Chapter 20 - Aerial Apparatus Strategies and Tactics Flashcards
WHAT strategies represent the overall plans needed to successfully mitigate an emergency and terminate an incident? A. fire attack B. search C. operational D. fire ground
C. operational
WHAT are the actual procedures and actions taken to successfully carry out strategies?
To successfully achieve any strategies, ff must be able to communicate effectively and perform certain t______.
Operational strategies for aerials will depend on: (what will build your strategies)
- prefire p_____
- prearrival i______
- initial _____-up
- plans
- instructions
- size
Operational strategies for aerials will depend on prefire plans, prearrival instructions and initial size-up and may include: (What might have to be done)
- access to upper l_____
- ven_______
- elevated f____ attack
- exp_____ protection
- aircraft r____ and fire fighting
- levels
- ventilation
- fire
- exposure
- rescue
The use of effective \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ allows for early and correct aerial placement as well as more efficient aerial operations through the incident. A. stabilization B. communication C. considerations D. signals
B. communication
Successful communication for aerial operations include: (3)
- pre a_____ communications
- on s_____ communications
- tac______ communications
- arrival
- scene
- tactical
Successful communication for aerial operations include: (3)
- pre arrival communications
- officers and driver communicate on the d______ of the approach, the decision to st____ or commit the vehicle, and water s_____ management
- IC will communicate apparatus po_______ and aerial ob______ (rescue, master stream, etc.)
- direction
- stage
- supply
- positioning
- objective
Successful communication for aerial operations include: (3)
- on scene communications
- officer/driver ____-up
- confirm water s_____ strategy
- apparatus location and turn____ placement
- hand signals/communication device/systems as dictated by _ _ _s- directions(i.e. backing) to guide operator to exact position quickly, safely and eff________
- size
- supply
- turntable
- SOPs
- effectively
Successful communication for aerial operations include: (3)
- tactical communication
- aerial dep______ - hand signals to guide ladder in position/direct master stream
- aerial op________ - headsets enable calm and clear communication between pump panel, control pedestal and ff on tip WITHOUT disrupting scene communications
- deployment
- operations
Successful communication requires tr_____ and pr______.
- training
- practice
With proper WHAT will personnel work together EFFICIENTLY and the aerial device will be used to its maximum capability through the incident? A. stabilization B. communication C. considerations D. signals
B. communication
Additional aerials on the scene, not used for rescue, ventilation and elevated fire attack can be used for ff tasks such as emergency \_\_\_\_\_ and equipment delivery. A. search B. medicals C. escape D. all of the above
C. escape (AS IN RIT)
Whenever possible, the driver should maximize building coverage and aerial device reach and use __ wind positioning.
Apparatus \_\_\_\_\_\_ should provide the maximum degree of SAFETY and access to the building to the ff using the aerial device. A. driving B. operating C. communication D. position
D. position
When operating at a multistory incident, STRATEGICALLY positioned aerials create an emergency _______.
When an aerial device is used for emergency escape (off a roof or unsafe position) it ______ (should/should not) be repositioned unless the change is communicated effectively and ACKNOWLEDGED.
What can save ff time and energy from carrying equipment up the stairs?
using an aerial device
When fire conditions do not allow victims to be brought down the interior stairs or exterior fire escape, WHAT might be necessary?
an aerial
When fire conditions do not allow victims to be brought down the interior stairs or exterior fire escape, an aerial might be necessary? What must ff involved in this rescue be aware of regarding the aerial?
weight limitations
In an ideal situation, the best RESCUE approach is made from ________ (downwind, upwind?) on level grade _______ (with/without?) and obstructions.
- upwind
- without
In an ideal situation, the best RESCUE approach is made from upwind on level grade without and obstructions. The aerial should be parked so that the turntable is __wind from the target.
If possible, the driver should position the aerial apparatus used for RESCUE at the \_\_\_\_\_\_ of the building. A. corner B. front C. rear D. across the street
A. corner
If possible, the driver should position the aerial apparatus used for RESCUE at the corner of the building. There are two advantages for this:
- you can potentially reach victims on ___ sides of the building
- you are potentially safer on the corner if a structural ________ occurs
- 2
- collapse
If a rescue is to be made from an area threatened by fire, WHAT can be used to protect the victims, rescuers and the device?
If a rescue is to be made from an area threatened by fire, hoselines can be used to protect the victims, rescuers and the device? Caution must be used when selecting the \_\_\_\_\_\_ for the lines. A. hose size B. nozzle type C. fire stream D. adapters
C. fire stream
If a rescue is to be made from an area threatened by fire, hoselines can be used to protect the victims, rescuers and the device. Caution must be used when selecting the fire stream for the lines. Master streams that direct s____ or s_____ streams AGAINST the aerial device can place damaging load STRESSES on the device, that could cause collapse of the device, especially in wind or icy conditions.
- solid
- straight
If a rescue is to be made from an area threatened by fire, hoselines can be used to protect the victims, rescuers and the device. Caution must be used when selecting the fire stream for the lines. Master streams that direct solid or straight streams AGAINST the aerial device can place damaging load ______ on the device, that could cause collapse of the device, especially in wind or icy conditions.
If a rescue is to be made from an area threatened by fire, hoselines can be used to protect the victims, rescuers and the device. Caution must be used when selecting the fire stream for the lines. Master streams that direct solid or straight streams AGAINST the aerial device can place damaging load stresses on the device, that could cause collapse of the device, especially in wind or icy conditions. The preferred PROCEDURE is to use a _____ (wide/medium?) -angle fog stream to cool and/or protect.
If a rescue is to be made from an area threatened by fire, hoselines can be used to protect the victims, rescuers and the device. Caution must be used when selecting the fire stream for the lines. Master streams that direct solid or straight streams AGAINST the aerial device can place damaging load stresses on the device, that could cause collapse of the device, especially in wind or icy conditions. The preferred PROCEDURE is to use a wide-angle fog stream to cool and/or protect. Careful to avoid injuring people OR compromising their ______ while they are on the aerial device.
Placement of an elevating platform during rescue will be determined by the \_\_\_\_\_ for getting a victim into the aerial. A. SOG B. size-up C. Both A and B D. plan
D. plan
If a victim in a rescue operation is to be lifted over the top rail, the driver should position the apparatus so the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is directly in line with the target if possible. A. turntable B. tip C. fire fighters D. cab
A. turntable
If a victim in a rescue operation is to be lifted over the top rail, the driver should position the apparatus so the turntable is directly in line with the target if possible. This placement allows for the platform to be positioned \_\_\_\_\_\_ in front of the target. A. sideways B. squarely C. above and D. below and
B. squarely
If a victim in a rescue operation is to enter the platform through the hinged gate, the turntable must be positioned a little \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ or behind the target because the platform gates are typically on the side of the platform. A. above B. lower C. forward D. around
C. forward
If a victim in a rescue operation is to enter the platform through the hinged gate, the turntable must be positioned a little forward or behind the target because the platform gates are typically on the side of the platform. Therefore, the device must be raised at an \_\_\_\_ to the target to provide safe access to the gate. A. grade B. path C. distance D. angle
D. angle
The best way to learn the ideal approach angles for your aerial if to ______.
When safe, it is recommended to physically _______ the platform and onto the objective so tat you can be sure of the preferred positioning of your device (when training).
step off
Some various considerations, skills and situations when operating for rescue using the aerial: (in order)
- most severely threatened by conditions of the ha______
- largest number of g____ of people
- remainder of the people in the ha____ area
- people in ex_____ areas
- hazard
- groups
- hazard
- exposed
In situations that require using the aerial apparatus for rescue, the main objective is to reach as many victims OR points of egress as possible with a minimum number of aerial \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. movements B. apparatus C. strategies D. fire fighters
A. movements
The most severely threatened by conditions of the hazard is what number of priority, out of 4, when using an aerial for rescue operations?
1, highest
Largest number of groups of people is what number of priority, out of 4, when using an aerial for rescue operations?
remainder of the people in the hazard area is what number of priority, out of 4, when using an aerial for rescue operations?
People in exposed areas is what number of priority, out of 4, when using an aerial for rescue operations?
Those who are in the greatest amount of real or \_\_\_\_\_\_ danger should be the highest priority when using an aerial apparatus for rescue operations. A. fire B. perceived C. not real D. falling
B. perceived
Who on the fire ground will determine the victims in the most danger when using an aerial for rescue operations?
