Chapter 12: Sex Flashcards
Describe the male twin (Brian and Bruce) story
- In 1965 male twins (brian and bruce) were born in Canada.
- At 8 months old they both were circumsized, but Bruce’s was botched, causing his penis to fall off.
- Bruce has a sex arrangement surgery at 22 months old, and was raised as “Brenda”.
- The doctors encouraged the family to raise Brenda as a girl, followed by giving her estrogens during puberty
- Brenda was bullied and became suicidally depressed.
- At 14 Brenda learned what had happened and decided to live as “David Reimer”. He eventually had a reversed assignment, got married, but committed suicide at 38.
What did the story of Brenda alter?
The way that scientists view gender.
What conclusions did the Brenda story lead to?
Early life hormones are important
What skepticism was left after the Brenda story?
If genital reconstructive surgery was a good idea for infants.
Describe the story of Caster Semanya.
- Caster was born and raised as a girl and made it to the olympics for running.
- People began to question if she was a man or woman due to her appearance.
- After medical testing, it was found that she mad much higher than normal levels of testosterone.
- It was discovered that she has a 5a Reductase deficiency, XY chromosomes, undescended testes, and a shallow vagina.
- She also appeared to have no uterus or fallopian tubes
- This occurred since without 5a Reductase, no masculinization of the genitals can occur.
- She still continues to identify as a woman.
What does the story of Caster Semanya point to?
The complexity of sex and gender
Sexual Behavior
Neural circuity of the brain regulates behavior
Sexual behavior is ________.
Highly diverse
What is identified in rodents in regards to sexual behavior?
Specific neural circuits
Guide reproductive behavior in many species
What are the 4 stages of reproductive behavior?
- Sexual Attraction
- Appetitive Behavior
- Copulation
- Post Copulatory Behavior
Stage 1: Sexual Attraction
Brings males and females together
What 2 things can sexual attraction occur with?
- Physiological readiness to reproduce
- Learned associations (appearance)
What is an example of physiological readiness to reproduce?
Odors (pheromones) reflect estrogen levels in females
Stage 2: Appetitive Behavior
Establish, maintain, or promote sexual interaction
What is an example of appetitive behavior in female rats?
A proceptive female rat may approach males or perform “ear wiggling”
A state in which an animal advertises its readiness to mate through typical species behaviors
What are examples of proceptive male behaviors in rats?
- Staying near the female
- Sniffing
-Singing - Nest building
(dependent on species)
Species Specific Behavior
Appetitive behaviors differ based on the species
Stage 3: Copulation
Involves one or more insertions of the male penis into the female vagina
What occurs after the stimulation of the genitals?
The male ejaculates sperm into the female
What differs in rats copulation compared to humans?
In rats, there are multiple insertions (and rounds) prior to ejaculation
Why are multiple intromissions (insertions) necessary?
Repeated stimulation of the cervix and vagina is needed for the brain to release hormones that support pregnancy.
What occurs after copulation?
A refractory phase (length varies based on species)
Coolidge Effect
A natural tendency of an animal that appears to be sexually satisfied with a present partner to resume sexual activity when provided with a better partner.
If the female is willing to copulate, she is…
sexually receptive or in estrus
When is the female willing to mate?
If offspring are likely (around ovulation)
Stage 4: Post Copulatory Behavior
Occurs after copulatory behavior and varies across species
- Can include parental behaviors to nurture offspring
Copulatory Lock
The penis swells and cannot be withdrawn from the female.
What species does the copulatory lock occur in?
Dogs and some mice
Internal Fertilization
Sperm fertilizes eggs inside the female’s body
External Fertilization
Eggs are released outside the female’s body
What animals perform internal fertilization?
Mammals, birds, and reptiles
What animals perform external fertilization?
fish and frogs (amphibians)
- release gametes into water
How often do female rats ovulate?
Every 4-5 days
What occurs during estrus in female rats?
The female will display proceptive behavior and adopt a position called lordosis, allowing for insertion.
The period during which female animals are sexually receptive.
A female receptive posture in quadrupeds in which the hindquarters are raised and the tail is turned to one side, facilitating intromission by the male.
What happens in some rodents that live together before and after copulation?
Pair bonds form
Pair Bonds
A durable and exclusive relationship between two individuals of the same species (mates)
What is an example of a species that forms pair bonds?
Prairie Voles
Are prairie voles monogamous?
