Ch 16: Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution Flashcards
Before the scientific revolution, most knowledge of motion and astronomy was derived from ____________
Aristotle’s ideas were applied to ___________ theology
Encompassed what we know as science today
Natural philosophy
What did Aristotle believe about astronomy?
A motionless earth was the center of the universe and surrounded by ten crystal spheres, beyond of which was heaven
Who theorized that planets move in small epicycles?
Many developments in the European scientific revolution were borrowed from ________ scholars
The union of _________ and natural philosophy would be the hallmark of the scientific revolution
How did the Renaissance stimulate the scientific revolution?
- patrons funded scientific expeditions as well
- geometry and realism in art
- rediscovery of ancient texts
Fascination with discoveries during the scientific revolution led to an increase in __________
Navigational problems in ___________ led to technological innovations
He was the first to theorize the heliocentric model of the universe
Nicolaus Copernicus
What was the name of Copernicus’s book?
On the revolution of the heavenly spheres
What was the major religious problem posed by the heliocentric model?
Where was heaven?
Who observed the new star of 1572?
Tycho Brah
New tables of planetary motion created by Thycho Brah
Rudolphine Tables
Thycho Brah was restricted by his limited understanding of _______
Brah’s young assistant who believed that the world was built off of mathematical relationships
Johann Kepler
Kepler created the _________________which were published in “the new astronomy”
Three laws of planetary motion
Kepler also pioneered which field?
Who’s greatest achievement was an elaboration on the experimental method?
Galileo furnished the law of ________, “an object in motion tends to stay in motion…”
Galileo thought it dangerous to publicly show support for the ____________ model
Galileos book that was viewed negatively by the church
“Dialogue on the chief systems of the world”
What was the result of Galileos book?
He was arrested, put on trial for heresy, and forced to recant
The book that laid down Newtons three laws of motion
“Mathematical principles of Natural Philosophy”
Newtons law that all objects are attracted to each other by a precise math equation
Law of universal gravitation
Greatest early propagandist for the experimental method
Francis bacon
Bacon believed knowledge had to be persued by _________
Bacons followers created the ____________ where they met to discuss ideas
Royal society
The ______________ extended the use of reason
scientific revolution
French philosopher who began to investigate the basic nature of matter
Rene Descartes
Rene Descartes held the notion of a __________ universe
Rene’s view that all reality could be reduced to mind and matter
Cartesian dualism
__________ philosophy was popular in England
___________ was popular in France and the Netherlands
Speculative and experimental approaches combined in the ______________
Scientific method
Ancient Greek physician that theorized that the body contained 4 humors
Studied anatomy by dissecting the bodies of criminals in his book “On the structure of the human body”
Andreas Vesalius
Discovered circulation of blood through veins and arteries
William Harvey
Helped found the modern science of chemistry
Robert Boyle
The rise of modern science influenced the rise of a new social group: the ______________
Scientific community
The influential , intellectual, and cultural movement of the late 17th and 18th centuries that introduced a worldview based on rationalism
What three concepts stood at the forefront of the enlightenment?
Rationalism, scientific method, progress
Critical of religious beliefs and persecutions in “historical and critical dictionary”
Pierce Bayle
Belief that nothing can be known without a doubt, championed by Bayle
Idea that there’s only one substance in the world
Spinoza monism
Believed that all ideas were derived from experience, justified bacons theory of experimentalism
John Locke
First major work of the enlightenment, criticized existing practices and beliefs, written by monetesquie
Persian letters
Woman who studied physics and math and wanted equal education for women
Madame du chatelet
Voltaire thought that most humans were _______ to govern themselves