Chapter 16 Flashcards
describes race, gender, age, and other individual differences.
high turnover among minorities and women.
revolving door syndrome
how open the organization is to anyone who can perform a job.
based on pluralism and operates with inclusivity and respect for diversity
A multicultural organization
Characteristics of Multicultural Organizations
Pluralism—Members of minority and majority cultures influence key values and policies.
Structural integration—Minority-culture members are well represented at all levels and in all responsibilities.
Informal network integration—Mentoring and support groups assist career development of minority-culture members.
Absence of prejudice and discrimination—Training and task force activities support the goal of eliminating culture-group biases.
Minimum intergroup conflict—Members of minority and majority cultures avoid destructive conflicts.
Members of minority and majority cultures influence key values and policies.
Minority-culture members are well represented at all levels and in all responsibilities.
Structural integration
Mentoring and support groups assist career development of minority-culture members.
Informal network integration
Training and task force activities support the goal of eliminating culture-group biases.
Absence of prejudice and discrimination
Minimum intergroup conflict
Members of minority and majority cultures avoid destructive conflicts.
a hidden barrier to the advancement of women and minorities.
glass ceiling
occurs when women leave careers because employers lack family-friendly policies and practices.
leaking pipeline problem
when minority members adopt characteristics of majority cultures in order to succeed.
are groupings of people based on shared demographic and job identities.
Organizational subcultures
the belief that one’s membership group or subculture is superior to all others.
form among people doing the same kinds of work.
Occupational subcultures
form among people from the same races, language groupings, regions, and nations.
Ethnic or national subcultures
the ability to work well in situations of cultural diversity.
Cultural intelligence
form among people in similar age groups.
Generational subcultures
building an inclusive work environment that allows everyone to reach his or her potential.
Managing diversity
the confusion and discomfort that a person experiences when in an unfamiliar culture.
Culture shock
the ability to adapt to new cultures and work well in situations of cultural diversity.
Cultural intelligence
rely on nonverbal and situational cues as well as spoken or written words in communication.
High-context cultures
emphasize communication via spoken or written words.
Low-context cultures
people tend to do one thing at atime
monochronic cultures
people accomplish many different things at once.
polychronic cultures
the study of how people use interpersonal space.
are rigid and clear, and members try to conform.
tight cultures social norms
are mixed and ambiguous, and conformity varies.
loose cultures social norms
the degree to which a society accepts unequal distribution of power.
Power distance
the degree to which a society tolerates risk and uncertainty.
Uncertainty avoidance
the degree to which a society emphasizes individuals and their self-interests.
the degree to which a society values assertiveness and materialism.
the degree to which a society emphasizes short-term or long-term goals.
Time orientation
assumes that a generalized cultural value applies equally well to all members of the culture.
The ecological fallacy
areskills and personal characteristics that help us be successful in cross-cultural situations.
Intercultural competencies