Chapter 13: Blood Vessels and Circulation Flashcards
three layers of blood vessels
tunica intima, tunica media, tunica externa
tunica intima
tunica internainnermost layer of a blood vessel; endothelial lining and connective tissue (mostly elastic fibers)
tunica media
middle layer; contains smooth muscle
tunica adventitia
tunica externaforms a sheath of connective tissue around the vessel
elastic arteries
large arteries with wide diameters up to 2.5 cm; extremely resilient
muscular arteries
“medium-sized” or “distribution” arteriesdelivers blood to skeletal muscles and internal organs; diameter of approximately .4 cm
only blood vessels whose walls permit exchange between blood and surrounding interstitial fluid; diameter is very close to that of a single RBChave biggest impact on blood pressure
precapillary sphincter
band of smooth muscle that adjusts the blood flow into each capillary
cyclical changes in diameter of the blood vessel brought about by precapillary sphincter
joining of two blood vessels
prevent back flow of blood in veins
factors that affect bloodflow
pressure and resistance
peripheral resistance
total resistance of arterial system; sources include vascular resistance, viscosity, and turbulence
vascular resistance
the resistance of the blood vessels to blood flowmost important factor is friction
resistance to flow that results from interactions among molecules in a liquidlow viscosity flows easily; high viscosity = thick, syrupy liquids that do not flow easilyblood has viscosity about 5x that of water
hematocrit is reduced due to inadequate production of hemoglobin
systolic pressure
the peak pressure measured during ventricular systole
diastolic pressure
minimum pressure measured during ventricular diastole
pulse pressure
difference between systolic and diastolic pressure
capillary hydrostatic pressure
pushes water out of capillary when CHP>BOP33mmHg at arteriolar end; 18mmHg at venous end
blood osmotic pressure
pulls water into capillary when BOP>CHP
2 factors that help venous blood overcome gravity and return to heart
muscular compression, respiratory pump
3 mechanisms or cardiovascular function
autoregulation, neural mechanisms, endocrine mechanisms
monitor blood pressure within aortic and carotid sinuses
monitor CO2, O2, and pH in blood and CSFcarotid and aortic bodies
antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
released at posterior pituitary gland in response to a decrease in blood volume, increase in osmotic concentration of blood, or in response to angiotensin IIwater-conserving effect, peripheral vasoconstriction
angiotensin II
formed in blood following release of renin by kidneystimulates cardiac output, triggers arteriole constriction, stimulates thirst, stimulates secretion of ADH and aldosterone
released by kidneys when blood pressure falls or when blood oxygen is lowsimulates red blood cell production
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
released by heart in response to too much bloodreduces blood volume by increasing loss of sodium ions and water at kidneys, reducing thirst, blocking release of ADH/aldosterone, and stimulating peripheral vasodilation
venous reserve
Large reservoirs of slowly moving venous blood in the liver, bone marrow, and skin
cystic medial necrosis
degenerative disease of connective tissue commonly associated with hypertension and aging; can cause dissecting aneurysms
aortic arch
left subclavian/left common carotid branch directlybrachiocephalic trunk comes off of aorta before branching into right subclavian/right common carotid
great saphenous vein
longest vein in body; drains blood from foot, leg, and thigh; joins with femoral vein
umbilical cord
2 arteries and 1 vein
foramen ovale
interatrial opening during development
ductus arteriosus
becomes ligamentum arteriosuma blood vessel in a fetus that bypasses pulmonary circulation by connecting the pulmonary artery directly to the ascending aorta
stationary blood clot
orthostatic hypotension
low blood pressure that occurs upon standing up
inflammation of a vein
varicose veins
sagging, swollen veins distorted by gravity and by the failure of the venous valves
right atrium
average pressure is 2mmHg
Korotkoff sounds
the sound heard as the pressure in the cuff falls below the systolic pressure
afferent vessels
efferent vessels
beta 2 receptors
arteriole dilation