Ch 19: Revolutions In Politics Flashcards
What privileges did nobles have in eighteenth century society?
No taxes, exclusive hunting rights
What privileges did the middle class (merchants and professionals) have in society?
They were allowed to monopolize industry and economic activity
The majority of the population were _______
European population was __________
As population increased, ___________ increased
How did the middle class benefit from inflation?
Investors profited from trade and manufacturing
How did inflation affect the poor?
The poor struggled even more to pay for food and everyday necessities
People who called for individual liberty, freedom to worship what they wanted, and advocated an end to censorship
Belief that the people had the authority to make laws limiting and an individual’s freedom, choosing legislators who represented and were accountable to the people
What did liberals believe regarding the rights of women?
Equal equality of the sexes as undesirable
What did liberals believe about economic equality?
- did not believe everyone should be equal economically
- every white man should have an equal chance to economic gain
Who were the most referenced enlightened thinkers among liberals?
Locke and Montesquieu
Who did appeals about a representative government appeal to?
Middle class and Nobels
Republic did not mean ___________, which was equated with mob rule to liberals
Who did liberals want to limit voting to?
Men with a strake in society
Who were the main countries involved in the seven years war?
England and Prussia vs France and Austria
The main reason for the seven years war was unresolved conflicts for which war?
The war of the Austrian succession
Austria’s Maria Theresa wanted to win _______ back from Prussia
Who ended with Silesia?
What caused tensions in North America during the Seven Years War?
Border disputes between British and French colonies
The British won the seven years war after laying siege to what city?
Treaty that ratified the victory of Britain over France in the Seven Years War
Treaty of Paris (1763)
What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris (1763) ?
- French and Canadian land east of Mississippi given to Britain
- France gives Louisiana to Spain as compensation for Spain’s loss of Florida to England
- France gives up most of its Indian territory, opening up the way for English imperialism
Following the Seven Years War, _________ was a leading European power
What did France and England have to do in order to pay for the Seven Years War?
Raise taxes
Taxed the American colonies on commercial and legal documents, diplomas, newspapers, etc
Stamp Act (1765)
There was great degree of _________ in the colonies
Monopolized tea with the East India Company
Tea Act (1773)
Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that mobilized public opinion for independence
Common Sense
Who did the French sympathize with during the American Revolution?
Frenchmen that became one of George Washingtons most trusted Generals
Marquis de Lafayette
Treaty that recognized American Independence
Treaty of Paris (1783)
People who opposed the American Constitution
How did the American Revolution affect France?
Fueled dissatisfaction with monarch order in France
The French Revolution had immediate origins in the governments ___________ difficulties
Louis XV broke the pattern of Nobel mistresses with ___________, a member of the bourgeoisie class
Madame de Pompadou
Who revived proposals for a tax on property and convinced King Louis XVI to call an assembly of notables for discussion of the proposal
Minister of Finance
What did the notables declare?
Tax changes needed the approval of the Estates General
How did the King react to the proposition of calling the Estates General?
He tried to reassert his authority, dismissed notables, and established new taxes.
The _________________ declared Louis’ taxes null and void
Parliament of Paris
What did Louis finally resort to after the ruling of the Parliament of Paris?
Calling the Estates General
What were the three estates?
Clergy, Nobility, and Everyone Else
The representatives for the clergy in the estates general consisted mostly of _________
Parish priests
The nobility representatives in the Estates General consisted mostly of ____________
Less wealthy conservatives
The representatives for the commoners in the estates general consisted mainly of _____________
Lawyers and Government officials
All three estates were in favor of a _______________________
Constitutional Monarchy
Where did the Estates General meet?
The estates general saw controversy over __________________
Voting procedures
Who wrote ‘What is the Third Estate?’
Emmanuel Sieyes
The third estate voted to call themselves the _________________
National Assembly
In which the third estate agreed not to disband until they recognized a National Assembly and has written a new constitution
Tennis Court Oath
Bread prices continued to ________ after a poor harvest in 1788
Why did people storm Bastille on July 14, 1789?
To get weapons to defend themselves from royal armies
Fear of noble reprisals against peasant uprisings
Great fear
The ______________ abolished all only noble privileges and tithes paid to the church
National Assembly
The National Assembly issued this declaration which laid out the rights of the people
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
What were the rights guaranteed my the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen?
- equality before the law
- representative government for a sovereign people
- individual freedom
In October of 1789, thousand of women marched from Paris to Versailles demanding what?
The King to move closer to the people in Paris
In 1791, the king swore to uphold the constitution, turning France into a __________________
Constitutional monarchy
Although the constitution passed 1791 broadened women’s rights in some aspects, it still excluded women from ____________ and __________
Holding office, voting
Who wrote the declaration of the rights of women?
Olympus de Gouges
What happened to guilds under the National Assembly?
They were abolished
What were the National Assemblies religious reforms?
- granted religious freedom to a small amount of Protestants and Jews
- abolished monasteries
- nationalized Catholic Church property
New paper currency
In 1790, the National Assembly established a _____________ with priests chosen by voters
National church.
