Chapter 3 Flashcards
What is a bicycle lane?
The parts of the public road designated for bicycles and Class A mopeds (max. 25km/h).
The bicycle lane is part of the public road, but not of the lane/carriageway; cars are not allowed there.
What suggests the instruction sign with pedestrians and bicycles next to each other?
Pedestrians, bicycles, and mopeds class A must use this part of the road. Mopeds class B (max.)
What suggests the instruction sign the pedestrian and cycle under each other?
Pedestrians and bicycles must use this part of the public road.
Mopeds A and B are NOT allowed here.
What are the signals for a crossing for cyclists?
There are two signs. A blue squared one (information sign) is placed on the crossing point, and a red triangle, which is placed 150m before the crossing.
Where is prohibited to park?
On the pedestrian or cyclist crossing, on the road and on the verge, and on the road 5 m in front of a crossing.
What is a bicycle reserved/suggested lane?
A part of the road that is painted red, green, or beige, suggested for cyclists. But since it does not have the dashed white lines on the side, it is not a bicycle lane.
You can drive, park or wait here.
How is an end of a bicycle lane marked?
With the red triangle with the cyclist. This indicated when a bicycle lane is over and they have to drive on the normal lane. For this, they have the priority and you can not park within 5 meters in front or past.
What is a fietstraat?
It is a street where cyclists are the most important users, but cars are still allowed.
You can not overtake bicycles and the maximum speed limit is 30 km/h.