35/36 Flashcards
Pisonian conspiracy
Calpurnius piso and faenius Rufus revolt against Nero in 65 ad- are put down
The revolt of vindex
Governor of gallia lugdoninsis revolts against Nero in march 68 put down by virginius Rufus in at vesontio
Governor of hispania tarraconensis told he was emporer by icelus
Galba’s initial revolts
Clodius macer in Africa- assassinated
Fonteius capito in lower Germany - assasinated by Fabius valens
Nymphidus sabinus in the praetorians- killed by his own troops
Cornelius laco
Galba’s praetorian prefect
Galba’s age in 69
Galba as a ruler
Utterly incompetent, recalled virginius executed Nero’s men, punished Gauls who supported Nero
Otho’s conspiricy
On January 15 69 after being passed over as successor in favor of piso Licinianus he took com and of the praetorians and killed Galba
Vitellius’ revolt
Fabius valens who began to revolt under Galba proclaims vitallius emporer in the rhine and Germany on 3 January 69
Vitellius’ advance to Italy
Rapid and lead by his lieutenants vs,ens and caecina but was prone to attacks from alpine tribes such as the helvetii
1st battle of Cremona
Vitellius beats Otho Otho commits suicide
Vitellius’ reign
Executed otho’s centurians had lavish parties was clearly inept
People who proclaimed Vespasian
Tiberius Alexander-Egypt r, licinius mucianus- Syria
1 July 69
Vespasian officially announces his campaign for the empire
Vespasians rebellion strategy
Leisurely effectively a seige of Italy from Egypt at first
Antonius primus
Danubeleader who supported Vespasian and invaded its;y without the permission of the higher ranked officer licinius mucianus
2nd prattle of Cremona
Antonius primus defeats the vittelian armies
Vespasian made emporer
December 69 after primus takes Rome for him
First equestrian emperor
Vespasian hometown
Asleep while Nero sang
Vespasian’s death
Darling of all mankind
Titus untill plauge in 81
Dominus est deus
All purple robes
Flavian constitution
Adlectio begun
Equites replace feedmen
Senate neglected
Mt. Vesuvius
Erupts in 79 destroys Herculaneum Pompeii and stabiae
Flavian economy
Good soldier pay increased under Titus even Domition did well with the economy
Command Jerusalem after Vespasian
Taken over by Titus in 70
Seige of Jerusalem
Slow and difficult for 6 month in 70-71
Jerusalem after the sacking
Retreated to three forts, herodium machaerus and Masada the last of which held out untill 73
Seige of Masada
Lead by flavius Silva lasted 6 months in 73 ended in a mass suicide after a land bridge is made to enter the fortress 2 women and five children survived
Flavians vs Judaism
Banned proselytizing, taxed heavily, Titus burned the temple, Jewish government abolished
Civilis’ rebellion
Initially declared for Vespasian then attacked anything Roman including the town of vetera 69
Classicus’ rebellion
This Cheif of the treviri In an attempt to make a Gallic empire rose an army with tutor and helped civilis conquer vetera
Fall of classicus and civilis
Petilius cerialis with the army if mucianus suppresses their revolt in a battle at trier in 71
Vettius bolanus
Romans invest trooos in side of the brigantines under him from 69-71
Cerelius in brittan
Appointed in 71 defeated the divorced husband of cartamandua with the help of Agricola legate of legion 20
Sextus Julius frontiers
Appointed in brittan 74-78-> advanced into wales against legio 2 Augusta to a new fort at isca silurium
Defeated the silures destroyed their town llanmelin woods then settled the rest of wales
British governor 78 +
Agricola’s advances under Titus
Defeated ordovices by over running Mona in 78
Advanced from deva and eboracum in order to overrun brigantia in 79
Conquered the lowlands of Scotland in 80
In 81 forts were built from bodotria to Clyde along the side of the future Antonine wall
Agricola under Domition
Advanced into Scotland culminating in 84 at the battle of mons graupis where he earned his triumph
Mons graupis
Agricola captures Scotland definitely near Inverness
Flavian brittan after Agricola
Abandoned Scotland left the rest to the control of the following legions: 2 Augusta at isca, 20 Valeria vitrix at deva, 9 hispania at clyde
Chatti vs Domition
Two attacks in 83 and 89 after the flavians had taken the Black Forest and Neckar both personally seen to by Domition
Domition’ s frontier system
Highly Effective and underrated
Pinarius Clemens
Defeated the suebi and rattae in 74
Invaded moesia from 68-69 put down by infantry assault during civil war
First Dacian invasion in 69
Brief, defeated easily
Samaritans in 70
Killed moesia governor killed by his successor
Powerful Dacian king, invaded moesia in 85 ad
Adamklissi battle
Decebalus defeats the legate of moesia, oppius sabinus
Cornelius fuscus vs Decebalus
Decebalus defeats him in 86
Tettius iulianus vs Decebalus
The former defeated the latter at tapae only for Domition to declare peace soon after 88/89
Domition in the Danube
Sensible defensive reforms
Vespasian titles
Restitutor orbis, divus
Caecina’s revolt
Put down out of hand by Titus whose succession was opposed
Antonius Saturninus vs Domition
He revolts then is put down by the army of lappius Maximus Norbanus
Flavians vs poets
Flavians were largely opposed by the artistic community and oft slanderedthey offered little retribution until Domition who reopened mainstas trials