Chapter 11 Flashcards
the process of inspiring others to work hard to accomplish important tasks.
the ability to get someone else to do something you want done.
achieves influence by offering something of value.
Reward power
achieves influence by punishment.
Coercive power
achieves influence by formal authority.
Legitimate power
achieves influence by special knowledge.
Expert power
achieves influence by personal identification.
Referent power
a clear sense of the future.
brings to the situation a clear sense of the future and an understanding of how to get there.
Visionary leadership
Traits Often Shared by Effective Leaders
Drive—Successful leaders have high energy, display initiative, and are tenacious.
Self-confidence—Successful leaders trust themselves and have confidence in their abilities.
Creativity—Successful leaders are creative and original in their thinking.
Cognitive ability—Successful leaders have the intelligence to integrate and interpret
Business knowledge—Successful leaders know their industry and its technical
Motivation—Successful leaders enjoy influencing others to achieve shared goals.
Flexibility—Successful leaders adapt to fit the needs of followers and the demands of
Honesty and integrity—Successful leaders are trustworthy; they are honest, predictable, and dependable.
the recurring pattern of behaviors exhibited by a leader.
Leadership style
acts in unilateral command-and control fashion.
autocratic leader
emphasizes people over tasks.
human relations leader
encourages participation with an emphasis on task and people.
democratic leader
disengaged, showing low task and people concerns.
laissez-faire leader
suggests that what is successful as a leadership style varies according to the situation and the people involved.
contingency leadership perspective
allowing the group to take responsibility for task decisions; a low-task, low-relationship style
emphasizing shared ideas and participative decisions on task directions; a low-task, high- relationship style
explaining task directions in a supportive and persuasive way; a high-task, high-relationship style
giving specific task directions and closely supervising work; a high-task, low-relationship style
Four Leadership Styles in House’s Path-Goal Theory
- Directive leader—lets others know what is
expected;gives directions, maintains standards - Supportive leader—makes work more pleasant;
treats others as equals, acts friendly, shows
concern - Achievement-oriented leader—sets challenging
goals; expects high performance, shows confidence - Participative leader—involves others in decision
making; asks for and uses suggestions
factors in the work setting that direct work efforts without the involvement of a leader.
Substitutes for leadership
made by the leader and then communicated to the group.
authority decision
made by a leader after receiving information, advice, or opinions from group members.
consultative decision
made by group members themselves.
group decision
develops special leader–follower relationships and inspires followers in extraordinary ways.
charismatic leader
directs the efforts of others through tasks, rewards, and structures.
Transactional leadership
inspirational and arouses extraordinary effort and performance.
Transformational leadership
Qualities of Transformational Leaders
• Vision—has ideas and a clear sense of direction; communicates them to
others; develops excitement about accomplishing shared “dreams”
• Charisma—uses the power of personal reference and emotion to arouse
others’ enthusiasm, faith, loyalty, pride, and trust in themselves
• Symbolism—identifies “heroes,” and holds spontaneous and planned
ceremonies to celebrate excellence and high achievement
• Empowerment—helps others grow and develop by removing
performance obstacles, sharing responsibilities, and delegating truly
challenging work
• Intellectual stimulation—gains the involvement of others by creating
awareness of problems and stirring their imaginations
• Integrity—is honest and credible; acts consistently and out of personal
conviction; follows through on commitments
the ability to manage our emotions in leadership and social relationships.
Emotional intelligence (EI)
a measure of a person’s ability to manage emotions in leadership and social relationships.
Emotional intelligence quotient (EQ)
holds that males and females have similar psychological makeups.
gender similarities hypothesis
strongon communicating, participation, and dealing with problems by teamwork.
Interactive leadership is
has integrity and appears to others as “good” or “right” by ethical standards.
Moral leadership
honesty, credibility, and consistency in putting values into action.
Integrity in leadership
an overly positive view of one’s integrity and strength of character.
Moral overconfidence
means serving others and helping them use their talents to help organizations benefit society.
Servant leadership
gives people job freedom and power to influence affairs in the organization.