Chapter 5: Pediatric Overall Development Flashcards
0-2 Months
Reflexes: rooting, suck swallow, traction, moro, plantar grasp, palmer grasp, galant, ATNR, Tonic Labyrinthine Supine and Prone, Labyrinthine optical head righting. Gross motor: Bear weight on forearms in prone, can take weight legs when held in standing. No release, visually attends to cube. PLAY: exploratory play (to develop body scheme).
3-5 Months
Reflexes: suck swallow, traction, moro, plantar grasp, ATNR, palmer grasp, tonic labyrinthine supine and prone, head righting, landau (new), Symmetric Tonic neck (new), neck on body righting (new), body on body righting (new), downward parachute (new), prone tilting (new). GROSS MOTOR: roll from supine to side intentionally FINE MOTOR: involuntary release (1-4 months), visually attends and may swipe, sustained ulnar grasp possible upon contact, no thumb involved (3 months), primitive squeeze grasp: will grasp within one inch and bring to other hand or body no thumb involvement (4 months), palmer grasp with thumb adducted (5 months), two-stage transfer (5-6). Feeding: first textures, bite and release munching of soft cookie. COGNITION: focuses on action performed with objects (banging or shaking). PLAY: exploratory play (to develop body scheme).

6-8 Months
Reflexes: Plantar grasp, landau, symmetric tonic neck, neck on body righting, body on body righting, downward parachute, forward parachute (new), sideward parachute (new), prone tilting, supine and sitting tilting (new). GROSS MOTOR: Equilibrium/protective actions present, pivot in prone, roll segmentally (6-14), crawling on belly, reciprocal creep (7-10), sitting alone with wide base (5-10), prone to sit (6-11), isolated upper body rotation, pull to stand (6-12), cruising (8). FINE MOTOR: one-stage transfer (6-7), voluntary release (7-9), radial-palmer grasp, raking, inferior scissors grasp(7), scissor grasp (8). FEEDING: Strong up down movement of tongue, soft/mashed food with diagonal jaw movement, cereal and baby food from spoon, may start finger feeding, Attempts to hold bottle, sucks on cracker more than bites. COGNITION: object permanence, cause and effect.

9-11 Months
Reflexes: Landau, head righting, symm tonic neck, NOB, BOB, downward/forward/sideward/backward parachute, prone, supine, sitting, quadruped (new) tilting. GROSS MOTOR: Creeping, using legs more to stand, walks w/hands held & taking 1st Ind steps (9-17). FINE MOTOR: radial-digital grasp (9),Inferior pincer grasp (9, pictured below), pincer grasp (10). Feeding: finger feed soft foods, lateral tongue movements, able to drink from cup, uses sippy. COGNITION: goal oriented behavior.

12-24 mo
Reflexes: Landau, head righting, NOB, BOB, downward/forward/sideward/backward parachute, prone, supine, sitting, quadruped, standing (new) tilting. GROSS MOTOR: Walking- starting & stopping (15), seldom falls and runs stiffly (18), creeps up stairs, stairs w/hand hold (18-24), creeping backwards down stairs (18-23) FINE MOTOR: Fine pincer grasp (12), precise release to small containers, finger to palm translation, palmar supinate grasp. FEEDING: using tools- messy to improving, jaw firm w/rotary chewing to bite hard cookie. SELF CARES: hold out extremities for dressing, doffing shoes/socks, tell you when soiled, regular BMs. Will sit on toilet for short time when placed there. Imitates housework. COGNITION: use of trial/error (12-15) turns to predicting effects of actions (18-21), thinking before acting (18-21), sorts shapes (21-24)

2-3 yrs
FINE MOTOR: Digital pronate grasp, Palm-to-finger translation, simple rotation (90 degrees, unscrewing small bottle cap), begins to show interest in scissors opens and closes scissors in controlled fashion. SELF CARE: Removes unfastened coat and untied shoes, finds arm holes (2 yrs), dons and doffs shirt with min A, dons slip on shoes and socks, pulls down pants independently, large buttons (3 yrs), finds front of clothes, fasteners & zippers, buttons, dresses with supervision (3.5 yrs). Regulated toileting with occastional daytime accidents, tells someone when they need to go to the bathroom (2.5 yrs), goes to the bathroom independently but may need help w/ wiping or difficult clothes (3 yrs), puts away toys with reminders. FEEDING: interest in fork may stab food, proficient spoon use. GROSS MOTOR: walks up stairs alternating feet (2-2.5), walks down stairs alternating feet (3-3,5), jumps down from step (2), hops on one foot (2.5), jumps with both feet (3). COGNITION: discriminate sizes, understands relation of experiences to one another, can mentally plan actions, can build a structure from a mental image (3). PLAY: symbolic play-using objects actions or ideas to symbolize other objects, actions or ideas. (2-4) which is associated with language development. This happens through parallel play mostly.

4-5 yrs
Fine Motor: Static tripod posture (3.5-4 pictured below), Dynamic tripod posture grasp of writing instruments (4.5-6), cuts w/ scissors forward, lateral, and geometric shapes (3-4) followed by circles (3.5-4.5) Self Care: removes pullover, buckles shoes/belt, zips jacket, puts on socks correctly, puts on shoes with assist for laces, laces shoes, IDs front/back of clothes (4). Puts belt in loops (4.5). fixes dry cereal and snacks, helps sort laundry (4). Ind in toiling (4-5). Ties and unties knots, dresses unsupervised (5), puts toys away neatly, makes sandwich, takes out trash, makes bed, puts dirty clothes in hamper, answers phone correctly (5). COGNITION: utilizes spatial awareness, cause-and-effect, & mental images in problem-solving. PLAY: creative play: more cooperative play at this stage. engages in sensory, motor, cognitive, and social play experiences to refine relevant skills.

6-7 yrs
FINE MOTOR: Dynamic tripod posture grasp of writing instruments (4.5-6); cuts simple figure shapes (4-6 years); cuts complex figure shapes (6-7); complex rotation (rotating objects 360 degrees) SELF CARES: closes back zipper, ties bows, buttons back buttons, snaps back snaps. IADLS: does simple errands; household chores done right the first time; cleans sink/washes dishes with help; crosses street safely; manage small amounts of money; starts to put away clothes; use telephone; simple meal prep. PLAY: creative play: more cooperative play at this stage. engages in sensory, motor, cognitive, and social play experiences to refine relevant skills.