Ch 29: Challenging the Postwar Order Flashcards
in the mid to late 1960’s much of western Europe moved politically to the ______
Became the first social democratic West German Chancellor
Will Brandt
What countries were exceptions to the leftist movement of western Europe?
France, Spain, Portugal, Greece
How did the leftist shift affect the Cold War?
It caused a gradual relaxation of cold war tensions, western leaders took huge steps to normalize relations with the east bloc
What western leader took the lead normalizing relations with the East Bloc?
Willy Brandt
West Germany’s attempt in the 1970’s to ease diplomatic tensions with East Germany, exemplifying the policies of detente
What countries did Brandt make treaties with, accepting their existing state boundaries as they were, in return for a mutual renunciation of force or threat of force?
SU, Czechoslovakia, Poland
The progressive relaxation of Cold War tensions that emerged in the early 1970’s
when the US, Canada, and all European Nations agreed that Europe’s existing political frontiers could not be changed by force
Helsinki Accords
European spending on healthy, education, and benefits ___________
What exemplified the limits of the growing prosperity?
- Living standards of workers and immigrants didn’t rise as fast
- Expanding economy did not always reach developing regions
What was the most noticeable leisure time development?
Travel and tourism
With the rise of consumer society, church attendance _________ significantly
A meeting of catholic leaders that initiated a number of reforms, including replacement of latin with local languages in church services, designed to democratize the church and renew its appeal
Second Vatican Council
Family ties _________ in the age of affluence
Movement that challenge the growing conformity that seemed to be an inherent part of consumer society and the unequal distribution of wealth
Counterculture movement
Who led the culture counter movement?
Baby Boomers
A 1960’s counterculture movement that embraced updated forms o Marxism to challenge both Western capitalism and Soviet Style Communism
New Left
in the 60’s, _____ and daily life merged
the 60’s was characterized by a new openness about _______
What war was the growth of the counterculture movement linked to?
Eisenhower refused to sign these accords that would temporarily divide Vietnam into two states
Geneva Accords
Initial support for the America’s involvement in vietnams was ________
Who led the anti war demonstrations in America?
College students
Nixon’s plan to give the South responsibility for the war and reduce american presence
French conflict between college students and police during the protests of 1968, triggered a national revolt
May Events
How did the French government get “May Event” strikers to return to work
promised work place reforms
East bloc economies ___________ the West
lagged behind
How did communist nations attempt to fix the economic situation in the East Bloc?
cautious decentralization and limited market policies
Most successful financial reform in East Bloc, broke up monopolies, allowed some private retail, encouraged private agriculture. Hungary
New Economic Mechanism
East Bloc countries also cautiously began to grant __________ freedoms
What was the soviets new attitude towards intellectuals?
They encouraged them to take a more critical view of life in East Bloc without directly opposing communism
book that directly criticized communism and had to be published in secret and sold underground
In which Czechoslovakia elected a new more liberal communist leader, Alexander Dubček
Prague Spring
What did Alexander Dubček call for?
- socialism with a human face
- relaxed state censorhip
- more freedoms
How did Soviet Leaders react to the reform program in Czechoslovakia?
They sent troops in, the leaders of reform peacefully resigned, and reform was abandoned
Doctrine created by Leonid Brezhnev that held that the SU had the right to intervene in any East Bloc country when necessary to preserve communist rule
Brezhnev Doctrine
starting in the 1970s the west entered a long period of economic ________
What were the reasons for the economic decline?
- Collapse of international monetary system
- reversal in price and availability of energy
In which Israel defeated Egypt, Jordan, and Syria and occupied more of Palestine
Six Day War
Arab led, OPEC, presented a united front against western oil companies
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Why did OPEC declare an embargo on oil shipments to the US?
US gave aid to Israel in fourth Arab-Israeli War
As a result of the oil shock, living standards __________
Term coined in the early 1980’s to describe the combination of low growth and high inflation that led to a worldwide recession
What sparked the second oil shock?
Islamist revolution overthrew the Shah of Iran, oil production in Iran collapses
Regardless of the economy, the __________ continued to attract new members. Britain finally joined
Common Market
the global economic downturn _________ the gap between rich and poor countries
What shifted manufacturing jobs away from highly industrialized western countries?
new asian technology industry
A society that relies on high tech and service oriented jobs for economic growth rather than heavy industry and manufacturing jobs, West begins to shift to this
Postindustrial Society
Why did government spending continue to rise in Europe through the economic crises?
Governments were still spending money on social programs
What was the negative of this social programs?
Since people didn’t want to pay taxes for them, government spending caused large deficits
In which leaders move to cut government spending and regulation in attempts to improve economic performance
the New Conservatism
philosophy of conservatives who argues for privatization of state-run industries and decreased government spending on social services
US economist and neoliberalist
Milton Friedman
Neoliberal policy; the sale of state managed industries to private owners
Prime Minister of Great Britain elected in 1979, determined to scale back the role of government, cut spending on health care, education, and public housing
Margaret Thatcher
What was the effects of Thatchers policies?
- shut down of heavy industry
- doubled unemployment
- increased gap between rich and poor
- strikes
West Germany also moved to the _______
New Christian Democrat West German Chancellor
Helmut Kohl
What was the result of Kohls conservatism?
Economic Growth
Beauvoir’s book that argued that women had almost always been trapped by inflexible and limiting conditions
The Second Sex
Rachel Carson’s book, told of a future where the world was destroyed by pesticides
Silent Spring
Party founded in West Germany by environmentalists, met with astounding success
Green party
The 70s also saw the rise of determined ________ moments in Europe
Parliamentary Organization in Northern Ireland that wanted to unite six of its counties controlled by Britain with Ireland
IRA (Irish Republican Army)
In which a british soldier shot and killed thirteen demonstrators protesting anti catholic discrimination
Bloody Sunday
Founder of the French National Front, opposed european integration and called for a return to traditional national customs
Jean Marie Le-Pen
by the 70s, many of the goals of communism had been _______
Term used by communist leaders to describe the socialist accomplishments of their societies
developed socialism
East Bloc living standards were ________ those of the west
What were reasons that caused public dissatisfaction in the East Bloc?
- Hit hard by energy crises
- refused to cut spending on the welfare state
- best career and education reserved for party members
Manifesto signed by small group of Czechoslovakian citizens that criticized the government for ignoring the human rights provision of the Helsinki Accords
Charter 77
Who was the polish miracle who electrified the nation?
Pope John Paul II
independent Polish trade union that worked for workers rights and political reform through the 80s, led by Lech Waleska
hope for detente _______ in the late 70s
Who succeeded Brezhnev?
Yuri Andropov
who succeeded Andropov?
Mikhail Gorbachev
What did Gorbachev conclude needed to be done to get better living conditions in Russia?
Have a better relationship with the West
Economic restructuring and reform implemented by Gorbachev in the SU, more independence for state enterprises, easing on gov price controls, not very successful
Gorbachev’s popular campaign for openness in government and media, much more successful
Another element of Gorbachev’s reforms was ___________ with the first free elections in the SU
The term given to the relatively peaceful overthrow of communism in Czechoslovakia and the East bloc in general
Velvet Revolution