Chapter 17 The Uterus And Vagina Flashcards
The recesses of the vagina are the:
The area of the attachment of the fallopian tubes to the uterus is the:
The normal position of the uterus is:
Anechoic fluid noted distending the uterus and vagina within a pediatric patient is termed:
The superior portion of the cervix is the:
Internal OS
The location of a fibroid within the myometrium is termed:
Leiomyosarcoma of the uterus denotes:
The malignant counterpart of a fibroid
Congenital malformation of the uterus that results in complete duplication of the genital tract is:
Uterus didelphys
Leiomyomas that project from a stalk are termed:
Abnormally heavy and prolonged MENSTRUAL flow BETWEEN periods is termed:
Precocious puberty is defined as the development of pubic hair, breasts, and the genitals before the age of:
The paired embryonic ducts that develop into the female urogenital tract are the:
Mullerian ducts
What is typically not a clinical complaint of women who are suffering from adenomyosis?
The surgical removal of a fibroid is termed:
What leiomyoma location would have an increased risk to undergo torsion?
The uterine position in which the corpus tilts forward and comes in contact with the cervix describes:
A simple fluid accumulation within the vagina secondary to an imperforate hymen is:
Patient complaining of abnormal distention, you visualize a large, hypoechoic mass distorting the anterior border of uterus. Where is the location of the mass?
The rigid region of the uterus location between the vagina and the isthmus is the:
_____would be considered the more common uterine anomaly?
Septate uterus
The outer layer of the endometrium is the:
Basal layer
What section of the uterus is also referred to as the lower uterine segment?
The most superior widest portion of the uterus is the:
The layer of the endometrium that is significantly altered as a result of normal stimulation during the mestrual cycle is:
Functional layer
Pseudoprecocious puberty may be associated with:
*Ovarian tumor
*Adrenal tumor
*Liver tumor
The invasion of endometrial tissue into the myometrium of the uterus is referred to:
Absence of a mensuration is referred to:
Difficult or painful intercourse is AKA:
The inner mucosal lining of the uterus is the:
The inferior portion of the cervix closest to the vagina is the:
Eternal OS
What would be most indicative of a leiomyosarcoma?
Rapid growth
The largest part of the uterus is the:
What fibroid location would most likely result in abnormal uterine bleeding because of its relationship to the endometrium?
What congenital malformation of the uterus is common and has a clear association with an increased risk for spontaneous abortion?
Septate uterus
The normal position of the uterus is considered to be:
Anteversion or anteflexion
The uterus that is located on the right is referred to as:
Dextroverted uterus
The uterus that is located more on the left is referred to as:
Levoverted uterus