Chapter 18: Life In The Era Of Expansion Flashcards
Why did people in Western Europe marry later?
- People did not marry until they could start homes and support a family
- laws a traditions discouraged early marriage
How was later marriages an economic advantage?
Older adults who had already accumulated economic capital and could transfer self reliance and skills to the next generation
How did later marriages affect the relationship between the husband and wife?
Their was greater equality between husband and wife
Poor families could usually not afford ______________ for their sons
What was the most common job for a girl outside of the home?
Service in other households
Birth control before the nineteenth century was ___________
What was the most common form of birth control?
Coitus interruptus
Why did bad birth control not initially cause a large spike in illegitimate births?
Social pressures to marry if impregnated
Common actions in villages that sought to uphold the economic, social, and moral stability of the close knit community
Community controls
Degrading public rituals used by villages to police personal behavior and maintain moral standards
When did the patterns of marriage and illegitimate births shift?
Latter half of the eighteenth century
Why did the number of illegitimate births rise?
- increased ability for young people to choose their partners
- break down of community controls caused an increase in the sexual activity of young people
- fewer men followed through on their promise to marry women they impregnated
What was the reason for the increase in young people’s abilities to choose their own partners?
- social and economic changes made it harder for families and communities to supervise their behavior
- youths who began to work for their own wages had increased freedom
Despite repressive laws, ____________ flourished in the 18th century
Prostitute with wealthy clients that provided them with apartments, clothes, and cash allowances
What was the punishment for same sex relations?, although it was enforced unevenly throughout Europe
The infant mortality rate was _______ and many women died in childbirth
How did new enlightenment ideals change the relationship between parent and child?
They emphasized the importance of parental nurturing and education
Breastfed infants had a ________ survival rate
Women who breastfed another women’s child for money
Wet nurses
Rural wet nursing was conducted within the framework of the ____________ system
Putting out
What country was wet nursing the most prominent in?
How did enlightened thinkers feel about wet nursing?
They attacked it
Abortion was _______, dangerous, and rare
In which women delivered in secret and smothered their baby, punishable by death
Orphanages in urban cities that took care of abandoned babies
Foundling hospitals
Why was discipline of children often severe?
People believed that children were born with innate sin that the parents had to overcome
What things did enlightened thinkers rally for in terms of children?
- increased tenderness
- breastfeeding
- better education
- foundling homes
- comfortable clothing
- celebrate the child as innocent and develop children’s innate qualities
One of the most influential books on child rearing, by Jean Jacques Rousseau
What did Rousseau believe about boys education?
It should include lots of exercise, fresh air, and practical skills
What did Rousseau believe about girls education?
It should center around domestic responsibilities
The availability of education outside of the home _________
What was important to the spread of education?
Church established schools to teach poor kids
Charity schools
Protestants involvement in education was spurred by what belief?
Every believer should be able to read the bible
In 1717, what country made elementary school attendance mandatory?
What material was the most widely read?
In which an increase in consumerism lead to new expectations for comfort, hygiene, and self expression.
Consumer revolution
How did women literacy rates compare to men’s?
They lagged behind
Short pamphlets, staple of popular literature
Despite increased literacy, village culture remained largely _______
Violent spectator sports, increases with the increase in consumerism and leisure time
Blood sports
Even preceding lent, gave people a chance to release their pent up frustrations
How did educated elites react to activities such as drinking, blood sports,and festivals as the century progressed?
They increasingly denounced them as vulgar
A price that protects the consumers and producers, should be imposed by the government if necessary
Just price
Why did the eighteenth century see an increase in the consumption of commodities imported from abroad like tea, sugar, chocolate, coffee, and tobacco?
- American slavery enabled the products to be cheap enough to spread to the masses
- common folk wanted to emulate the lifestyle of the elite
Along with food, all goods increased in _______
The growth in consumption and new attitudes towards consumer goods in the latter eighteenth century
Consumer revolution
Why was fashionable clothing cheaper?
The flood of women entering the textile industry
How did the rise in the accessibility of fashionable clothing challenge social order?
It blurred the line between social groups
Where was consumerism concentrated?
Large cities in northwestern Europe
Who benefited most from the consumer revolution
Despite the enlightenment, a majority of men and women retained a strong ______
What was the focal point of community?
Who headed church in Protestant areas?
Princes and monarchs
Catholic monarch took control of religious matters, weakening the authority of the _____
The national Catholic Church established by France
Gallican church
Catholicism gained new ground in the _____________
Holy Roman Empire
Catholic society that exercised tremendous political authority, they were expelled from France by Louis XV
Both the Catholic and Protestant churches were challenged by the _______________
Leader in controlling religion and education
Maria Theresa restricted entry into ____________
Unproductive orders
In which Joseph II of Austria abolished contemplative orders
Edict on Idle Constitutions
What did Austria use the money from dissolved monasteries for?
Charity and higher priest salaries
Established religious tolerance, including Jews
Joseph II
Protestant revival in early the early eighteenth century, originated in Germany
What did pietism stress?
- warm emotional religion
- priesthood of all believers
- power of Christian rebirth in everyday lives
Who did pietism affect, he was a catalyst for religious revival in England
John Wesley
What were John Wesley’s followers called?
What problems with faith existed in England ?
- government used church to provide favorites with high paying jobs
- separation of church from local customs and social life
- enlightenment skepticism and deism
What did Wesley preach instead of Calvins idea of predestination?
All men and women who earnestly seek salvation may be saved
How did Catholics differ from Protestants?
Religion was a bigger part of their everyday lives
Catholic version of pietism, called for a return to the early Christianity of saint Augustine, emphasized the heavy weight of original sin
Who did Jansenism originate with?
Cornelius Jansen
Why was Jansenism outlawed by the pope as heresy?
Accepted predestination
Where was Jansenism most popular?
From what type of background did physicians normally come from?
What remained the cure all of medicine?
Bloodletting or purging
What type of surgeons led innovations in surgery?
Army surgeons
Midwife who wrote “Manuel on the art of childbirth”
Madame du Coudray
What was the greatest medical triumph of the eighteenth century?
The discovery of the smallpox vaccine
Who discovered the smallpox vaccine?
Edward Jenner
What was the average age for marriage in wester Europe?