Ch7 Flashcards
Comitia centuriata
Popular assembly
Sella curious
Ivory chair of kings and consuls
Magister populi
Early dictator
Magister equitum
2nd to the dictator
Conflict of the orders
Tensions and aggression between plebs and pats
First secession of plebs
494bc plebs go to aventine in mass strike diffused by meninius Agrippa w/ belly and limbs speech and tribune establishment
Lex sacrata
Tribunate established and made sacred
Lex publilia
Made plebeian council which elects tribunes
Terentilius harsa
Argued first for 12 tables in 462
Decemviri 1 established
December viri 1
10 men made first 10 tables of law
Decemviri 2
5 patricians and 5 plebs made last two tables “unjust” chaired by appius Claudius
Raped by appius Claudius killed by her father virginius
2nd secession of the plebs
Ended Decemviri 2 and put valarius publicola potius and haratius Barbatus in office who then passed valerio horatian laws
Valerio horatian laws
Passed 449bc made plebicitas provocatio and sacrosanctitas
Lex canulea
Plebeian patrician intermarriage 445bc