They are socially monogamous, but not sexually monogamous
What are sex steroid hormones important in?
Mating behaviors
What happens to a castrated male rat?
Testosterone is no longer produced, which causes the male to lose interest in mating.
What can restore normal mating behavior in castrated males?
Testosterone treatments
Activational Effect
A temporary change in behavior resulting from the administration of a hormone to an adult animal.
What is an example of an activational effect?
testosterone treatment
What occurred when 3 castrated guinea pigs were given testosterone?
An incline in their copulatory scores
- Amount of testosterone given did not determine the score (just needed enough)
What is estrogen important for?
Female proceptive behavior
When is estrogen produced?
The beginning of the ovulatory cycle
What are the effects of progesterone?
- Increases in proceptive behavior
- Makes females sexually receptive
What hormones will a female without ovaries respond to?
A combination of estrogen and progesterone
- makes her more proceptive and receptive
In female rats, what is crucial for the lordosis response through steroid actions?
What 2 things does estrogen cause in female rats?
- Increase in dendritic trees of neurons in the VMH
- Production of progesterone receptors
What do progesterone receptors contribute to?
Lordosis through protein production
What happens when both estrogen and testosterone are in circulation?
The effects of estrogen on the length and connectivity of VMH dendrites are reversed.
What is the path of the VMH sending axons?
- Periaqueductal Gray
- Medullary Reticular Formation
- Spinal cord via reticulospinal tract
What happens when the male mounts the female?
The sensory information via the spinal cord evokes lordosis.
Ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH)
Monitors steroid hormone concentrations and activates a multi synaptic pathway that induces spinal motor neurons to contract back muscles in response to male mounting, producing lordosis.
When does the sending of axons from the VMH occur?
During the right time in the ovulatory cycle
Medial Preoptic Area (mPOA)
Coordinates male copulatory behavior in rats
How does the mPOA work?
- Sends axons to the ventral midbrain, then to the basal ganglia to coordinate mounting.
- Axons also project through the brainstem nuclei to the spinal cord.
Paragigantocellular Nucleus (PGN)
A region of the brainstem reticular formation that normally inhibits the erection response
How does mPOA interact with PGN?
The mPOA signals counteract the inhibition of erection created by PGN.
The mPOA and PGN are…
antagonists of each other
Do humans have pheromones?
Chemical signals that communicate information between animals to help coordinate their reproductive activities
What is an example similar to pheromones in humans?
The menstrual cycles of women living together may schnchronize
Vomeronasal Organ (VMO)
Detects pheromones which activate male arousal
What is the path of pheromones?
- Meidal Amygdala
- mPOA
What are hormones and pheromones key in determining?
Sexual behavior in both males and females
Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)
A group of immune related genes with many alleles
What scent of MHCs do women prefer on men?
Not too similar/dissimilar from their own
What do humans differ from other species in?
Reproductive behaviors
(Face to face positions are most common in human reproduction, while rear is most common in other species)
What is an example of a subjective response in humans?
What are the 4 stages of sexual response?
- Excitement
- Plateau
- Orgasm
- Resolution
Stage 1: Excitement
The phallus (penis in males and clitoris inn females) becomes erect and there is an increased blood flow to the vagina, leading to the production of lubricating fluid.
Stage 2: Plateau
Increased stimulation prior to the orgasm.
Stage 3: Orgasm
The peak of sexual experience, marked by extremely pleasurable sensations
Mens Sexual Response
Tend to have an absolute refractory phase following the orgasm.
Women Sexual Response
Greater variety of responses, with 3 typical patterns (copulatory sequences)
What images causes the brain to activate in the same regions?
Sexual images and cocaine with images
What imaging techniques allows for the indication of active brain regions?
What parts of the brain are activated during an orgasm?
- Amygdala
- Cingulate cortex
- Nucleus accumbens
- Hippocampus
What are the hypothalamic regions responsible for after orgasm?
The release of oxytocin
How can women with spinal cord injuries still have orgasms?
The vagal nerve detects stimulation, which leads to the same activation of brain structures in non-paralyzed women.
What gender has a higher sex drive?
What is the first problem with researching the differences in sexes?
Research may describe differences, but it does not reveal the source of differences
What is the relationship between differences in sexes?
The differences BETWEEN sexes are almost always smaller than differences WITHIN sexes.
What is the second problem with researching the differences in sexes?
It can be very difficult to identify and rule out potential confounds
What are women more selective in choosing?
Someone for potential romance