IC, truck officer, driver
Typically, occupants located ON or immediately \_\_\_\_\_ the fire floor will be in the greatest danger during rescue operations using an aerial? A. below B. beside C. above D. all of the above
C. above
What will be a strong indication of which victims are in the worse situation when using an aerial for rescue operations?
visible fire
Should rescuers using an aerial give preference to individuals who are in a panicked state and appear ready to jump if they do not see that help is imminent? YES or NO
Should rescuers using an aerial give preference to individuals who are in a panicked state and appear ready to jump if they do not see that help is imminent, even if they are not in the immediate area but might be so upset they could jump? YES or NO
Rescuers using an aerial SHOULD give preference to individuals who are in a panicked state and appear ready to jump if they do not see that help is imminent, even if they are not in the immediate area but might be so upset they could jump. On the other hand, they ________ (should, should not?) pass up those in greatest danger just to rescue a panicked person who is in a safe area.
should not
When two or more groups of victims appear to be in the same amount of danger, WHO gets priority? (second priority)
the larger group
In a worst-case scenario, it is best to rescue the ______ number of people possible, given the time available (second priority when using and aerial for rescue)
The second priority for consideration when using and aerial for rescue involves multiple victims that may be located in _______ parts of the fire building.
The third priority for consideration when using and aerial for rescue involves the remainder of the people in WHAT area? A. ground B. exposure C. basement D. fire
D. fire
The third priority for consideration when using and aerial for rescue involves the remainder of the people in the fire area. Remaining groups of victims should be removed in order of the next most threatened by the H_______.
The third priority for consideration when using and aerial for rescue involves the remainder of the people in the fire area. Remaining groups of victims should be removed in order of the next most threatened by the hazard. WHO at this time should be continuing monitoring fire CONDITIONS for changes that might increase the danger to any of the waiting victims?
driver and officer
The fourth priority for consideration when using and aerial for rescue involves the people in the ______ area.
If some victims fall into both the third and fourth categories for consideration when using an aerial device for rescue, some judgment should be used to determine whether or no the victims are in enough danger to warrant .......... A. evacuation by aerial B. evacuation by helicopter C. evacuation by ropes D. evacuation by stairs
A. evacuation by aerial
If some victims fall into both the third and fourth categories for consideration when using an aerial device for rescue, some judgment should be used to determine whether or no the victims are in enough danger to warrant evacuation by aerial. In MANY cases, they simply need reassured that they are NOT in immediate _____ and left in place until fire conditions improve.
If some victims fall into both the third and fourth categories for consideration when using an aerial device for rescue, some judgment should be used to determine whether or no the victims are in enough danger to warrant evacuation by aerial. In MANY cases, they simply need reassured that they are NOT in immediate danger and left in place until fire conditions improve OR they can be evacuated by interior _____ or fire ______ in order to AVOID risk of injury to victims during aerial evacuation.
- stairways
- escapes
Changing fire conditions can change the priority (4) level of victims when using an aerial for rescue operations. TRUE or FALSE
Fire growth, fire spread and smoke penetration will NEVER lead to less risk victims becoming high-risk victims when using and aerial for rescue operations. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE - it could lead to
OFTEN, when rescue is the HIGHEST priority on the fireground, what might not be getting the appropriate amount of attention, possibly due to shortage of ff and equipment?
fire attack
OFTEN, when rescue is the HIGHEST priority on the fireground, fire attack might not be getting the appropriate amount of attention, possibly due to shortage of ff and equipment. The fire may continue to \_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_\_, threatening victims that initially deemed safe. A. go up, down B. grow, spread C. grow, blow up D. go up, burn
B. grow, spread
The best position for raising and extending an aerial device to a victim is for the device to be \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to the objective/victim. A. parallel B. above C. perpendicular D. none of the above
C. perpendicular
The best position for raising and extending an aerial device to a victim is for the device to be perpendicular to the objective/victim. This position reduces \_\_\_\_\_\_ stresses. A. weight B. torsion C. dynamic D. twisting
D. twisting
IF an aerial device is used in an \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ position when rescuing a victim, the tip should be placed above the target spot according to the manufacturers recommendations. A. unsupported B. supported C. perpendicular D. parallel
A. unsupported
IF an aerial device is used in an unsupported position when rescuing a victim, the tip should be placed above the target spot according to the manufacturers recommendations. This placement prevents the ladder from \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ the building as people climb/descend without placing excessive \_\_\_\_\_ on the device. A. resting, people B. contacting, stress C. resting, stress D. contacting, weight
B. contacting, stress
In older aerials designed to be used in the \_\_\_\_\_\_ position, perpendicular positioning allows for the maximum load carrying capabilities when both base rails are evenly in contact with the supporting object. A. unsupported B. supported C. perpendicular D. parallel
B. supported
In older aerials designed to be used in the supported position, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ positioning allows for the maximum load carrying capabilities when both base rails are evenly in contact with the supporting object. A. unsupported B. supported C. perpendicular D. parallel
C. perpendicular
In some cases, optimum positioning is not possible when rescuing with an aerial ladder (perpendicular to the victim) so the ladder must be extended toward the objective spot an an…..
In some cases, optimum positioning is not possible when rescuing with an aerial ladder (perpendicular to the victim) so the ladder must be extended toward the objective spot an an angle. Extend the ladder so that the beam on the building side of the ladder is \_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_ the objective. A. over, lowered to B. setting on, lowered to C. above, setting on D. above, over
D. above, over
In some cases, optimum positioning is not possible when rescuing with an aerial ladder (perpendicular to the victim) so the ladder must be extended toward the objective spot an an angle. Extend the ladder so that the beam on the building side of the ladder is above and over the objective. When victims board the ladder, their weight will case the ladder to \_\_\_\_, and proper positioning prevents the beam from contacting the building/objective. A. flex B. bend C. move away D. bounce
A. flex
In some cases, optimum positioning is not possible when rescuing with an aerial ladder (perpendicular to the victim) so the ladder must be extended toward the objective spot an an angle. Extend the ladder so that the beam on the building side of the ladder is above and over the objective. When victims board the ladder, their weight will case the ladder to flex, and proper positioning prevents the beam from contacting the building/objective. If the beam contacts the objective, the weight of the victims can cause the opposite beam to _____ downward, which could ____ or bend the ladder, causing catastrophic failure.
- bend
- twist
Should you aim an aerial device directly at a victim, or above and then lowered to them? What might happen?
- above then lowered to them
- panicked victim could jump
When a aerial ladder is raised above a victim and then lowered to them, a rescue fire fighter should then be prepared to do what after they climb the ladder?
instruct the victims HOW and WHEN to board
When a aerial ladder is raised above a victim and then lowered to them, a rescue fire fighter should then climb the ladder and instruct victims HOW and WHEN to board. What form should these instructions be in? A. hand signals B. audible instructions C. none, just grab them and go D. both A and B
C. both A and B
Once an aerial device is in place for rescue, engage the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ as an important step in making the device a RIGID structure if equipped. A. extension brake B. extension locks C. extension stoppers D. extension grates
B. extension locks
WHAT increases the overall strength of the extended device and greatly reduces the chances of failure using the aerial for rescue? A. extension brake B. extension locks C. extension stoppers D. extension grates
B. extension locks
When positioning the device for rescue, the driver should always be alert for dangling or falling….
Damaged by fire OR weakened by other events, buildings may have unstable _____ that can loosen and fall onto the aerial at any time during rescue operations.
When rescuing a victim from a window with an aerial, the tip must be positioned so that the area of the window opening is not \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, yet safe access to the aerial device is provided for victims/ff. A. wide open B. broken C. diminished D. all of the above
C. diminished
When rescuing a victim from a window with an aerial, the \_\_\_\_ rung of the ladder tip should be placed even with the windowsill. A. second B. third C. first half D. first
D. first
When rescuing a victim from a window with an aerial, the first rung of the ladder tip should be placed even with the windowsill. This does not block the opening and allows for victims to be placed directly on the ladder with minimum…..
When using a platform for victim rescue from a WINDOW, most fire dept. prefer that the platform be placed so that the _____(top/bottom?) rail of the platform is even with the windowsill.
When using a platform for victim rescue from a WINDOW, most fire dept. prefer that the platform be placed so that the top rail of the platform is even with the windowsill. This way, victims can board directly, _____ first.
