Chapter 3: Clinical Assessment Flashcards
Clinical Assessment: the ____ evaluation and ___ of psychological/behavioral, biological, and ____ factors in an individual that is _____ with a possible psychological disorder
Clinical Assessment: the SYSTEMATIC evaluation and MEASUREMENT of psychological/behavioral, biological, and SOCIAL factors in an individual that is PRESENTING with a possible psychological disorder
a clinical assessment requires a ____ and ___ approach about gathering info about a client to make____ and____ decisions
a clinical assessment requires a INTEGRATIVE and MULTIDIMENSIONAL approach about gathering info about a client to make INFORMED and ACCURATE decisions
2 broad steps when assessing psychological disorder
1) clinician collects a BROAD range of info about individuals functioning to determine the SOURC of a problem. Gets a PRELIMINARY sense of overall functioning of the person
2) narrow the focus by ruling out problems in some areas, and focusing on areas that seem more relevant.
3 concepts that determine the value of the clinical assessment
1) Reliability:degree to which a measurement is consistent
2) validity: degree to which a technique measures what it is designed to measure
3) standardization: application of standards to ensure consistency across dif measurements
standardization: application of standards to ___ ____ across dif measurements
standardization: application of standards to ensure consistency across dif measurements
degree to which a technique measures what it is designed to measure
VALIDITY: degree to which a technique measures what it is designed to measure
what type of reliability ensures that the technique/protocol is stable over time?
test-retest reliability
when 2 or more raters who use the same device on the same person and get the same results, this protocol has high ____ reliability
inter-rater reliability
concurrent validity
comparing the results of one asssessment measuring to the results of another in order to determine the validity of the first measure.
predictive validity
how well your assessment tells you what will happen in the future
Mental status exam: the systematic ____ of behavior: clinicians get enough info to determine the presence of a psychological disorder
when does this occur?
the systematic OBSERVATION of behavior: clinicians get enough info to determine the presence of a psychological disorder
a mental status evaluation usually occurs during the clinical interview
5 categories of a mental status exam
1) appearance and behavior
2) thought processes
3) mood and affect
4) intellectual functioning
5) sensorium
what encompases the appearance and behavior aspects of a mental status exam
the observation of overt, physical behavior.
- twitches, style of dress, facial expression and tone.
what encompasses the thought processes aspects of a mental status exam
fast/slow speech, continuity, and content of speech.
- strange diction?
- reasonable flow and content ?
- is there evidence of delusions, hallucinations of reference? (the feeling that everything anyone else does somehow relates back to them)
the feeling that everything anyone else does somehow relates back to them
____ is the predominant feeling state of an indivdual, whereas an ____ is a transient feeling state that is accompanied by an action at a given time.
MOOD is the predominant feeling state of an indivdual, whereas an AFFECT is a transient feeling state that is accompanied by an action at a given time.
what encompasses the intellectual functioning aspects of a ____ is the predominant feeling state of an indivdual, whereas an ____ is a transient feeling state that is accompanied by an action at a given time.
general levels of functioning
-adequate vocabulary and grammar, ability to use metaphors and abstractions.
what is sensorium
our general awareness of our surroundings, ex/ knowing where we are, who the clinician is, the date etc.
the “good” ranking of sensorium (CLEAR SENSORIUM), which means THEY KNOW THE PLACE, PERSON, AND TIME.
What does the clinical interview and mental status exam allow the clinician to make?
allows the clinican to make a preliminary determination of which areas of the patient’s behavior and conditions should be assessed in more detail/more formally
2 quantitative measures of the mental status exam
1) mini-mental state exam (MMSE)
2) montreal cognitive assessment (moCA)
a ____ interview is made up of questions that have been carefully phrased to elicit useful info in a consistent manner. Disadvantage to semi structured vs unstructured
SEMISTRUCTURED. ensures that clinicians have acquired the most pertinent info relating to a particular disorder, but also allows them to follow up on a specific issue.
disadvantage; decreased spontaneity quality of 2 ppl talking about a problem. If too rigid of an interview, people may not reveal vulnerable info.
why is a physical examination imporant to note when acquiring info for clinical assessment?
PE should be done in order to rule out medical conditions that are associated with psych disorders, and to rule out medical conditions that may masquerade as a psychological disorder.
ex/ hyperthyroidism can result in feelings of anxiety. this psych disorder is actually just due to a toxic state.