What were the social implications of the attempt to remake the church and abolition of guilds?
Increased tensions between the educated and common populations
Edmund Burkes book that defended inherited privileges
Reflections on the Revolution in France
Mary Wollstonecraft’s book that attacked Edmund Burke’s stance on inherited privileges
A Vindication on the Rights of Man
Why was the royal family arrested in 1791?
Attempting to sneak out of France
In which Austria and Prussia professed their willingness to restore Louis XVI
Declaration of Pullnitz
The new French government convened in October of 1791
Legislative assembly
Well educated radical republicans who dominated the legislative assembly
How did the Jacobins react to the Declaration of Pullnitz?
Declared war on Francis II, the Habsburg monarch
___________ joined Austria in the war against France
Rumors of _________ by the king and queen spread in Paris
In August of 1792, a crowd attacked the palace at ___________
After the attack at the palace of Tuileries the Monarchs fled to _______________, where they were imprisoned
The legislative Assembly
The fall of the monarchy signified the start of this revolutionary phase
Second Revolution
In which crowds fearing Prussian invasion stormed prisons and killed jailed priests and aritocrats
September Massacres
New government established in 1792 that proclaimed France a republic
National convention
What were the two groups the Jacobins were divided into?
- Girondists
- The Mountain
Who led the mountain?
Maximilien Robespierre and George Jacques Danton
What did the national convention overwhelmingly convict Louis XVI of?
Which group of the Jacobins was not in favor of sentencing the King to death?
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were executed by _________
France was still determined to fight tyranny and declared war on what countries in 1793?
Spain,England, and the Dutch Republic
Laboring poor of Paris, came to refer to the militant radicals of the city
Sans culottes
In June, 1793 the __________ invaded the National Convention and arrested several Girondists for treason
Sans Culottes
After the invasion of the National a Convention, all power was passed to ___________
The Mountain
Formed by the National a Convention in 1793 to deal with threats within France and foreign invasion
Committee of Public Safety
Who led the Committee of Public Safety?
What reforms did Robespierre make to the economy?
- set maximum prices for products
- put people to work producing arms
The period between 1793-1794 when Robespierre tried and executed thousands suspected of treason
Reign of Terror
How did Robespierre further limit the rights of women?
- suppressed women’s participation in debates
- declared women’s clubs and societies prohibited
Radicals and moderates within the Convention who feared execution formed a ____________
What was Robespierres fate?
He was executed by guillotine in 1794
Reaction to the violence of the Reign of Terror, resulted in the execution of Robespierre and the loosening one economic controls
Thermidorian Reaction
After Robespierres execution, middle class _______ and _________ re asserted authority
Lawyers, professionals
What did the new system of voting in the new constitution entail?
The mass of the population would vote on electors to elect legislates, electors had to meet property requirements
A ________ legislation was inaugurated
The new assembly granted executive power to a 5 man body called _______________
The directory
Where was Napoleon born?
Napoleon and conspirators ousted the ________ in 1799
Napoleon was initially named __________
First consul
Document reassuring two fundamental revolutionary principles
Napoleonic Code
What two revolutionary principles did the Napoleonic code ensure?
- Equality of all male citizens before the law
- security of wealth and private property
How did Napoleon win over the peasantry?
Defending the gains in land and status they won during the Revolution
Signed by Napoleon and Pope Pius VIII as part of Napoleons attempt to heal the church
Concordat of 1801
What did the concordat of 1801 entail?
- French Catholics can practice freely
- Napoleon gains political power and greater influence of the church
Napoleon limited freedom of _______ and _______
Speech, press
How did the rights of women change under Napoleon?
Women lost many gains made in the Revolution
Treaty between the French and British that allowed France to control the Dutch republic
Treaty of Amiens
Battle where the French fleet was destroyed by the British
Battle of Trafalgar
What countries made up the third coalition against France?
Austria, Russia, Sweden, Britain
Where was the 3rd coalition defeated?
Napoleon reorganized the German states into the ____________________
German Confederation of the Rhine
Napoleon abolished _________________
The Holy Roman Empire
In which Prussia lost half of its population and Russia accepts and reinforces Napoleon
Treaty of Tilset
What were the three parts of Napoleons “grand empire”?
- France
- Satellite kingdoms ruled by his family
- Austria, Prussia, Russia
Napoleons plan to halt trade between continental Europe and Britain
Continental System
-Napoleon levied heavy ______
Why did Spain rebel?
Napoleon planned to turn it into a satellite state
Why was the continental system a failure?
It provoked a counter blockade by England
In 1811, ___________ of Russia repudiated his support of Napoleon
Alexander I
What was Napoleons biggest mistake?
Invading Russia
In which Austria, Russia, Prussia, and England pledged allegiance to defeat Napoleon
Treaty of Chaument
In April of 1814, Napoleon abdicated and was sent to ________
Who was placed on the throne after the abdication of Napoleon
Napoleon escaped Elba and marched to _________
What did Louis XVIII do upon Napoleons escape?
Flee the country
Where was Napoleon finally defeated?
Where was Napoleon finally sent?
St Helena
King Louis XVIII was _________