An alternate way to rescue from a window, other than placing the platform top rail even with the windowsill, is to position the platform so the _______ is adjacent to the window opening. Just open the gate and assist victims in.
access gate
An alternate way to rescue from a window, other than placing the platform top rail even with the windowsill, is to position the platform so the access gate is adjacent to the window opening. Just open the gate and assist victims in. Is this possible with all designs of aerial platforms? YES or NO
When removing trapped victims from the roof (or other similarly open, flat areas), the tip of the aerial ladder should be placed so that at least \_\_ feet extends above the edge of the roof. A. 6 B. 10 C. 5 D. 2
A. 6
When removing trapped victims from the roof (or other similarly open, flat areas), the platform should be placed so that the bottom of the platform is just \_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_ the EDGE of the roof. A. over, lowered to B. setting on, lowered to C. above, setting on D. above, over
D. above, over
When removing trapped victims from the roof (or other similarly open, flat areas), the tip of the aerial ladder should be placed so that at least 6 feet extends above the edge of the roof. This allows victims to have a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ while climbing onto the ladder. A. grip B. handhold C. foothold D. advantage
B. handhold
When removing trapped victims from the roof (or other similarly open, flat areas), the platform should be placed so that the bottom of the platform is just above and over the EDGE of the roof. This allows victims to have a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ while climbing onto the platform. A. grip B. handhold C. foothold D. advantage
B. handhold
When removing trapped victims from the roof (or other similarly open, flat areas), the platform should be placed so that the bottom of the platform is just above and over the EDGE of the roof and if it is an ladder, the tip of the aerial ladder should be placed so that at least 6 feet extends above the edge of the roof. Is this placement the same for rescue form balconies with railings or roofs with parapet walls? YES or NO
When rescuing victims off parapet style roofs, it may be necessary to use WHAT to get over the parapet to the aerial wall?
roof ladder
When rescuing victims off parapet style roofs, it may be necessary to use a roof ladder to get over the parapet to the aerial wall. If the parapet is structurally sound, the roof ladder should rest against the aerial ladder or the parapet?
the parapet
Caution should be used when laddering parapet walls because they can be weakened by fire or _____.
Caution should be used when laddering parapet walls because they can be weakened by fire or time. The ______ of the ladder against the wall could cause it to topple.
Caution should be used when laddering parapet walls because they can be weakened by fire or time. The weight of the ladder against the wall could cause it to topple. In this case, rest the top of the roof ladder against the _____ or the __ of the aerial.
- platform
- tip
In MANY instances, simply _______ the aerial to an area of the building that does not have a parapet wall may be the BEST option.
What is more advantageous on parapet walls, articulating or telescoping devices?
Two knuckle and dual knuckle ______ devices are good at reaching over parapet walls and setting the platform down on roof level.
The techniques used to remove victims from a structure using an aerial device will depend on their \_\_\_ and condition. A. size B. weight C. age D. hair color
C. age
After properly positioning the ladder, at least _ and preferably _ firefighters should be assigned to assist the victims in boarding and descending the ladder. (aerial ladder) A. 2, 3 B. 3, 4 C. 1, 3 D. 1, 2
D. 1, 2
When two or more ff are available, one should assist the victim from inside the building, and the other be on the ground. TRUE of FALSE (aerial ladder)
FALSE, the other should be at the tip of the ladder
When two or more ff are available, one should assist the victim from inside the building assisting the victims onto the ladder, and the other be at the tip of the ladder ensuring they do not fall. If only one is available, they should always be on the tip? (aerial ladder)TRUE or FALSE
FALSE - the situation will dictate where is better
Should capable adults being rescued on an aerial ladder be guided down under their own power? (aerial ladder) YES or NO
Capable adults being rescued on an aerial ladder should be guided down under their own power and can lead THEMSELVES down the ladder. (aerial ladder) TRUE of FALSE
FALSE, should always be led by a ff
To avoid overloading, multiple victims coming down the ladder should be adequately spaced according to WHOS recommendations? (aerial ladder)
Small children and adults incapable of climbing down the ladder by themselves will have to be carried or \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. (aerial ladder) A. supported B. led down C. harnessed D. all of the above
A. supported
Small children and adults incapable of climbing down the ladder by themselves will have to be carried or supported. ONLY use this method as a last resort tactic when all other means of _____ have been ruled out. (aerial ladder)
When rescuing infants and small children down an aerial ladder, cradle them in one arm and use the other to assist with balance and st_______ while descending. (aerial ladder)
What type of method is used for heavier persons, who ARE conscious and able to control their movements but are not strong enough to descend the ladder under their own power? (aerial ladder) A. unconscious carry B. knee-sit C. over-the-shoulder D. rung slide
B. knee-sit
What method of rescuing down an aerial ladder is beneficial in that a smaller ff can easily carry a heavier person down the ladder? A. unconscious carry B. knee-sit C. over-the-shoulder D. rung slide
B. knee-sit
Why is the knee-sit method of rescuing down a aerial ladder advantageous to both the ff and the victim?
both have 2 free hands, ff holds rails, victim holds ff
Where does the ff stand to begin on the ladder for the knee-sit method of rescue off an aerial ladder?
stand at or just below the top rung
What does the ff create in the knee-sit method of rescue off an aerial ladder when he stands with one foot a rung above the other (with victim facing him)? A. cradle B. handy position C. knee seat D. crevice
C. knee seat
If a victim is unconscious, lay them _____ the rails with the ff supporting them from below in a aerial ladder rescue.
If a victim is unconscious, lay them across the rails with the ff supporting them from below in a aerial ladder rescue. Can you place them face up, face down or on their sides? Why or why not
YES - depending on comfort and injury (do not want to exacerbate their injury)
If a victim is unconscious, lay them across the rails with the ff supporting them from below in a aerial ladder rescue. You can place them face up, face down or on their sides. FF places BOTH hands under the victims body and grasps the….
If a victim is unconscious, lay them across the rails with the ff supporting them from below in a aerial ladder rescue. You can place them face up, face down or on their sides. FF places BOTH hands under the victims body and grasps the handrails. This method poses little or no risk to ____.
What carry is the most risky and difficult rescue carry down an aerial ladder? A. unconscious carry B. knee-sit C. over-the-shoulder D. rung slide
C. over-the-shoulder
What carry will a ff only have one had to descend the ladder and will be bearing the entire weight of the victim down and aerial ladder? A. unconscious carry B. knee-sit C. over-the-shoulder D. rung slide
C. over-the-shoulder
What carry should only be performed with a "safety" ff descending just below the ff carrying the victim down and aerial ladder? A. unconscious carry B. knee-sit C. over-the-shoulder D. rung slide
C. over-the-shoulder
In an over-the-shoulder carry, WHO should assist the ff on the ladder with loading the victim on their shoulder on an aerial ladder rescue.
ff in the building
Should a victim be face up or face down for balance in the over-the-shoulder carry down and aerial ladder?
face down
Where should a victims waist be in the over-the-shoulder carry down and aerial ladder in order to obtain a well balanced carry?
at the ff shoulder
Where should a victims feet be in the over-the-shoulder carry down and aerial ladder in order to obtain a well balanced carry?
middle of ff chest
Is moving victims with a platform quicker or slower than moving them down a aerial ladder?
Are mass evacuations from a single point well suited for a platform aerial? YES or NO
When an aerial platform is needed for multiple rescues, it can be used much the ______ (same/different?) then/as an aerial ladder rescue.
A decision must be made by a qualified person if a ladder or a platform will be used for rescue. Who are these people?
IC or ff in the platform
The removal of CONSCIOUS victims by a platform requires at least how many ff?
one preferably two
If the top railing of the platform is level with the windowsill OR balcony, victims should be \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ down into the platform. A. carried B. pushed C. urged D. assisted
D. assisted
A potentially sever and damaging \_\_\_\_\_\_ load can be created when victims jump into the platform. A. dynamic B. heavy C. weighted D. crushing
A. dynamic
A potentially sever and damaging dynamic load can be created when victims jump into the platform, injuring ff and victims. IF _ _ _s allow OR MANDATE that victims enter through the ____ gates, then position the platform accordingly and assist the victims through the entry.
- SOPs
- access
What will determine the number of passengers that a platform can remove for rescue at a time? (2)
load capacity and space
If a second ff is available, where should they be when a platform is being lowered to the ground with conscious victims?
at the loading point on the ground
How many ff are required to remove an unconscious victim to a platform aerial?
If there is no stokes basket when rescuing unconscious victims with a platform, where should yo put them?
on the floor
If there is room, and an unconscious victim is on a stokes basket, where should you put them on a platform?
on the floor
If there is no room on the floor for an unconscious victim on a stokes, where should they be placed on a platform secured by CONVENTIONAL methods?
across the railings, secured with conventional methods
Do some aerial platforms have extendable arms designed for a litter (stokes?) YES or NO
Have some manufacturers tested AND approved Stokes cradles in platforms? YES or NO
For procedures on securing a victim in a stokes basket, see IFSTA’s…..
