Chapter 31 Multiple Gestations Flashcards
The demise of a twin can lead to the development of neurologic complications in the living twin as a result of:
Twin embolization syndrome
Least common form of monozygotic twinning?
Monochorionic monoamniotic
Ovulation induction drugs not only increase the likelihood of multiple gestations, but also increase the likelihood of:
Heterotopic pregnancies
Acardiac twinning results from:
Abnormal links between the placental vessels
Complication associated with multiple gestations:
- Preterm delivery
- Maternal anemia
- Maternal preeclampsia
The most common form of monozygotic twins is:
Monochorionic diamniotic
________ can occur as a result of monozygotic twinning?
- Monochorionic diamniotic twins
- Monochorionic monoamniotic twins
- Dichorionic diamniotic twins
What is the term for conjoined twins attached at the sacral region?
Fraternal twin results from:
Dizygotic twinning
The twin that will appear larger in TTTs is the:
The abnormal twin in acardiac twinning is also referred to as:
Parasitic twin
_______can occur as a result of dizygotic twinning
Dichorionic-diamniotic twins
TRAP syndrome may also be referred to :
Acardiac twinning
Factors that increase the likelihood of having multiple gestations include:
- Advanced maternal age
- Ovulation induction drugs
- Maternal predisposition for twins
The shunting of blood from one twin to the other is termed:
Twin-twin transfusion syndrome
What is a treatment that separates abnormal placental vascular connections between twins that are suffering from TTTs
Endoscopic-guided laser photocoagulation
The term that indicates the presence of two separate placentas is:
The demise of a twin during the second or third trimester can lead to:
Twin embolization syndrome
Monozygotic twins result from:
A single zygote that splits
Conjoined twins that are attached at the abdomen are referred to as:
Typically, the first sonographic manifestation of TTTs is:
Discordant fetal growth
Twins having two placentas and two amniotic sacs are referred to:
Dichorionic diamniotic
Asymmetry in fetal weight between twins is indicative of:
Discordant growth
The sonographic exam of twins reveals a triangular extension of the placenta at the base of the membrane:
Dichorionic diamniotic twins
Identical twins result from:
Monozygotic twinning
Chorionicity refers to:
Number of placentas
Twins having one placenta and one amniotic sac are referred to as:
Monochorionic monoamniotic
Which term relates to the number of amniotic sacs?
When a twin fetus, suffers from TTTs, experiences severe oligohydramnios and becomes closely adhered to the uterine wall?
Stuck twin
Twins having two placentas and one amniotic sac are referred to as:
Does not happen
The term that indicates the presence of two separate amniotic sacs is:
Twins whose bodies are connected at some point are said to be:
_______would not increase the likelihood of multiple gestations?
Gestational diabetes
The outer membrane of the gestation is referred to as the:
What condition is pregnancy-induced maternal high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine after 20 weeks gestation?
Twins that result from the fertilization of two separate ova are called:
The inner membrane surrounding the fetus is referred to as the:
A newborn would most likely suffer from ______ if he/she were born prior to 32 weeks as a result of multiple gestation complications?
Pulmonary hypoplasia
Twins that have the threat of being conjoined are:
Monochorionic monoamniotic
What are sonographic signs of a dichorionic diamniotic gestation?
- Twin peak sign
- Lambda sign
- Delta sign
The _____, is the structure that forms the placenta
_____twins arise from two separate zygotes
______twins arise from single zygote
A fertilized egg is referred to as:
With monochorionic monoamniotic twinning there is _______ placentas and ______ amniotic sacs
With dichorionic diamniotic twinning there is ________ placentas and _______ sacs
With monochorionic diamniotic twinning both twins _______ a placenta and have ______ amniotic sacs
The most common forms of conjoined twinning are:
Thoracopagus and omphalopagus
Conjoined twins that are joined at the cranium are called:
Conjoined twins joined at the sacral region are called:
Acardiac twinning is AKA:
Twin-reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP)
With _______there is one normal fetus, the “pump twin” and an abnormally developed fetus containing no heart
Acardiac twinning
With _______shunting occurs from one twin to the other
Twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTs)
Dizygotic twining always results in ______ twins
Dichorionic diamniotic
________ twins arise from a single zygote that splits
_______arise from two separate fertilized ova
Dizygotic twins
If separate placentas are noted, then the pregnancy must be:
Dichorionic diamniotic
There are three categories of monozygotic twins:
Infants born with low birth weight and before 32 weeks gestation often suffer from:
Pulmonary hypoplasia with episodes of hypoxia
________at the time of birth can cause tiny, fragile blood vessels within the immature brain to rupture
The death of a twin and subsequent reabsorption of the embryo during the first trimester is called:
Vanishing twin
If the fetus dies in the first trimester and is maintained throughout the pregnancy is called:
Fetus papyraceus
The death of a _______ twin during the second or third trimester can lead to life-threatening problems in the surviving twin
With ______twins the surviving twin is rarely affected by the death of the other
The death of a _______twin during the first trimester frequently leads to the death of the other twin
Vascular products travel from the demised twin to the surviving twin by means of the common vascular channels within the shared placenta is called:
Twin embolization syndrome
The presence of one yolk sac and two fetuses is indicative of a ______ gestation
The presence of two yolk sacs is indicative of a ______ gestation
During the first trimester ______ twins, will have a thick membrane separating the two amniotic sacs
_______twins will have a thin membrane or no membrane at all between them
_______are referred to as fraternal twins because they have their own genetic structure and can differ from each other in many ways
Dizygotic twins
Sonographic findings of Acardiac twin
- Normal pump twin
- Acardiac twin-absent upper body, absent heart and hydrops
Sonographic findings of twin-twin syndrome
- Monochorionic twinning
- Discordant fetal growth
- Oligohydramnios around donor twin
- Polyhydramnios around recipient twin
- Recipient may be hydropic