Ch 20 Flashcards
Tribune 133
T grac
151 poly
Brief squall in which consuls are imprisoned by tribunes acting on the will of the people(draft dogging repeats in 138
Tribune 139
Aulus gabunius- attempted to reform voting
Tribune 137
Cassius Longinus attempts to extend power to judicial assemblies of the people
Tiberius pedigree
Father t sempronius gracchus twice consul once censor
Mother Cornelia daughter of Africanus
Tiberius accomplishes pre 133
First over the wall at Carthage , negotiated Numa Tia with hostilius mancinus
Tiberius gracchus’ tutors
Diophanes, blossius of cumae
Tiberius’ motivation
Poor servile conditions in Etruria, Spain and the first servile war
First servile war
135-133- Syrian eunus, and cicilian cleon revolt in Sicily
Tiberius’ land reform
Proposed in 133 caps land owner ship at 500 iugera and distributes excess to the poor
Gaius lailius’ land reform
Similar to Tiberius’ but withdrawn due to opposition c. 145
Tiberius’ supporters
Appius Claudius pulcher, the princps senatue, p. Licinus Crassus( still not that one), and mucius scaevola( not that one)
Gaius flaminius’ land reform
Like Tiberius’ didn’t go to senate in 232
Tiberius’ senate shenanigans
He slips the senate and goes straight to the people
M. Octavius
Fellow tribune, Vetoed tiberius’ bill causinga delay until Tiberius had him recalled and beaten out of the concilium
Tiberius’ commission
Himself Gaius and appius Claudius pulcher ran redistribution
Funding the commission
Intitially the senate refused to fund but after Attilus’ death Tiberius bypassed the senate to get the money from his will
Tiberius’ second tribunate
Tiberius in a time of poor polling attempts to become tribune again which was illegal
Law 180 bc
Lex villia- consecutive magistracy is illegal
Tiberius’ death
After tense debating a mob including senators lead by ex consul scipio nasica beat Tiberius to death along with 300 supporters
Consul of 132
Publius popillius - mass murdered gracchen supporters
Scipio nasica’s death
Honorable exiled to Asia died of old age
Gaius attinius
Attempted to mob metelus macedonicus off a cliff but was luckily stopped by fellow senators
Tiberius’ commission after Tiberius
Continued on triberius was replaced with Crassus
Leges tabelariae
Proposed by papirius carbo in 131 allows tribunes to be reelected
Aemilianus’ quote about Tiberius
If Tiberius intended to seize the state then he was killed justly
Aemilianus poly 129
Stoped non citizens from having their land redistributed
Aemilianus’ death
Possibly suicide possibly antoninia
Iunius pennus proposes anti foreign law that would expel foreigners from Rome
Fulvius flaccus proposes more open citizen ship expanding it to all Allies he is sent to Gaul to help massilia against the saluvii
Tribune in 123 and 122
Gaius gracchus
Gaius’ policies
Removed restrictions on the agrarian commission , built roads, founded colonies including junonia on the site of Carthage, socialized grain, provided cloths to recruits and made the minimum army age of 17
Gaius’ political reforms
Exiled popillius, moved the courts to the equestrian class, made senate decide consular provences before the election, stopped the tax exempt status of pergamum handeled poorly giving power to corporations.
Gaius’ franchise bill
Similar to flaccus’ opposed by Gaius fannius killed by a veto by livious drussus
Livius drussus
Vocal opponent of Gaius gracchus, amended and improved many of his bills and was a direct challenge to Gaius unparalleled political power
Gaius’ election for 121
Failed because of rumors of returning to the site of Carthage
Minucius Rufus
Senatorial pawn deleted Gaius’ colony of iunonia in 121 when he was tribune
The scuffle with Gaius
Gaius gets in a scuffle with opimius’ men, the senate does SCU him’
The SCU of Gaius
He and flaccus flee to aventine are killed and there supporters executed or arrested over 3000 die
Messalina asks for help against French Ligurians leading to an uneventful attack on Liguria
Messalina complained about Liguria again
124 campaign
Fulvius flaccus fights in France against ligurians culminating in a success at isere in 124
Sextius calvinius in France
Founds aquae sextiae and desemates ligurians
Domitius ahenobarbarus fights first trans alpine battle at Avignon
Defeat of the averni
Fabius Maximus defeats averni under bituitus with a smaller force, “120000 for only 15”
Fate of bituitus
Betrayed and held in Roman prison in 120, Rome takes medeterrainian France
Early Roman freinds in Gaul
Metellus belearicus conquers balaeric islands