Fire Service Technical Search and Rescue manual
The tactic of Evacuating a stokes/litter basket DOWN (2 ways) an aerial ladder should be used first before carrying it down the stairwell, fire escape or moving it to a safe place of refuge until conditions improve. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE - last resort, easier to do it the other ways
How many methods are there to lower a stokes basket down an aerial ladder? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
B. 2
The ______ method of lowering a stokes basket by way of aerial ladder is to slide the basket down the ladder using one of two methods.
The BEST method of lowering the stokes basket by way of the aerial ladder works only if the litter will fit between the \_\_\_\_\_ of the aerial ladder. A. rungs B. fly C. rails D. sections
C. rails
The BEST method of lowering the stokes basket by way of the aerial ladder works only if the litter will fit between the rails of the aerial ladder. The litter is simply placed on the rungs of the ladder with the victims head __ (down/up?) and at at least 1 (preferably 2) ff guiding the litter down the ladder. (do not exceed the ladder’s rated capacity). A _____ (rope/chain?) is controlled by one or two ff near the _____ (tip/bottom?) of the ladder MAY be used to control the descent.
- up
- rope
- tip
If the stokes does not fit between the rails, it should be placed on the top of the handrails (top rails), \_\_\_\_\_\_ to the ladder. A. parallel B. connected C. angled D. perpendicular
D. perpendicular
If the stokes does not fit between the rails, it should be placed on the top of the handrails (top rails), perpendicular to the ladder. A \_\_\_\_ rope from the topside should be used to help control the descent of the litter. A. guide B. long C. short D. double
A. guide
If the stokes does not fit between the rails, it should be placed on the top of the handrails (top rails), perpendicular to the ladder. A guide rope from the topside should be used to help control the descent of the litter. Some DEPT. also prefer to secure \_\_\_ long-handled tools, like pike poles, to the bottom of the litter to assist the slide. A. 3 B. 2 C. 4 D. 1
B. 2
When a litter is perpendicular to the top rails and is being slide down the ladder, a ff should \_\_\_\_ down the ladder ahead of the litter to make sure that it does not slip off the rails. A. slide B. slip C. back D. all of the above
C. back
When a litter is perpendicular to the top rails and is being slide down the ladder, at least \_\_\_\_ ff, on OR near the turntable area must be available to assist in removing the basket from the ladder and lower it to the ground. A. 3 B. 2 C. 4 D. 1
B. 2
Some fire DEPT. use aerial ladders as a part of a rope lowering system for removing victims in basket litters from elevated positions. TRUE or FALSE
TRUE - some fire dept.
Some fire DEPT. use aerial ladders as a part of a rope lowering system for removing victims in basket litters from ELEVATED positions. TRUE or FALSE
TRUE - some fire dept.
Some fire DEPT. use aerial ladders as a part of a rope lowering system for removing victims in basket litters from ELEVATED positions. Some manufacturers design their aerial device to withstand this type of rescue, but it is still vital to be certain that related equipment is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. Under the best of circumstances, this is difficult. A. non-compatible B. included C. serviceable D. used D.
C. serviceable
Some fire DEPT. use aerial ladders as a part of a rope lowering system for removing victims in basket litters from ELEVATED positions. Some manufacturers design their aerial device to withstand this type of rescue, but it is still vital to be certain that related equipment is serviceable. Under the best of circumstances, this is difficult. In some cases, the strain imposed on the aerial ladder ______ (exceeds, under exceeds?) the manufacturers recommended load limit.
Some fire DEPT. use aerial ladders as a part of a rope lowering system for removing victims in basket litters from ELEVATED positions. Do these evolutions have the potential to place strains on the rope that may exceed their breaking strength? YES or NO
Some fire DEPT. use aerial ladders as a part of a rope lowering system for removing victims in basket litters from ELEVATED positions. BEFORE attempting such an evolution, the driver/operator MUST know the limitations of all \_\_\_\_\_ involved, such as the aerial device, rope and hardware used in the process. A. pieces B. parts C. workings D. tools
D. tools
A lifting eye used for rescue operations may be on some ______ devices.
A lifting \_\_\_\_ used for rescue operations may be on some aerial devices that is used with rope TYPE rescue with LIMITED capacity. A. eye B. loop C. anchor D. hanger
A. eye
To ensure that the capacity is not exceeded when using rope type rescue on a lifting eye off the aerial, it is essential that lifts be made in a \_\_\_\_\_\_ manner, without causing the device or the load to bounce, jerk or sway. A. clean B. smooth C. quick D. rough
B. smooth
A lifting eye used for rescue operations may be on some aerial devices that is used with rope TYPE rescue with LIMITED capacity. Use appropriate methods to \_\_\_\_\_\_ the load while it is being lifted. A. move B. raise C. stabilize D. work
C. stabilize
Most lifting eyes are intended to be used \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (unless there is a single eye located in the center) as a single anchor for a single rescue rope ONLY. A. in sync B. separate C. both A and B D. in pairs
D. in pairs
Aerials can be used as high point anchors, BUT only as a last ______.
Aerials can be used as high point anchors, BUT only as a last resort and only with tr______, exp_____ and auth______ personnel.
- trained
- experienced
- authorized
Do not use the aerial as your means of lifting victims and rescuers; instead, use \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. manpower B. winches C. ropes D. jacks
A. manpower
Rope and hardware used with the lifting eye (s) should be appropriate for the load being lifted and comply with WHAT NFPA standard?
NFPA 1983, Standard for Life Safety
Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services
Rope and hardware used with the lifting eye (s) should be appropriate for the load being lifted and comply with NFPA 1983 AND be rigged by an individual trained in proper rope rescue techniques such as those found in NFPA WHAT?
NFPA 1670, Standard on Operation and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents
When lifting objects other than PEOPLE with the aerial, if a pulley is provided, the WORKING end of the rope should ONLY be anchored to a lower section of the WHAT?
When lifting objects other than PEOPLE with the aerial, if a pulley is provided, the WORKING end of the rope should ONLY be anchored to a lower section of the ladder. In this set up, the rope will be _______ (lowered/raised?) when the device sections are extended and _______ (lowered/raised?) when the device sections are retracted.
- raised
- lowered
When lifting objects other than PEOPLE with the aerial, if a pulley is provided, the WORKING end of the rope should ONLY be anchored to a lower section of the ladder. The working end should NEVER be anchored to other parts of the l_____, a static st_____ or to objects on the g______.
- ladder
- structure
- ground
When lifting objects other than PEOPLE with the aerial, if a pulley is provided, the WORKING end of the rope should ONLY be anchored to a lower section of the ladder. The working end should NEVER be anchored to other parts of the ladder, a static structure or to objects on the ground. If it is ANCHORED to the ground, then the load on the running OR FREE end becomes \_\_\_\_\_\_ the weight of the load = overload device = damage, tipping or collapse. A. three times B. twice C. heavier than D. lighter than
B. twice
It is encouraged in general, that fire dept. use aerial devices (particularly light- and medium-duty devices) for water rescues. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE - discouraged
The two most common scenarios that aerials have been called upon to assist in the PAST are vehicles that have been driven into _____ (high, low?) water across roadways AND removing people who have become trapped on a t______ or similar object in a rain-swollen, _______ (slow/fast?) moving body of water.
- high
- tree
- fast
The first safety issue for aerial apparatus at water rescues is the lack of a suitable location to adequately do THIS….
In order to do an water rescue, an aerial device usually has to spot a few _____ from the water’s edge.
In order to do an water rescue, an aerial device usually has to spot a few feet from the water’s edge. In most cases, this ground is m______ or otherwise un______.
