Chapter 22 Ethics and Values Flashcards
refers to freedom from external control
Ex. a patient faces surgery, the surgeon has an obligation to review the surgical procedure, including risks and benefits, out of respect for the patient’s autonomy
refers to taking positive actions to help others, the best interests of the patient remain more important than self-interest - service to others
Non maleficence
avoidance of harm or hurt - balance between risks and benefits
fairness and equal access to health care resources, including distribution of resources
Ex. health insurance, organ transplants
the agreement to keep promises
Ex. unwillingness to abandon patients even when care becomes controversial or complex –> abortions
Code of ethics
set of guiding principles that all members of a profession accept
American Nurses Association
First set of codes of ethics
the support of a particular cause
Ex. health, safety, rights of patients, rights to privacy
willingness to respect one’s professional obligations and follow through on promises
the ability to answer for one’s action
-ANA: national standards
Accountability : TJC
The Joint Commission: applies Accreditation
widely respected
If violations occur: US Department of Health and Human Services take charge
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
personal belief about the worth of a given idea, attitude, custom, or object that sets standards that influence behavior -reflect culture and social influences
Value formation
begins in childhood, shaped by experience within the family unit
Ex. schools, government, religion, friends
Ex. individual experiences: loss in early life values things different to those free of suffering
Values Clarification
Ethical dilemmas –> conflict: to resolve think VALUE, FACT, OPINION
Ethics are more
flexible than fixed
actions as right or wrong based on their “right-making characteristics” – does not look at consequences
Ex. fidelity to promises, truthfulness, justice, and beneficence
relies on the application of a certain principle
-the value of something is based on its usefulness
Utilitarianism: Consequential-ism
main emphasis is on the outcome or consequence of action
Utilitarianism: Teleology
Greek meaning “end” - study of ends or final causes
Utilitarianism measures:
the effect that an act will have; deontology looks to the presence of principle regardless of outcome
-does not guarantee agreement
Feminist Ethics
critiques conventional ethics
practices solutions of the nature of relationships and positive values (power is unequal, point of view)
Ethics of Care
Like feminists, both promote philosophy that focus on understanding relationships with a personal narrative
Nel Nodding
one-caring = provides care
cared-for = patient
-code of ethics
Consensus of Bioethics
respect and agreement, skill and practice
-Act of discovery: “collective wisdom” - consensus building
Processing an Ethical Dilemma: Elements
the presumption of good will, strict confidentiality, patient-centered decision making, welcome participation of family
Curtin says it’s an ethical issue if 1 one of the following:
- unable to resolve through scientific data
- perplexing –> cannot logically make decision
- answer = relevance for human concern
Resolution of ethical issues:
- Ask ?
- Gather info
- Clarify values–> fact, opinion, values
- Verbalize problem
- Identify possible courses of action
- Negotiate a plan
- Evaluate the plan over time
Ethics committees:, 2.policy recommendation, consultation
goals= promote rights, decisions, patient-centered outcomes
Issues: Quality of Life
take account- age, ability to live independently, contribute to society, other measures
-centered= DNRs. end of life care, cancer therapy, disabled access
Issues: Genetic Screening
alert a patient to a condition that may not yet be evident but is certain to develop in future Ex. women over 35 and pregnant
Issues: Care at End of Life
predictions are not always accurate (dementia)
hopeless, serves no purpose
-no recovery, dying
Issues: Access to Care
- 3 mill uninsured 15% of pop
- mostly women and children, 19-29
- most homeless but 80% working families