia
Movement disorder involving facial muscles, tongue, and limbs; a possible side effect of long-term use of antipsychotic medications
Ex. Effects of schizophrenia
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
Bio medical treatment involving repeated pulses of magnetic energy being passed through the brain
Eclectic approach
Mining techniques from various theories to find the most appropriate treatment
Ex. Combination