- muddy
- unstable
Will a muddy edge for a water rescue with an aerial device usually be fine and support the aerials weight? YES or NO
Why does unstable ground at a water’s edge for water rescue present an even more safety hazard than usual? (THINK what will the rig have to do?)
full extension, VERY low angles
Another safety issue for an aerial at a water rescue, that is dangerous, is the potential for the aerial device to make contact with \_\_\_\_\_ moving water. A. gently B. roughly C. swiftly D. gradually
C. swiftly
Moving bodies of water generate tremendous amounts of \_\_\_\_\_\_ on FIXED objects in contact with them. A. push B. elevation C. leverage D. force
D. force
Should the EXTENDED aerial device come in contact with swiftly moving water, the lateral force on the device could result in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to the device and/or a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to the stability of the apparatus. A. damage, compromise B. damage, movement C. shifting, compromise D. shifting, movement
A. damage, compromise
Should the EXTENDED aerial device come in contact with swiftly moving water, AT THE VERY LEAST, the stress could bend or twist the device that could result in a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and continual \_\_\_\_\_\_ action perhaps even causing personnel on the ladder to fall. = severe injury or drowning A. dangerous, shaking B. violent, twisting C. dangerous, retraction D. spiraling, bouncing
B. violent, twisting
A ff connected to an aerial device with a safety h______ could have extreme difficulty getting disentangled once the aerial device entered water during a water rescue. = possible severe injury or drowning
What must ANYONE working near the water be wearing?
PFD (personal flotation device)
Lastly, on aerial devices that have a _______ (high, low?) tip-load rating when ________ (fully, partially?) extended to a HORIZONTAL objective, it is difficult to so without overloading the device in a water rescue.
- low
- fully
For info on MORE safer methods of performing water rescue, see IFSTA’s WHAT or
Swiftwater Rescue by WHOM?
- Fire Service Technical Search and Rescue
- Slim Ray
Should ventilation operations monopolize apparatus OR manpower that may be needed for rescue operations? YES or NO
NO - even though it is important for the overall COMBAT plan
It is VERY important to remember that the aerial device is meant to be a battering ram and a forcible entry tool. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE - It is NOT to be used as
It is VERY important to remember that the aerial device is NOT meant to be a battering ram and a forcible entry tool of any kind. There is no way to measure the amount of s_____ impacting a structure will place on the device.
What can make the ventilation process quicker and safer using an aerial device? A. proper tools B. lighter equipment C. stabilizing on proper ground D. proper placement
D. proper placement
When providing access to a \_\_\_\_\_ roof for ventilation, the driver should position the apparatus on the unburned side, as close as possible to the area being vented. A. flat B. pitched C. tar D. mansard
A. flat
When providing access to a FLAT roof for ventilation, the driver should position the apparatus on the unburned side, as close as possible to the area being vented. This position ________ (maximizes, minimizes?) the travel distance between the work area and the aerial and could be important if the roof _______ (fails/is stable?)
- minimizes
- fails
When providing access to a roof for ventiliation, it should be placed so that the vent holes will be cut in the travel path back to the device. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE, so the vent holes will NOT be
When providing access to a roof for ventilation, the ladder should extend ______ roof level so it allows personnel to safely get on and off the device AND makes the aerial device easier to find once the ff are on the roof.
When providing access to a roof for ventilation, extend the fly section so that the minimum of \_\_ feet protrudes over the edge of the roof. A. 10 B. 6 C. 2 D. 9
B. 6
When providing access to a roof for ventilation, extend the fly section so that the minimum of 6 feet protrudes over the edge of the roof. This makes the location of the ladder plainly visible to ff on the roof, even in s_____ conditions.
When providing access to a roof for ventilation, extend the fly section so that the minimum of 6 feet protrudes over the edge of the roof. This makes the location of the ladder plainly visible to ff on the roof, even in smokey conditions and knowing where it is important in case the ff needs to make a hasty \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. jump for it B. venting decision C. retreat D. Both B and C
C. retreat
Before ff exit an aerial ladder onto a roof (for vent), they should check the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ of the roof by sounding with a long forcible entry tool, such as a rubbish hook. A. covering B. thickness C. type of shingles D. integrity
D. integrity
When using an elevated platform for ventilation, the bottom of the platform should be positioned \_\_\_\_\_ OR extending slightly over the roof's edge. A. even with B. 2 inches back from C. slightly below D. setting on
A. even with
When using an elevated platform for ventilation, the bottom of the platform should be positioned even with OR extending slightly over the roof’s edge. This allows ff to _______ (easily/difficultly?) exit and enter the platform.
Is it safer to ladder the tip of the aerial ladder or platform or to rely on a parapet wall (venting)?
ladder the tip of the aerial ladder
When resource permits, it is a good idea to ladder the roof from HOW many sides to permit an alternate escape for venting if a crew is cut off from the first aerial?
If ff cannot safely vent on a roof or conditions warrant a different approach, can ff horizontal or cross vent with an aerial? YES or NO
If ff cannot safely vent on a roof or conditions warrant a different approach, ff can horizontal or cross vent with an aerial. FF on the TIP or in the platform can break ______-story windows with a ____ pole or similar tool.
- upper
- pike
Should the FF on the tip of the ladder venting horizontally or cross venting be secured to the ladder or platform with a safety belt? YES or NO
The FF on the tip of the ladder venting horizontally or cross venting should be secured to the ladder or platform with a safety belt. The aerial device should be positioned slightly \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ the window and slightly to the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ side. A. below, downwind B. above, upwind C. below, upwind D. above, downwind
B. above, upwind
The FF on the tip of the ladder venting horizontally or cross venting should be secured to the ladder or platform with a safety belt. The aerial device should be positioned slightly above the window and slightly to the upwind side. By being slightly above, what does that do about the falling glass?
does not allow it to hit ff
The FF on the tip of the ladder venting horizontally or cross venting should be secured to the ladder or platform with a safety belt. The aerial device should be positioned slightly above the window and slightly to the upwind side. If a wind is blowing across the face of the building, windows on the downwind portion should be taken out first or second using proper venting practices?
when braking windows for horizontal or cross ventilation, ensure that ff below the windows stay clear to avoid what?
falling glass and debris
The driver/operator should coordinate all venting activities with fire attack and in accordance with the IC's \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. ideas B. driving skills C. incident action plan D. all of the above
C. incident action plan
The driver/operator should coordinate all venting activities with fire attack and in accordance with the IC's incident action plan, otherwise, the increased fire INTENSITY may unnecessarily damage the building OR create an unsafe environment for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ crews. A. exterior B. master stream C. exposure D. interior
D. interior
What IFSTA book can you get more info on ventilation techniques?
Essentials of Fire Fighting
Elevated master streams are most commonly used in WHAT kind of operations? A. defensive B. offensive C. exposure protection D. rescue
A. defensive
In what type of operation can elevated master streams be used to directly attack the fire, cool embers and gases within the thermal column, and protect exposures? A. defensive B. offensive C. exposure protection D. rescue
A. defensive
When a defensive attack is employed, what must an elevated master stream operation consider? A. risk of damage to aerial B. risk of building collapse C. risk of fire exposure D. risk of explosions
B. risk of building collapse
When a defensive attack is employed, an elevated master stream operation must consider the risk of building collapse. Position the apparatus on the _______ of the building OR at an otherwise safe distance from the building to decrease the chance of damage to the truck or injury to ff.
When a defensive attack is employed, an elevated master stream operation must consider the risk of building collapse. Position the apparatus on the corners of the building OR at an otherwise safe distance from the building to decrease the chance of damage to the truck or injury to ff. This ALSO _________ (increases/decreases?) the chance of damage from _______ (radiant/convection?) heat from the fire.
- decreases
- radiant
When a defensive attack is employed, an elevated master stream operation must consider the risk of building collapse. Position the apparatus on the corners of the building OR at an otherwise safe distance from the building. This SAFE DISTANCE must be BALANCED with a close enough distance to allow the bulk of the _______ stream to be able to reach the _____ of the fire OR the exposures being protected.
- fire
- seat
When the IC decides to use a elevated master stream, the driver/operator must know the v_____ to be delivered, the type of s_____ to be used and the placement of the s______.
- volume
- stream
- stream
When the IC decides to use a elevated master stream, the driver/operator must know the volume to be delivered, the type of stream to be used and the placement of the stream. They are responsible for applying the water stream q_____, sm______ and eff______ as possible.
- quickly
- smoothly
- efficiently
When the IC decides to use a elevated master stream, the driver/operator must know the volume to be delivered, the type of stream to be used and the placement of the stream. If they do no give consideration to the potential water supply \_\_\_\_\_\_ on the INITIAL set-up, then all of the water available from the hydrant may not be used and the stream will be \_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. considerations, small B. types, great C. demands, ineffective D. demands, small
C. demands, ineffective
When using an elevated master stream in a \_\_\_\_\_ attack, the driver should position the apparatus to give the fire stream as much reach into the area as possible. A. fire B. exposure C. controlled D. blitz
D. blitz
When using an elevated master stream in a blitz attack, the driver should position the apparatus to give the fire stream as much reach into the area as possible. The ULTIMATE goal will be to place the nozzle in the _______ (lower/upper?) portion of the window opening so that the fie stream is directed ______ (downward/upward?) toward the ceiling.
