Chapter 20: Elizabethan Foreign Affairs Flashcards
Succession, MQS, Spain, Netherlands
What were Elizabeth’s foreign policy aims?
- National security
- Cost effective
- Prevent catholic alliance against England
- Promote image
What was the problem with succession?
- 1562 - Elizabeth nearly died from smallpox - had no heir - caused panic
- Current closest heir - MQS - catholic
- Queen saw it as royal prerogative so not up for discussion
Who were potential protestant suitors?
- Dudley (Leicester) - English noble marred by scandal of wife’s death - murder?
- Prince Erik of Sweden - not large European power so less help in terms of trade / protection
Who were potential catholic suitors?
- Philip II Spain - wants to maintain influence in England
- Archdukes Ferdinand and Charles - sons of emperor - power and influence
- François Duke of Anjou - brother to French king, ruined by St Bartholomew’s day massacre of protestants
How was MQS a problem?
- Returned to Scotland and in England 1567
- Catholic - used as figurehead of plots and rebellions - made worse by excommunication 1570
- Can’t kill her - regicide and don’t want to set a precedent, would also become a catholic martyr
What was the Ridolfi plot?
- 1571
- After the excommunication
- Had a lot of support - MQS, Norfolk, Pope, Philip, Noblemen
What was the Throckmorton plot?
- 1583
- Proposed foreign landing
- Quickly discovered by Walsingham - minimal threat at home
What was the Parry threat?
- 1585
- Plot to assassinate the queen
- Easily stopped
- Caused increase in queen protection
What was the Babington plot?
- 1586
- Clear involvement by MQS
- Complicit in the assassination plot
- Enough to execute her
How was it decided to execute MQS?
- Found guilty in trial after the Babington plot
- Elizabeth reluctant to authorise the execution
- Convinced by Cecil it was needed for her own safety and for national security
- Mary beheaded 1587 - excuse for the Spanish Armada
What was the actual succession after Elizabeth?
- She refused to name an heir all the way to her death
- Succeeded by James VI - MQS son, protestant, Scottish, already had 2 sons
- Essex and Robert Cecil had already made contact so there was a smooth transition
How did relations with Spain begin?
- Well
- Philip proposed marriage in 1560s
- Deteriorated by 1570s
How were general relations up to 1585?
- John Hawkins’ trading activity threatened Spanish trading monopoly in Caribbean
- 1568 - English seized Spanish vessels and confiscated money
- 1569 - Philip supported Northern rebellion
- 1571 - Philip supported Ridolfi plot
- 1570s + 80s - privateers captured Spanish bullion coming into Europe from the New World
What were problems in the Netherlands up to 1585?
- Sea beggars (Dutch pirates) prevented by Elizabeth from landing in England
- Land in the Netherlands instead, sparking rebellion against Spain 1572
- 1576 - Pacification of Ghent - all Dutch provinces show their dissatisfaction of Spanish control and demand autonomy -> favoured by Elizabeth but later concerned of French intervention
- 2 separate states emerge - catholic and protestant
- Spain support the catholic state - appoint the Duke of Parma forcing Elizabeth into a more anti-Spanish position
- 1580 - Spanish taken all but 2 provinces
- 1584 - Treaty of Joinville - Spain and Catholic League in France
What happened to do with Portugal?
- 1580 - Annexed by Spain giving them access to the Portuguese fleet and ports
- English reaction - support Don Antonio pretender to Portuguese crown, knight Drake (annoyed Spanish for exploration and privateering), rude to Spanish ambassador
What was the English response to the Treaty of Joinville?
- Treaty of Nonsuch 1585 with Dutch rebels
- Sent troops to the Netherlands under Leicester
- Commanders argued amongst themselves and troops ill-disciplined
What happened with the Spanish Armada?
- 1587 - delayed by successful English raid on Cadiz
- 1588 - sails July, plans to pick up troops from the Netherlands
- Battle in channel, fireships, forced around the top of GB by weather, many ships lost
How did the threat of Spain continue after the Armada?
- 1596 - planned invasion of England - stopped by bad weather
- 1597 - Try to exploit rebellion in Ireland - stopped by bad weather but could have landed unopposed
- 1599 - planned invasion - caused panic in England
How did England reach peace with the Netherlands?
- 1589 - Vere (English commander) made peace with Dutch leader
- Spanish troops undisciplined and preoccupied in France - territories gradually recovered
- Dutch contributed to cost of maintaining troops in Netherlands
- 1594 - Spanish expelled from northern Netherlands - Dutch revolt been successful thanks to Elizabeth
- North and South Netherlands separate states - South catholic and attached to Spain but neither had full control