Chapter 19 Flashcards
What is the general recommended rest between SAQ reps for intermediate clients?
0 to 60 seconds
What is the general recommended rest between SAQ reps for beginner clients?
15 to 60 seconds
You have a client seeking weight loss. What range of sets is most appropriate for SAQ drills?
3 or 4 sets
SAQ training among seniors may help prevent which of the following conditions?
What term best describes the amount of mineral content, such as calcium and phosphorous, in a segment of bone?
Bone density
Which of the following is a component of quickness training?
Assessment of visual stimuli
How many repetitions of each SAQ drill is appropriate for youth athletes?
3 to 5 reps
To enable weight-loss clients to perform SAQ exercises at a high intensity in a variety of movements, what can fitness professionals create?
Small circuits
You have a client seeking weight loss. What number of repetitions is most appropriate for SAQ drills?
3 to 5 reps
With SAQ training, what is the recommended number of sets of each drill for young athletes to perform?
1 to 4 sets
To increase the metabolic demand of SAQ exercises among weight-loss clients, which of the following adjustments to a workout session could be implemented?
Decreased rest periods
Speed is the product of what two variables?
Stride rate and stride length
What is sarcopenia?
Age-related loss of muscle tissue
Starting at what percentage of bone density loss does the risk of hip fracture increase by 2.5 times?
What is the recommended number of SAQ sessions per week for weight-loss clients?
1 or 2 sessions per week
Which form of SAQ training is characterized by the ability to start, stop, and change direction in response to a signal or stimulus quickly while maintaining postural control?
Which statement accurately describes the physical benefits of SAQ training?
SAQ training decreases the risk of osteopenia.
Jane is a high school hockey goalie. Which type of SAQ training best relates to the physical skills needed at her position?
Quickness training
Initially, how many sets of SAQ drills are recommended for older adults?
1 or 2 sets
What is defined as the awareness of the positioning and movement of body segments?
How much rest should be given between each repetition of an SAQ exercise for young athletes?
15 to 60 seconds
What is the ability to move the body in one direction as fast as possible?
From the choices provided, what would be most recommended for SAQ drills per session with beginner clients?
4 to 6 drills
What is defined as the number of strides taken in a given amount of time or distance?
Stride rate
You have a client seeking weight loss. What number of repetitions is most appropriate for SAQ drills?
3 to 5 reps
What three joint actions comprise triple flexion?
Dorsiflexion, knee flexion, and hip flexion
Why are proper frontside mechanics in sprinting important?
Frontside mechanics align the lead leg to optimally apply force into the ground to help propel the body forward.
When observing sprint mechanics, which joint action should you see occurring in the rear leg if proper form is used?
Ankle plantar flexion
Which of the following is a component of agility training?
Agility plus which of the following concepts are separate but related concepts that both fit underneath the umbrella of agility training?
Change of direction
You are working with an advanced client on SAQ drills. From the choices provided, what would be the best number of SAQ drills per workout?
6 to 10 drills
You are training a youth client. What is the best choice for number of SAQ drills per workout for this athlete?
4 to 8 drills per workout
How is osteopenia best described?
The loss of bone density related to the aging process.
What three joint actions comprise triple extension?
Plantar flexion, knee extension, and hip extension
What differentiates change of direction from agility?
Reaction to a signal
You have a youth client. What training frequency is most recommended for a young athlete performing SAQ?
1 to 3 times per week
What is defined as the ability to react and change body position with maximal force production, in all planes of motion, and from all body positions?
What involves reacting to a stimulus and then changing the body’s sprinting direction in response to that stimulus?
Which of these joint movements is part of backside mechanics?
Hip extension
Which component of SAQ involves the ability to react to a stimulus (i.e., reaction time) and appropriately change the motion of the body in response to that stimulus (such as hitting a baseball)?
Which is involved in frontside mechanics?
Lead leg
Improving frontside running mechanics is associated with which of the following?
Less braking force
What is the general recommended rest for advanced clients between SAQ reps?
0 to 90 seconds
You are working with an intermediate client on SAQ drills. From the choices provided, what would be the best choice for drills per session?
6 to 8 drills
What best describes triple flexion when referring to frontside mechanics?
Ankle dorsiflexion, knee flexion, and hip flexion of the lead leg
SAQ programs for youth have been found to decrease what?
Athletic injuries
What is osteoporosis?
A disease in which the density and quality of bone tissue is reduced, causing bones to become weak and fragile
Which is not part of triple extension involved in backside sprint mechanics?
Hip abduction
What is defined as the distance covered in one stride?
Stride length
What is the most appropriate SAQ program design for a beginner adult who is apparently healthy?
4 to 6 drills with limited inertia and unpredictability, such as cone shuffles and agility ladder drills