- lower
- upward
Should the driver ensure the rig is close enough to the building during a blitz attack, so that the tip of the aerial device can be placed into the desired position without allowing radiant heat to damage the device or apparatus? YES or NO
When crews are working inside a building, should you always or never perform external fire attack using master streams/aerial devices?
WHAT poses serious safety threats to interior ff by:
- disturbing the thermal layers
- creating large volumes of steam
- possibility of being struck by the stream
- added weight of water not draining at approximately the weight it is applied = building collapse.
external master stream attacks
External master stream attacks poses serious safety threats to interior ff by:
- disturbing the th______ layers
- creating large volumes of st_____
- possibility of being struck by the st______
- added weight of ______ not draining at approximately the s_____ weight it is applied = building collapse.
- thermal
- steam
- stream
- water
- same
IN SOME CASES, could the aerial device be used as a master stream CLOSER to ground level, especially if it is equipped with water towers or telescoping aerial platforms? YES or NO
IN SOME CASES, the aerial device could be used as a master stream CLOSER to ground level, especially if it equipped with: A. water tower B. articulating device C. telescoping aerial platform D. both A and C
D. both A and C
IN SOME CASES, the aerial device could be used as a master stream CLOSER to ground level, especially if it is equipped with water towers or telescoping aerial platforms. The driver should position the apparatus so that the turntable is directly in line with the WHAT (usually a window, door or opening of some type), IF POSSIBLE? A. target B. hot spots C. exposure potential D. none of the above
A. target
IN SOME CASES, the aerial device could be used as a master stream CLOSER to ground level, especially if it is equipped with water towers or telescoping aerial platforms. The driver should position the apparatus so that the turntable is directly in line with the target (usually a window, door or opening of some type), IF POSSIBLE. This position allows the fire stream to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ as far into the fire area as possible. A. soak in B. penetrate C. sink in D. splash
B. penetrate
IN SOME CASES, the aerial device could be used as a master stream CLOSER to ground level, especially if it is equipped with water towers or telescoping aerial platforms. The driver/operator will need to judge the distance to the building accurately so that WHAT will get close enough to be effective? A. tip B. aerial rieach C. nozzle D. ff
C. nozzle
IN SOME CASES, the aerial device could be used as a master stream CLOSER to ground level, especially if it is equipped with water towers or telescoping aerial platforms. A recommended tactic is to direct the master stream at the floor of the target area. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE - at the ceiling
IN SOME CASES, the aerial device could be used as a master stream CLOSER to ground level, especially if it is equipped with water towers or telescoping aerial platforms. A recommended tactic is to direct the master stream at the ceiling of the target area. This will penetrate without disturbing what? A. fire fighter B. the aerial C. the nozzle friction D. the thermal layer
D. the thermal layer
IN SOME CASES, the aerial device could be used as a master stream CLOSER to ground level, especially if it is equipped with water towers or telescoping aerial platforms. A recommended tactic is to direct the master stream at the ceiling of the target area. This will penetrate without disturbing the thermal layer and will break the stream into finer water particles upon contact, creating a near perfect atmosphere for steam \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. conversion B. evaporation C. pushing D. extinguishment
A. conversion
Do solid stream nozzles and fog nozzles both have a respective place in aerial OPERATIONS? YES or NO
If possible, only keep solid stream nozzles on an aerial. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE, keep both solid stream and fog
It is important to ensure that any nozzles used are ________ with the manufacturer’s DESIGNED waterway and appliance provided on aerials.
It is important to ensure that any nozzles used are compatible with the manufacturer’s DESIGNED waterway and appliance provided on aerials. This will prevent damage to the water____ and poor stream and/or flow per_________.
- way
- performance
On a master stream, what will make a nozzle lose some of its effectiveness when used?
when it is not discharged at its rated flow/pressure
A 750 gpm fog nozzle discharging 750 gpm will preform more effectively than a 1,000 gpm nozzle flowing 750 gpm. TRUE or FALSE
What is better at breaking up water and allowing better steam conversion?
Fog nozzle
Solid stream nozzle
fog nozzle
Which provides a WIDER coverage?
fog nozzle
solid stream nozzle
fog nozzle
What nozzle has the drawback of not providing the reach and penetration often needed to reach the seat of an INTENSE fire?
fog nozzle
solid stream nozzle
fog nozzle
Can fog streams be adversely influenced by atmospheric or fire-created winds? YES or NO
For a very intense fire, the water from a fog nozzle may be converted to ______ before reaching the seat of the fire.
If using a fog nozzle on most defensive or otherwise long-range operations, set the fog stream nozzle to the ______ stream setting in order to closely emulate the performance of a solid stream nozzle.
What kind of nozzle provides excellent penetration into fire areas?
fog nozzle
solid stream nozzle
solid stream nozzles
If an outside elevated stream is to be directed into the interior of a structure, THESE nozzles can provide the power needed to reach the seat of the fire while allowing the heated gases to vent around the stream.
fog nozzle
solid stream nozzle
solid stream nozzle
If an outside elevated stream is to be directed into the interior of a structure, solid stream nozzles can provide the power needed to reach the seat of the fire while allowing the heated gases to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. dissipate in the air B. raise to the ceiling C. vent around the stream D. be released to the atmosphere
C. vent around the stream
The _________ are able to reach longer distances when the aerial apparatus cannot be positioned close to the building.
fog nozzles
solid stream nozzles
solid stream nozzles
The BEST APPLICATION for _______ are reaching fires deeply seated with a BUILDING or for defensively attacking large, well-developed fires from a relatively long distance.
solid stream
solid streams
Often a trained ff can tell the effectiveness of a stream by the WHAT of the water. A. look B. temperature C. feel D. sound
D. sound
Often a trained ff can tell the effectiveness of a stream by the sound of the water. If water is going into the intended window opening, it will make more or less noise than when hitting the side of the building?
Aerial apparatus can be used to apply large quantities of foam to fires in b___ fuel storage tanks, air____, in________ facilities or trans_________ incidents.
- bulk
- aircraft
- industrial
- transportation
Aerial apparatus can be used to apply large quantities of foam to fires in bulk fuel storage tanks, aircraft, industrial facilities or transportation incidents. It is generally practical to discharge aerated foam through an elevated master stream appliance. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE - It is NOT practical
Ambient winds or the fire's thermal column can do THIS to aerated foam due to its high air content in the stream (aerial master stream). A. make is susceptible to break up B. make it flow faster C. make it penetrate the fire D. make it flow in the wrong direction
A. make it susceptible to break up
A carefully placed solid OR straight master stream from the exterior of the building is often referred to as.... A. exterior attack B. blitz attack C. quick knock D. fast attack
B. blitz attack
An elevated master stream can make a WHAT IF conditions are right and personnel are trained appropriately. A. exterior attack B. blitz attack C. quick knock D. fast attack
B. blitz attack
Where must the seat of the fire be in order for a blitz attack to be successful? A. outside of a building B. middle of a building C. where an outside stream can reach it D. where a hoseline can reach it
C. where an outside stream can reach it
Where must an aerial be positioned for a blitz attack to be successful? A. a great distance from the building B. in front of the building C. in the rear of the building D. fairly close to the building
D. fairly close to the building
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ are often conducted when the fire is on upper stories AND while ff are preparing to enter the building. A. exterior attack B. blitz attack C. quick knock D. fast attack
B. blitz attack
Can an aerial device initiate an offensive blitz attack? YES or NO
YES - don’t forget
There is a tendency to initiate an interior fire attack first on a fire, but valuable time to slow the fire can be lost. What can an AERIAL do at an upper level fire that can be reached with a master stream to begin the process of putting out the fire while interior attack teams PREPARE to make entry? A. exterior attack B. blitz attack C. quick knock D. fast attack
B. blitz attack
A well trained aerial device operator can apply a penetrating \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ stream from an aerial device, potentially confine the fire, and buy time for interior attack teams. A. straight B. solid C. fog D. all of the above
A. straight (all though a straight can be used in blitz attack)
Water deflection can be accomplished with an aerial device using a blitz attack by positioning the device so that the nozzle is \_\_\_\_\_\_ the bottom of the window. (and hits the ceiling to deflect) A. above B. about even with C. resting on D. below
B. about even with
Water deflection can be accomplished with an aerial device using a blitz attack by positioning the device so that the nozzle is about even with the bottom of the window. (and hits the ceiling to deflect) This position allows water to enter the area at an angle of about \_\_\_ degrees. (down) A. 20 B. 15 C. 30 D. 90
C. 30
Water deflection can be accomplished with an aerial device using a blitz attack by positioning the device so that the nozzle is about even with the bottom of the window. (and hits the ceiling to deflect) This position allows water to enter the area at an angle of about 30 degrees. (down) If too _____ (large/small?) angle is used, water will hit the ceiling AHEAD of the fire area and cascade to the floor.
Water adds weight to a structure at the rate of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ pounds for every 250 gpm. A. 1,000 B. 500 C. 2,750 D. 2,000
D. 2,000
Water adds weight to a structure at the rate of 2,000 pounds for every \_\_\_\_ gpm. A. 250 B. 150 C. 200 D. 300
A. 250
Water adds weight to a structure at the rate of 2,000 pounds for every 250 gpm. and could contribute to ______ of an already fire-weakened structure.
Should you find avenues of drainage from the building when using a master stream for ff operations when possible? YES or NO Why?
YES - add to collapse danger
When elevated master streams are used in a blitz attack, they should only be flowed long enough to do WHAT to the fire? A. put it out B. darken it down C. contain it D. all of the above
B. darken it down
When elevated master streams are used in a blitz attack, they should only be flowed long enough to darken down the fire. INSTEAD, do THIS to avoid unnecessary risks of water damage or collapse and for final extinguishment and overhaul operations. A. send in extinguishers B. bucket brigade C. advance hoselines D. none of the above
C. advance hoselines
Should ff exercise caution when entering a structure that has been subjected to a long-term master stream attack? YES or NO
A more common use for elevated master streams is in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ operations. A. offensive B. fast attack C. exposure D. defensive
D. defensive
What kind of EXTERIOR attack has emphasis on exposure protection? A. offensive B. fast attack C. exposure D. defensive
A. defensive
The object of the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ attack is to contain the fire within a specified area. A. offensive B. fast C. exposure D. defensive
D. defensive
Indicators of a potential defensive attack are:
- f____ or building conditions prohibit safe advancing of handlines
- IC opts to sacrifice part of the b_______ to the fire
- l______ amounts of water needed to extinguish the fire (common attics or multiple apartments, etc.)
- fire
- building
- large
In a defensive attack with an aerial, the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ at the incident will dictate what type of stream should be used. A. fire conditions B. IC C. driver/operator D. officer
A. fire conditions
Because the intense heat of a fire could force the aerial apparatus to be positioned farther away, most commonly, what type of stream would be used? A. straight B. solid C. fog D. both A and B
D. both A and B
The power of elevated streams can cause furniture and other burning items to move into _____ areas.
The power of elevated streams can cause furniture and other burning items to move into unburned areas AS WELL AS create avenues of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ heat. A. radiant B. convection C. direct D. none of the above
B. convection
Movement of burning building \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ can cause a change in the direction of fire spread and even reverse the rise of products of combustion in the thermal column. A. walls B. parapets C. contents D. master streams
C. contents
Movement of burning building contents can cause a change in the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ of fire spread and even reverse the rise of products of combustion in the thermal column. A. speed B. products C. area D. direction
D. direction
Movement of burning building contents can cause a change in the direction of fire spread and even reverse the rise of products of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in the thermal column. A. combustion B. extinquishment C. smoke D. all of the above
A. combustion
In order not to move around contents that are on fire or convection waves, or push the fire into unburned areas of a building during defensive fire attack, if possible, position the apparatus on the _______ side of the building.
Is it uncommon for more than one elevated master stream to be in use at larger, defensive fire operations. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE, it is NOT uncommon
It is NOT uncommon for more than one elevated master stream to be in use at larger, defensive fire operations. If this is the case, operators should exercise caution so that they do not st_______ another aerial device with their own stream.
When using an elevated master stream, what should ff give CONTINUAL attention to regarding the fire stream’s effect on? (if venting, or preparing to vent)
stream’s effect on overall fire conditions
When using an elevated master stream, ff should give CONTINUAL attention to regarding the fire stream’s effect on overall fire conditions. (if venting, or preparing to vent) The f_____ of the stream ALONG with the resulting air movement can re______ smoke, heat and fire gasses throughout the fire building.
- force
- redirect
The IC at a fire building should be particularly observant that VENTING operations are not rendered ineffective by doing THIS with a elevated master stream.
directing streams into openings intended for ventiliation
What kind of attack is an exterior attack that aims to contain the fire within a specified area, typically using large amounts of water? A. offensive B. fast C. exposure D. defensive
D. defensive
Interior handlines can be provided to an aerial as an exterior standpipe to upper floor (a tactic that eliminates difficult hose lays up interior stairwells) by removing the n______ and attaching hoses to a g_____ outlet.
- nozzle
- gated
Exterior standpipes are an effective tactic for the following:
- no op______ standpipe system
- fires in p_______ garages
- fires on building r______
- fires on br_____ and overpasses
- fires in buildings under c________ where standpipe system is not available
- operable
- parking
- roofs
- bridges
- construction
What can be kept on the platform, connected to an outlet, for elevated standpipe operations, that save valuable time in setting up for interior standpipe operations?
preconnected handlines
Preconnected handlines can be kept on the platform, connected to an outlet, for elevated standpipe operations, that save valuable time in setting up for interior standpipe operations. What will this temporarily reduce?
weight allowed on platform (until lines go into building)
Using the aerial for THIS operations commits the ladder or platform to a single position and may prevent its use for other CRITICAL tasks such as rescue and ventilation. A. elevated standpipe B. exposure protection C. defensive attack D. blitz attack
A. elevated standpipe
Careful evaluation of incident \_\_\_\_\_\_ will help determine if the use of elevated standpipe operations tactic is beneficial OR if the aerial device would better be used for other tasks. A. command B. priorities C. scene D. exposures
B. priorities
WHAT is defined as a structure or separate part of the fireground to which the fire may spread (carports, automobiles, stack of hay)?
Fire spreads to exposures either by: A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. all of the above
D. all of the above
Conditions that affect EXPOSURE hazards:
- w______
- fu___
- top_______
- building c_______
- spacing between the f____ building and the ex______
- int______ of the fire
- weather
- fuel
- topography
- construction
- fire
- exposure
- intensity
Do only current or recent weather conditions affect a fire’s ability to spread to exposures?
Increased \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ content in exposed combustible material prolongs its resistance to IGNITION. A. air B. convection C. moisture D. fog
C. moisture
\_\_\_\_\_\_ also reduces the chance of NATURAL cover catching fire and spreading to surrounding structures. A. air B. water streams C. snow D. rain
D. rain
Can rain alone provide adequate exposure protection? YES or NO
NO - may not
When an exposure is SEVERELY threatened, is it probable that the amount of rain falling on the exposure IS sufficient to prevent ignition. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE, IS NOT sufficient
If it is raining, standard \_\_\_\_\_ means of providing exposure protections should still be considered and ready in any case. A. tactical B. fire fighting C. aerial device D. all of the above
A. tactical
W____ also plays a large part in exposure protection (besides rain).
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ enhances the effects of RADIATED and CONVECTION heat transfer, and fast moving burning embers. A. air B. wind C. snow D. rain
B. wind
If wind is blowing away from an exposure, the chances of fire spread are reduced and eliminated. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE - reduced, but not eliminated
In severe fire situations, during exposure protection, a fire itself can create its own \_\_\_\_\_ conditions in the form of more rapid convection currents. A. rain B. tornado C. wind D. fire
C. wind
The type of c______ and the prox_____ of the exposure to the fire building also affect the chance of the exposure catching fire.
- construction
- proximity
Exposures with WHAT type of exterior finish have an increased risk of secondary fire involvement? A. wood B. metal C. noncombustible D. combustible
D. combustible
Some combustible construction \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ include: -wood/plastic siding -wooden window frames -interior combustible items (curtains, blinds, carpets) close to large windows or glass areas. A. elements B. parts C. pieces D. retardants
A. elements
The type of construction and the proximity of the exposure to the fire building also affect the chance of the exposure catching fire. These both should be considered during \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ of the incident. A. attack, clean up B. response, size-up C. attack, stabilization D. search, overhaul
B. response, size-up
Is the aerial apparatus itself considered an exposure HAZARD? YES or NO
In some cases, is the aerial apparatus (or any apparatus) the most valuable exposure at the scene? YES or NO
What is crucial in order that an apparatus not become a exposure hazard?
Why does simply directing fire streams into the air between the fire and the exposure not appreciably reduce the chance of the exposure catching fire?
A. convected heat does not transmit through air
B. radiated heat does not transmit through air
C. radiated heat is transmitted through water
D. convected heat transmits through water
C. radiated heat is transmitted through water (will go through water to the exposure)
Simply directing fire streams into the air between the fire and the exposure does NOT appreciably reduce the chance of the exposure catching fire. Water applied directly on the exposure more effectively absorbs the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ developed on the surface of the exposure and reduces its ability to catch fire. (radiated heat) A. fire B. surface tension C. radiant heat D. heat energy
D. heat energy
Protection from THIS type of fire spread (exposure) can be accomplished by applying a large fog stream into the thermal column. A. convective B. radiant C. conductive D. none of the above
A. convective
\_\_\_\_\_ streams may reduce the chances of burning embers traveling through the air and igniting other structures. A. straight B. fog C. solid D. both A and C
B. fog
When resources are limited, could it be necessary to use one master stream to both fight the fire and protect exposures? YES or NO
When resources are limited, it could be necessary to use one master stream to both fight the fire and protect exposures. How would a driver position for this tactic?
where the master stream can be moved between the fire and the exposure
When resources are limited, it could be necessary to use one master stream to both fight the fire and protect exposures. Care must be taken not to neglect the -_____ by devoting too much attention to the fire itself.
Some elevating ________ have 2 nozzles, where 1 stream can be directed to the fire building and the other to protect _________.
- platform
- exposures
The practice of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ from an aerial platform is dependent upon availability of water, required flow, and the # of ff available to monitor the application. (exposure protection) A. rescue B. direct attack C. using two nozzles D. extending a hoseline
C. using two nozzles
The practice of using 2 nozzles from an aerial platform is dependent upon availability of water, required flow, and the # of ff available to monitor the application. (exposure protection) Because of these FACTORS, the full use of the apparatus may be \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. certain B. unlimited C. extended D. limited
D. limited
Positioning aerial (and other) apparatus to provide exposure protection may create some interesting \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ that require careful consideration. A. challenges B. situations C. environments D. all of the above
A. challenges
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ must ensure that aerial apparatus are positioned for effective, safe stream placement and for maximum coverage of the exposure and the fire building, if so desired. A. maps B. planning C. the IC D. the driver
B. planning
If a fire becomes large enough to become an exposure, the apparatus itself assigned to protect the exposure might become an….
exposure themselves
While the aerial is placed for maximum protection to the exposed buildings, the apparatus should not be put into a situation where measures must be taken to ________ the apparatus itself.
While the aerial is placed for maximum protection to the exposed buildings, the apparatus should not be put into a situation where measures must be taken to protect the apparatus itself. There should always be a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ exit route in the event that fire conditions worsen and exposure protection ops must be abandoned. A. back up B. secondary C. straight forward D. none of the above
C. straight forward
In \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ operations, wide sweeping nozzle patterns are generally used to cover the involved areas. A. direct attack B. quick knock C. defensive attack D. exposure protection
D. exposure protection
In exposure protection operations, wide sweeping nozzle patterns are generally used to cover the involved areas. When using this pattern, the stream should not be \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ beyond the safe limits required by the manufacturer of the aerial device. A. rotated B. pushed C. created D. pressurized
A. rotated
ALWAYS operate elevated streams into natural ventilation openings. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE - never at any time
During exposure protection take care to avoid breaking……
During exposure protection take care to avoid breaking windows because it may result in extensive \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and it could enhance the fire's ability to spread inside the exposure. A. property damage B. water damage C. debris D. problems
B. water damage
The exact type of stream to use on exposures will depend on the c__________ of the individual fire.
The exact type of stream to use on exposures will depend on the conditions of the individual fire. When possible, a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ will allow for maximum coverage of the exposure. A. straight stream B. solid stream C. fog pattern D. z pattern
C. fog pattern
Conditions that may not allow for a fog stream when protecting exposures:
- high w____ conditions
- excessive d_____ between the nozzle and exposure
- extensive h____ from the fire evaporating the stream prior to contact with the t_____ area
- wind
- distance
- heat
- target
What type of streams must be constantly maneuvered to cover the entire surface of the structure during exposure protection? A. straight stream B. solid stream C. fog stream D. both A and B
D. both A and B
During exposure protection take care to avoid breaking windows because it may result in extensive water damage and it could enhance the fire's ability to spread inside the exposure. Because of their velocity, ff should exercise particular care with \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to avoid damaging building components and windows. A. straight stream B. solid stream C. fog stream D. master streams
D. master streams
What order should rescuing victims of larger commercial passenger aircraft and some military aircraft be:
- use of aerial devices
- place a set of portable stairs next to the exit doors
- escape chutes or slides at exit door openings
- escape chutes or slides at exit door openings
- place a set of portable stairs next to the exit doors
- use of aerial devices
Can aerial devices be used to support operations involving aircraft rescue and fire fighting (ARFF) incidents? YES or NO
On noncrash fire incidents involving large-frame aircraft, is there a possibility of using an aerial for rescue purposes? YES or NO
Personnel and passengers should use extreme caution when mounting and dismounting an aerial device from the wing of an aircraft because the wing is ________ even under DRY weather conditions.
Personnel and passengers should use extreme caution when mounting and dismounting an aerial device from the wing of an aircraft because the wing is slippery even under DRY weather conditions, but treacherous when w_____, foam, i__ or fu__ is present on the surface.
- water
- ice
- fuel
Personnel and passengers should use extreme caution when mounting and dismounting an aerial device from the wing of an aircraft because the wing is slippery even under DRY weather conditions, but treacherous when water, foam, ice or fuel is present on the surface. Passengers may have to be escorted ___ __ _ ___ to the aerial device under these conditions.
one at a time
All ladders should be positioned to the \_\_\_\_\_ (\_\_\_\_) of the entry doors when rescuing with and aerial from an aircraft. A. aft (rear) B. aft (front) C. bay (front) D. bay (rear)
A. aft (rear)
All ladders should be positioned to the aft (rear) of the entry doors when rescuing with and aerial from an aircraft to keep the aerial away from the opening of doors and will not impact the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ deployment. A. water B. escape slide C. passenger D. wheel chairs
B. escape slide
Rescue personnel must consider the passengers’ state of mind and maintain order during the exit process off airplanes because there may be……(with extreme panic and fear)
hundreds of passengers waiting
In some cases, an aerial might be needed for SMALL aircraft who have crashed into t____, electrical w____ or other el_______ locations.
- trees
- wires
- elevated
In some cases, an aerial might be needed for SMALL aircraft who have crashed into trees, electrical wires or other elevated locations. USE the device to stabilize the aircraft or lower it from its resting position and NOT to gain access to remove victims. TRUE or FALSE
FALSE-to remove victims, NOT for stabilization or to lower the aircraft
In case a small aircraft that has crashed into an elevated location, the driver/operator should make sure the aerial is p_____ and s______ in the event that the aircraft becomes dislodged and falls.
- parked
- stabilized
In case a small aircraft that has crashed into an elevated location, the driver/operator should make sure the aerial is parked and stabilized in the event that the aircraft becomes dislodged and falls as well as pos_______ and op_______ as SAFELY as possible to avoid damage to the device and injury if it becomes dislodged.
- position
- operate
If an aircraft has come to a rest near or in electrical lines the driver should not elevate the aerial device until the utility company can verify what?
the lines are de-energized
Aerials can be used for elevated \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ on interior aircraft fires. A. standpipes B. master streams C. rescue ops D. none of the above
A. standpipes
Aerial devices can provide PLATFORMS for _______ entry and m______ ventilation on aircraft crashes.
- forcible entry
- mechanical ventilation
Can aerials provide positive pressure ventilation on aircraft crashes? YES or NO
What can provide scene lighting and other support operations on aircraft crashes?
aerial devices
What kind of nozzles do some aerial devices have that are especially helpful in extinguishing hard-to-reach fires and cargo aircraft fires? A. fog B. piercing C. solid stream D. bresnin
B. piercing
Piercing nozzles on aerials are helpful in extinguishing hard-to-reach fires and cargo aircraft fires and can be used in conjunction with a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to help identify the appropriate location. A. 1 inch hose B. double female C. thermal imaging camera D. light seeking camera
C. thermal imaging camera
Driver/operators of aerials should understand their roles in these 4 fireground strategies and practice tactics safely and within the recommended limitations of their apparatus:
- r______
- v__________
- elevated f______ attack
- ex_______ protection
- rescue
- ventilation
- fire
- exposure